MVC :: Cookies Don't Work Second Time In IE 8?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a page on which there is a parent organisation followed by a list of child organisations. To view the data of these child organisations, there is a GO button for each child organisation. I set the ID of the child organisation in a cookie on the click of the GO button. When I come back to the home page, I delete the cookie.

My problem is that in IE 8 the first time the GO button works fine. But when I come back to the home page and click on the GO button of the same child organisation, the ID is not set in the cookie.

This problem does not occur in Firefox at all.

This is the code in JavaScript where I set the cookie and then call my page.

function GetOrganisation(id, path) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("SetOrganisationID", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id }, function (data) {
if (data.Success) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("GetOrganisationDetails", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id });


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Cookies Login Doesn't Work

Mar 24, 2011

I have a problem. I have done custom "Remember Me" functionality using cookies.


I see the cookie in firecookies tools in the Firefox. It exists and has the correct expiration date.

But when I changed time - moved to next month. After that I entered to the site and I unlogged user.

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Web Forms :: Cookies Getting Expired Before Expiration Time

Mar 27, 2014

I am using below code to store cookie

if (Request.Cookies["Cookie"] == null) {
HttpCookie CookieFavourite = new HttpCookie("Cookie1");
CookieFavourite.Value = id;
} else {
Response.Cookies["CookieFavourite"].Value = Response.Cookies["CookieFavourite"].Value + "," + SomeValue;
I specify expiry date equal to 1 year. This cookie value is modified by user almost every day.

But this cookie expire after 12 hrs(approx) although i specity the expiry limit to 1 year.

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State Management :: Cookies Doesn't Work - How To Solve Code

May 20, 2010

I try to use some cookies in my website.

But it isn't working right now.... , maybe becuase he doensn't run at a domain and locally like:


But i like to be sure about this, and is my code ok?

The first one i run it , he runs the code between the if statemant.

The second one he has a cookie so he doesn't run the code between the if, but, the value of the coockie is null ?

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How Does Session Handling Work / Sessions Eat Up All Memory If Cookies Are Disabled

Oct 28, 2010

In my project I have configured .NET's sessions to go into database.

I also have a global.asax which implements Session_Start().

In Session_Start() I write three things to the session:

The time the session started.

The user's host address.

A serializable device object wrapping the user's agent.

The problem is now that users which don't allow cookies won't allow session cookies either.

(Easily reproducable by putting the site URL to the restricted sites of IE).

If I keep on refreshing (put finger on F5) a new session is created for every request (-> no session cookie). Shortly, the web server process grows to some hundred megabytes.

It does not matter if you use IIS7 or Cassini Local Webserver.

The issue is now: the memory does not get released until the sessions time out. What is the logic here if sessions should really go to database? How long will .NET keep them in memory? Eventually, you'll even get Out Of Memory exceptions!

Anybody know? How to detect and prevent such (almost malicious) "attacks"?

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Jquery Cookies - States Of Sliding Panel Doesn't Work

Jan 5, 2011

I have a little problem with my sliding panels, I have a Page with 2 sliding panels (right and left). These panels have a 'slide button' and you can reduce panels by clicking on it. I use cookies to record state of panel, so when you change page panels stay collapsed or extended. But it doesn't work very well, in fact the state is recorded for the page. If I change page, panel will extend (default position) but if I go back on the page it will disapear. Is it possible to ignore the path in the cookie and use a cookie for all website?
Jquery code :

$('#rightfold').click(function () {
if ($('.menudroite').is(':visible')) {
$('.menudroite').hide("slide", { direction: "right" }, 400);
$.cookie('rightfold', 'collapsed');
$('.triggerdroite').animate({ backgroundColor: "#B2C9D1" }, 1000);
$('#rightfold').animate({ color: "#000000" }, 1000);
else {
$('.menudroite').show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 400);
$.cookie('rightfold', 'extended');
$('.triggerdroite').animate({ backgroundColor: "#6c7a7f" }, 1000);
$('#rightfold').animate({ color: "#d9f4ff" }, 1000);
$('#leftfold').click(function () {
if ($('.menugauche').is(':visible')) {
$('.menugauche').hide("slide", { direction: "left" }, 400);
$.cookie('leftfold', 'collapsed');
$('.triggergauche').animate({ backgroundColor: "#B2C9D1" }, 1000);
$('#leftfold').animate({ color: "#000000" }, 1000);
else {
$('.menugauche').show("slide", { direction: "left" }, 400);
$.cookie('leftfold', 'extended');
$('.triggergauche').animate({ backgroundColor: "#6c7a7f" }, 1000);
$('#leftfold').animate({ color: "#d9f4ff" }, 1000);
var leftfold = $.cookie('leftfold');
var rightfold = $.cookie('rightfold');
// Set the user's selection for the left column
if (leftfold == 'collapsed') {
$('.menugauche').css("display", "none");
// Set the user's selection for the right column
if (rightfold == 'collapsed') {
$('.menudroite').css("display", "none");

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Javascript - How To Get And Set Cookies / Getting Different Values For The Cookies In Different Pages?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm handling cookies using JavaScript to store some values in my web application.I use document.cookie to save some values (converted into a lengthy string). But i want that value to be accessible across all the pages in my application.When i try to get that value from a different page, i get the values pertaining to the document in the current URL.

In short i save the value in the cookie in http://myapp/doc1.aspx and want to retrieve it in http://myapp/doc2.aspx

So is document.cookie is pertaining to a single document scope? How can i save/read cookies across the site?

Update.This is how i get and set cookies

function getCookie(c_name)
try{ [code]...

But i'm getting different values for the cookies in different pages.

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Security :: Remember Me Next Time Doesn't Work?

Oct 2, 2010

In the login control, the "Remember me next time" checkbox does not appear to work.

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Jan 23, 2011

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I'm able to add a updatepanel trigger to force the Button1 to perform a postback. after the file uploaded, I need to use a timer to do different tasks and return messages back to client with the timer. That is all fine.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Edit Button Does Not Work At First Time

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I have a simple GridView with AutoGenerateColumns,Edit and DeleteButton = true

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<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="dettaglioprodotti" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DEDFDE"

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Relationship Between HttpContext.Request.Cookies And HttpContext.Response.Cookies

Nov 23, 2010

I have been experimenting with code that will clear all of the cookies in an HttpContext.Response.Initially, I used this:

DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });

this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.

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Does The Request.Cookies Collection Get Copied To The Response.Cookies Collection

Apr 1, 2011

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Jan 16, 2010


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Security :: "Remember Me Next Time" - Does It Really Work

Dec 21, 2010

I have a .net 3.5 app that uses forms authentication. I recently decided to utilize the built-in "Remember me next time" on the login screen. I thought it would be a very simple thing (it is a 'built-in' feature afterall). Unfortunately it did not work on the first try. I then spend many hours browsing the Net and reading many posts about problems associated with the feature. My environment is as follows:

client machine: XP SP3, IE8
server: Windows Server 2008, IIS7, application .net 3.5

The relevant sections in the Web.config in the root of the app directory:


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Global Time Settings / Displaying The Canadian Time Instead Of India Time?

Oct 1, 2010

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To Get The Time Difference Between The Replied Time With Arrived Time Of The Mail?

Aug 2, 2010

i have to listen my mail server for every 30 min. i have a distribution list and i want to count number of email comes for that distribution list and no of replies goes from the outlook for every 30 minutes. also i need to get the time difference between the replied time with arrived time of the mail. so show me some sample code

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How To Get The Time Slot Of Telerik's Scheduler From Client Side By The Time Or Date Of That Time Slot

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But now i'm binding it from client side through WebService which has no such "onClientTimeSlotCreated" event, also these time slots are not having any identity at client side to access.

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