Security :: Building A Login Form Using Linq?

Oct 30, 2010

I need a login form (user/pass) using LINQ.

I need a sample code for this. Its urgent ...suggest how can i do it ASAP . any open project from where i can take the login part ?

any code you dont mind sharing ?

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How can I get programatically user status and use it in condition for displaying login form/login status?

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Security :: IIS Login Form Not Working

Jul 8, 2010

I am working on an e-commerce project using ASP.Net and C#.Net (Visual Studio 2005-Windows XP).

I am facing problems in the login module. I created the login accounts using the roles and users in the ASP.Net Website Administration Tool. The login module is working fine when I test the website within the Visual Studio. I mean the login form is working properly under the Development Server integrated in the Visual Studio. What I want is to make this work properly under IIS (i.e. the Production Server). When I deployed the project to the IIS, the login form with the login control is displayed, but cannot login and gives a login failed message. . I have searched about this issue in Google and they are providing good tutorial links to solve this issue. Even after reading those I couldn't solve this as I am new to Web Development. Can you provide me a sample source code with the web.config and also a description of the major steps in configuring IIS to support the role based login?

I had gone through the following titles under google

"Always set the "applicationName" property when configuring ASP.NET 2.0 Membership and other Providers".

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Security :: How To Login Form Authentication

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I have some problems regarding login form authentication.Can anyone of you share running login authentication codes.

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Security :: Using Login Form With Windows Authentication?

Nov 25, 2010

I have developed an Interanet web application using the windows Active directory authentication if user find then it automaticaly authenticated working correctly now my user wants the capability of being able to login to the intranet site as another user by providing the username and Password . For example, Team lead needs to login on other team memeber System to pefrom some task on his behalf if he or she is not aviable in office .

I have created a standard MS Login Page. However when I try to login on the page only by providing the Username system authenitcate the user ( not validating the password of that user)

My Web.config is shown below


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Security :: Secure Login Form Without Using WSAT?

Jul 13, 2010

I wish to do a simple and secure login form, for which I have seen tutorials keeping login information and roles set through the ASP.Net WebSite Administration Tool.

Is there any secure way to do a login page without using WSAT at all. provide me good tutorial links for creating a custom login form, having the capability of redirecting to login page if user is not authorized etc.

I don't wish to use the WebSite Administration Tool.

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Apr 1, 2010

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Security :: Form Authentication With Multiple Login Pages?

Mar 10, 2011

I have read the many posts of people trying to use two different login pages: one for users and one for admins. My question is very different. I have a Site.master page with a LoginView and LoginControl. I then have three root level pages Default.aspx, About.aspx, and Contact.aspx that derive from the Site.master. All three pages are set in the web.config to be allowed to all users. I then have a MemberPage in a Member folder which is only accessible to authenticated users. What I want to have happen is to be able to login from either the Default, About, or Contact pages and then be directed to the MemberPage.

View 2 Replies

Security :: Application Using AD Form Authentication - Login Not Responding

Aug 23, 2010

I've encountered a problem with intranet ASP.NET Application using AD Form Authentcation. The login and authorization is built using this KB It works fine on DEV but not in UAT and PROD.

Basically, the problem is:1. In DEV, users see login page and they enter domain user name and password and login process happens with no issue.

2. But in PROD and UAT, the same application when the users see the login page (first time) and they submit the login form no response. The login button does nothing. The user closes the browser and come back to login page and it works second time. Strange, this doesn't happen in DEV.

3. Further, on DEV by changing the LDAP path to PROD or UAT, the users can still login the first time. It's only the PROd and UAT that seems to be a problem. Not sure whether it's IIS setting or domain policy or something else.....

Not sure what's causing this issue. The only difference that I can see between DEV and UAT/PROD is:

1. DEV has no load balance but UAT and PROD has.

2. In DEV application is installed under Default Website and on PROD/UAT it's under new website.

The IIS settings has been setup as per given KB. I

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Security :: Login Form Using Either User Id Or Email Or Phone Number?

Apr 20, 2010

I have to make a login form using The login form should either accept

Username ID or

Email ID or

Phone number

---- either of one ,and match it with the password of the corresponding record in the user table.

The user table has following column:- U_ID(varchar),mail(varchar),Phone(Number),Password(Varchar)

The form has two textfields - 1. Username


And a submit button. If combination is correct I should be redirected to the Index page.

But I don't have to scan through all the columns of the user table to match the password.

(a)If the user enters user­_id say- ID 10012 then we should be able to search only the record in the user_id column as it has alphanumeric or varchar data type and match with corresponding password.

(b)If the user enters Email id we should be able to search through the email id column as email id contains "@ and ." sign.

(c)If the user enters phone number then we should search only the phone column as it has numeric datatype.

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Security :: Authenicating But Being Thrown Back To Login Form On Localhost

Oct 31, 2010

I am using windows 7 ultimate with vs 2010 ultimate. I am having a strange problem, when I try to log into my website Iam prompted for a userid/password by the login control, I enter in the correct userid and password it authenicates me and then brings me back to the same form.. its like I';m not being loged in but when I run my application in the debugger I see that the "void LoginConrol_LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)" gets hit correctly, but then I once again get presented with the login for instead of proceeding as being logged it.. if I enter in the incorrect user credentials then I am prompted with the error.. My site works correctly on the proiduction machine being server 2008 but for some reason is acting like this on my development machine being windows 2008..

void LoginConrol_LoggedIn(object
sender, EventArgs

View 5 Replies

Security :: Post Login/password From Aspx To A Form On Another Site?

Feb 13, 2011

My employer would like me to create a login page with our logo that:

1.User enter their login and password on our page

2.posts the login/password to the form on one of our client's login pages

3. Takes them user to the client's site, logged in.

I tried searching but most examples don't show how I can then bring the user to the client url, logged in. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Security :: Form Authentication For Multiple Login Page In Same Application?

May 29, 2010

I have created a web application which has two section user and admin. Admin files are within
~/admin folder and user files are in ~/User folder. Admin and user has two different login page within respective directory.

Now I want two apply form authentication for admin and user section. Is it possible to apply form authentication for two different section in a web application?

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Security :: How To Have A Page Do Single Sign On To An Iframed Classic Login Form

Jan 15, 2010

I have this .net page that is iframing a page that requires username and password. Does any one know if a way i can provide this page the username and password behind the scenes and autologin the user (from thier eyes at least)?

The calling page is a ..NET page but the page that I am iframing in is a classic ASP page.

I was told that i may have to do something like create a security auth ticket and pass the token which I am not sure how to do or even start

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Security :: Forms Authentication In Web.config / Access To Folder Be Made Via Login Form?

May 28, 2010

i have a problem with forms authentication. i have a website and want to restrict access to an especific folder. i want the access to this folder be made via the login form this is what i have in the web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="Compra" loginUrl="wfLogin.aspx" path="/" protection="All" timeout="30" />
<allow users="*"/>

Then this to restrict folder

<location path="Admin">
<deny users="*"/>

the problem is that when the user login with valid information the website return to the login form.

View 7 Replies

ADO.NET :: Dynamically Building A Linq To Sql Where Predicate

Sep 13, 2010

I just read this:

I have a couple questions,

1. is that predicateBuilder the only way to do this?

2. will the following code produce 'AND' or 'OR' connecting these?
foreach (string sParam in sParams)
query = query.where(item => item.Whatever == sParam);
assume query is an IQueryable<t>. This stucture also dynamically builds the where predicate right?

View 8 Replies

C# - Basic Measures Upon Building A Good Form?

Mar 8, 2011

Basic measures when building forms that interact with the sql database. What are the security measures (check insert strings, sql injection etc), and Do people use special controllers in order to format their data? I am using GridView and realizing its tables, which I dont like. If so are there any suggestions for data formatting controllers?

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Building A Form That Will Download Any File?

Jun 30, 2010

I have an idea of how to do what I have in mind, but I would prefer to ask for some advice just in case anyone can think of a better way.The idea is a simple application where administrators can upload any kind of file. Once the file is uploaded, they give out a username and password to a client, and the client will then access a private area where they will be able to view specific files available for them. ALL THIS IS DONE. My question is... because the browsers can process certain type of files (for instance a JPG or a PDF), they won't automatically prompt the client to save it on their computer, and they will open int he browser. I have solved this issue before by adding a few lines of code to the Response and modifying the content type, something like: Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=logo_large.gif"); Response.ContentType = "image/GIF"; Response.WriteFile(Server.MapPath(@"~/logo_large.gif")); Response.End();However, that would mean I'd need to change the content type for each file (JPG... GIF... PDF ... WORD FILE). So I'd need to find out the content type for each one, and dinamically change it. This way it would force the download for all files. Now... is there an easier way? Remember that I need to have many different type of files, if it was only JPGs for instance, it would be easy.

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Building A Custom Form Builder Module For Customers?

Jul 20, 2010

I am working on building a custom form builder module for our customers ... and wondering if you know any good .NET code base references for this module.


Customer should be able to add a form field(radio button, text box, dropdown menu) and customize the values real time.

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ADO.NET :: Linq And Webservices / Create A Webservice Method Using LINQ Technology And To Populate A Dropdown In a Form?

Oct 6, 2010

I am struggling to create a webservice method using LINQ technology and to populate a dropdown in a form. Here is the Webservice code.


string[] GetAllCountries()
LinqClassesDataContext db =
var q =
from c
in db.ListContinents()select
return q.ToList() ;

And here is the form code behind

Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
WSClass WS =
ds = WS.GetAllCountries();
var v = WS.GetAllCountries();
ddlContinent.DataSource = v;

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