Security :: "Remember Me Next Time" - Does It Really Work

Dec 21, 2010

I have a .net 3.5 app that uses forms authentication. I recently decided to utilize the built-in "Remember me next time" on the login screen. I thought it would be a very simple thing (it is a 'built-in' feature afterall). Unfortunately it did not work on the first try. I then spend many hours browsing the Net and reading many posts about problems associated with the feature. My environment is as follows:

client machine: XP SP3, IE8
server: Windows Server 2008, IIS7, application .net 3.5

The relevant sections in the Web.config in the root of the app directory:


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Security :: Remember Me Next Time Doesn't Work?

Oct 2, 2010

In the login control, the "Remember me next time" checkbox does not appear to work.

If I check it when logging in, when I log in the next time, even a minute later, I go to the login page again.

It seems the cookie is not being written to the client. Can't find it anywhere.

My web.config contains:


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Security :: Remember Me Next Time - How To Use - C#

Jan 14, 2011

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Security :: Login-control - Remember Me Next Time?

Jun 2, 2010

Having trouble getting "remember me" to work! When I close my browser down, then it should remember me the next time!

This is my code in web.config :

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="appName" path="/" loginUrl="Default.aspx" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="600000" slidingExpiration="true" />

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Sep 5, 2010

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I saw Windows Live login control has an extra checkbox Remember my password? How can we achieve this feature in our custom login control? I have read many tutorials but I can not able to solve my queries.

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May 26, 2010

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C# - Password Remember Does Not Work As Needed

Apr 1, 2010

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Security :: "Remember Me" Doesn't Remember

May 10, 2010

im having a login control in my website with a remember me option. i check the remember me but it does not remember me. here is a part of my web.config. i browsed over the other answers on this forum but nothing :( I also have the cookies allowed


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Oct 21, 2010

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Aug 19, 2010

Suppose we don't want to use login controls of and cookies. So is there any way for active remember password?

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Security :: Browser Not Asking For Remember Password?

Dec 13, 2010

We have a page where we ask users to enter only password in "enter password page" (the user name is taken in previous page).

The Issue is that when the page that asks user to enter password is opened in browser and when user enters password and clicks submit button, the browser does not ask the user to remember/save password,

Due to this when user opens that page next time, user have to retype the password.

You might have seen that in almost all sites whenever we open a login page, the browser asks weather we want to remember the password for next visit.

From the research done so far, we have found that browser remembers password only when the username and password textboxs are on the same page. But in our case we split down the username textbox and password textbox in two different pages.

Is there any way to let browser ask to user weather to remember/save password in "enter password page"?

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Feb 28, 2011

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Dec 18, 2010

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Aug 12, 2010

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Security :: Login Control - Remember Me Code No Longer Works

Jan 15, 2011

This code worked until I published a recent set of changes to the web site. It's very strange behavior that I am having trouble debugging. Basically, I implemented some custom code to allow custom configuration of login timeouts from an app settings variable.

When debugging the application, if I click remember me or not, Login works perfectly. Once I post the updated code to the live server, login only works if I have the Remember Me option unchecked. If I check remember me, it does not log in, and it cycles the user back to the default web page. If I access the site from IE on the live server, remember me works correctly.

Here is the Logged_In event handler code:



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Security :: Pass Whether User Has Checked "REMEMBER ME CHECKBOX" While Logging In

Oct 7, 2010

I am using Form Based Authentication in my application. I am using standard method to create FormsAuthentication cookie using

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie('username', boolRememberMe)
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket =
new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1,
username, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60),
remember, UserObject.Entity.UserName);

When clicked on particular URL, i need to pass whether user has checked REMEMBER ME CHECKBOX while logging in. How can I determine this using FOrmsAuthentication mechanism?

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Security :: Login Is Doesn't Worked If "remember Me" Has Been Selected?

May 15, 2010

I have a issue, when I checked the "remember me" check box when login, but login is doesnt worked. If i unchecked the "remember me", the login function just working fine. It's weird, because this only happen in my production server, it's working fine in my local mechine.

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Security :: Encrypt Password And Make "Remember Me" Button?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using login control. I need to encrypt my password and make my "Remember me" button work. What should i do?

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Security :: "Remember Me" Functionality Not Working

Jul 16, 2010

Im trying to get the "Remember Me" function to work, but i cant get it to work at all.... Heres parts of my code. In login.aspx

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(usernamebox.Text, CheckRememberMe.Checked);
<forms loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" name=".authCookie" cookieless="UseCookies" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="default.aspx"/>

When I login and then return to the login page nothing happens...isnt it suppose to login me in?

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Security :: Time In LastLoginDate Field Ahead Of Local Server Time 3 Hours?

Mar 25, 2010

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Security :: Can't Get "Remember Me" Working

Jun 4, 2010

I've got a Silverlight project that is very low security but does use the membership provider for logging in members to post in a forum. I wrote my own login/out and pw change functions which all seem to work fine but regardless of what I do, you're asked to log in in a short time (probably the 30 min default).

In my log in I have this, which I thought set the persistence as true:

WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(log,this.LoginOperation_Completed, null);

And in my web config I have this:


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MVC :: Cookies Don't Work Second Time In IE 8?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a page on which there is a parent organisation followed by a list of child organisations. To view the data of these child organisations, there is a GO button for each child organisation. I set the ID of the child organisation in a cookie on the click of the GO button. When I come back to the home page, I delete the cookie.

My problem is that in IE 8 the first time the GO button works fine. But when I come back to the home page and click on the GO button of the same child organisation, the ID is not set in the cookie.

This problem does not occur in Firefox at all.

This is the code in JavaScript where I set the cookie and then call my page.

function GetOrganisation(id, path) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("SetOrganisationID", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id }, function (data) {
if (data.Success) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("GetOrganisationDetails", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id });


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Hyperlink Does Not Work First Time?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a link containing ID & name on the URL, based on the ID & name i returned image data from DB via method. The link is not loading the image first time when the link is clicked, when you refresh again the image comes back.

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Impossible Time Getting 4.0 To Work In Any Fashion?

Jun 2, 2010

having an impossible time getting 4.0 to work in any fashion at all. In fact, I completely wiped my server,reinstalled with Server 2008 R2 Standard (running on a VMWare ESXi box, not that it should matter),and cannot even get a test .aspx page to work.


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JQuery :: FadeIn Does Not Work After The First Time

Aug 18, 2010


FadeIn does not work after the first time

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