Security :: Windows Authentication Timeout And Page Refresh Using Javascript?
Apr 26, 2010
I have a web page that refreshes every one minute and the solution times out every 20 minutes, would the one minute refresh be considered as user activity and therefore doesn't time out every 20 minutes? And if not, how do I convince the page that the one minute refresh is like a user activity and it shouldn't time out?Here is the javascript to refresh every one minute:
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Mar 23, 2011
We currently have a set of ASP.NET application and we are migrating them to use Windows Authentication (used to be form Authentication). We will eventually let the user to connect to our site entering Windows Authentication credentials. When we tested within our system across different domains, we noticed that the authentication session seemed to be cached even with the server session had timed out. In other words, once the user logged in and keeped an Internet Explorer window up (didn't even have to be in ourapplication page), the user could always navigate back to our application without being prompted for security login again. We had our site included in the Trusted Site list of the IE browser.Is that the expected behavior for ASP.NET Windows Authentication? If that is the case, is there a way to end the Authentication cache when the users leave their IE windows idle.
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May 31, 2010
I am trying to force to show to the Logon popup when the session is timeout in Integrated Windows Authentication Enabled website. The session_timeout is firing during the session timeout, but the User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true. How force to use the Windows Logon Screen when the session is timeout.
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Mar 10, 2010
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Dec 30, 2010
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a question regarding Form Authentication Session Timeout
I have a form authentication and i have set the session timeout in my webconfig.
After I login to website using my form authentication, the session is not timing out even after i login more than 30 minutes.
It seems i'm still authenticated and can access everything.
Is it normal ? I thought if we set the timeout in webconfig it will automatically log you out because the session expire.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".authentication" loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" domain="" />
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Nov 3, 2010
how to redirect to a custom URL on Forms Authentication timeout? The timeout is working but it is only caught when I try to go to a page in my application because each Page_Load method is wrapped in a custom IsLoggedIn method. Here is the settings I have so far in the Web.config.
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Sep 8, 2010
We have a working version of application (Intranet) with uses Windows Authentication deployed in Windows 2003. The application uses HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the logged-in user. Here impersonate is turned off.Right now, we are move to Windows 2008 RC2 where this Windows Authentication problem arised. I have Digest Authentication and Windows Authentication enabled. And also I have enabled Anonymous Authentication enabled to avoid the Login dialog of IIS in the end-user IE. Now I am getting HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name as Empty. When I impersonate using username and password, I am used to login using that user but all the users uses the same user to login.Does any has solution for this?Deployment Server - Windows 2008 RC2 (IIS 7.5)Development - Windows 7 (IIS 7.5)I am new to IIS 7.5. Please give me a solution
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May 13, 2010
I have 3 seperate applications (under the same domain) for which I use Forms authentication with single sign-on.
The 3 applications have different session timeout periods. I was on various articles that when we use forms authentication and specify the loginurl in the <Forms> tag in the web.config, it should automatically get redirected to the login page, when the session timesout. But in my case, it doesn't happen, I think because of different timeout values.
View 6 Replies
Jul 2, 2010
here's what I have:
My 3.5 app uses Forms Authentication.
I create an authentication cookie (ticket) with an expiration date of one day.The cookie'sIsPersistent is set to true.
I do not use any session variables.
Session timeout is the default 20 minutes.
Here's the problem:
When the session times out in 20 minutes, the user is redirected to the logon page even though the authentication cookie has not expired.
Why does this happen? I thought the cookie and the session worked independently. Shouldn't the user remain logged in as long as the cookie hasn't expired?
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Sep 13, 2010
I tried to take advantage of jQuery AJAX call to enhance user experience but I am facing a tricky problem.
When the user does nothing for a period of time, e.g. 30 minutes to reach authentication timeout, making AJAX call becomes the problem. The server side will return login page and display in my target div section. The simplest solution I can think of is to inject a dummy tag in login page, and when detecting such dummy tag then use javascript to redirect to login page. But this means that I have to do that every time I make AJAX call.
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Sep 3, 2010
I am developing one intranet website. Being an intranet application, one of the requirement is to have a single sign on feature.
It means that the windows PC username (i.e the "ctrl + alt + delete" username) is going to be the username for the system.
How do i fetch that username?
I tried the following two ways which are working in debug mode but not on live site.
System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User;
Both the above method works when i run the page from visual studio.
However when i run the page from IIS or any other server, it gives me a blank value
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Dec 15, 2010
I have to invoke SSIS packages from web service in the most secure way. I think that windows authentication will be secure but i am not sure. I do not have much knowledge about how to achieve this and the information on the internet is very distributed.
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Apr 6, 2010
We use Sharepoint to control our websites. We build the sites, then load them into the sharepoint server. My question is if I use windows authentication, how can I get my role security in my web config file to coencide with the controls that use the Forms authentication. Is there a differenence? Our security uses a session variable for security but there is no where to set up their permissions except in active directory. I hope this makes sense because I would like to implement the LoginView with Role groups but how can I give them the role="administrator"? Do I have to go into active directory and give them these permissions(would take awhile due to the size of the company)? Or do I have to set up priveladges in the web.config file for each user(difficult I think)?
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm writing a simple Intranet application using windows authentication. I want to restrict access to Safe/UCantSeeMe.aspx. I am aware of the AuthorizeAttribute, but this only works on methods. I also found a good post on doing this with the MVC pattern, but I'm not using MVC. This can be done with roles in forms based security. I read on MSDN that using windows based security means roles are based on groups, but it doesn't go into any detail. how can I restrict access to Safe/UCantSeeMe.aspx?
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Nov 22, 2010
I am trying to get the windows authentication for intranet design Codes return userid of my system but when I try the same fron other system, there too they return only my system's Id.
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Jul 30, 2010
I want to know if this kind of authentication is possible.
We have an Active Directory account and that account we are using to log in to windows. I have a simple system that needs authentication using the IIS log in box (i dont know what do you call this but what I know is it only comes out when Anonymous user is unchecked in the IIS configuration.) Now, I want this box to appear before my page and the user will be authenticated and be compare to the user who logged in to the windows. If the user who have been authenticated is the same as the user who logged in to the windwos then we will let him in if not he must be denied in accessing the page.
The first problem I have in my mind is how to code it in to make an authentication when he will try to access my page.
Second is, let us say we have succeeded to show the authentication box, how can I get the username from the log in box and compare it to the user who logged on in windows. Of course we can get the user id of the logged in user from the windows using User.Identity.Name but how about the username from the log in box.
Note: I will not use log in forms even using https. Just the log in provided by the IIS according to the configuration.
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Jun 3, 2010
What I want to do is, if userA access the website, then the website will use userA's token to access the SQL server. Site is an intranet site.In web.config,I have
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
Connection string:Data Source=sql;Initial Catalog=xxxxxx;Integrated Security=SSPI;persist security info=False;
IIS:Annoymous login is disabled, Windows authenication is enabled.
SQL server:userA is added as a user to the database.
IIS and SQL server are on different server. Running as userA on another computer, I try to access the website. The website log told me the website was trying to login to the SQL server with NT AuthorityAnnoymous despite I specified to use integrated security and Annoymous login is disabled in IIS.
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Apr 18, 2010
Form / Windows authentication?
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Mar 24, 2010
I have an application that ran fine on a Win 2003 box using windows authentication. After installing the app on a 32-bit Windows Server 2008 box the users are now prompted for domain credentials every time they call the site. I went into IIS manager for IIS7 and disabled anonymous authentication and enabled windows authentication. What do I need to do here for the user to not be prompted for the credentials?
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Dec 21, 2010
I am developing one portal in Im using windows authentication. In our domain, we are give 6 digit number as username. Based on the 6 digit number windows will display the user name. Can I got the user name from Im using with C#.
When I trying with,
WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name - it will return "DomainName123456". Instead of this 6digit number I need the user name. The user name is displaying in start menu.
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Mar 11, 2010
What's happening is when windows authentication/authorization fails the user get's a login prompt in IE6, IE7 and FireFox. Only when user clicks Cancel button in login prompt they are getting to 401 error page. What I am trying to achieve is to automatically redirect the user to a custom error page when getting 401 error instead of getting login prompt. Is this possible to suppress the login prompt in this scenario or is it this way by design?Here is my setup:I have windows integrated authentication configured in 2.0 web app.
In IIS I have website Directory Security configured to use Integrated Windows Authentication and disabled Anonymous Authentication
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