Security :: How To Read A File On A Remote Server

Jul 16, 2010

filetoread = Server.MapPath("\servernamesharefile.csv")
filestream = File.OpenText(filetoread)
readcontents = filestream.ReadToEnd()

It works fine if I put the file in the local directory and use "filetoread = Server.MapPath("file.csv")", but won't do it over the UNC path.I'm guessing the problem is security related but can't find any info related to it, do I need to somehow specify a username/password somewhere ?

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Read All File Names On Ftp Server / Unable To Connect To The Remote Server

May 27, 2010

I tried this code by inputting the ftp address as ftp//: and the correct username and password and I get the following error

"Unable to connect to the remote server" on line :

FtpWebResponse Response = (FtpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();I tired this on my ftp server provided by a hosting service and an anonymous ftp located at ?

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<identity impersonate="true" user="domainuser" password="password" />

However, when I ran this, I got the following error:

Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I looked at this post


It seemed to suggest I would need to create a new account on the remote server. Is there a way I can just use an existing domain account?

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why i couldn't access this on remote

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Dim fullpath As String = [String].Format("file:///{0}", "webserverorderorder.pdf")

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My web application is on a Webserver that is in a DMZ .

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Is possible with some Objects to do this type of work?

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Security :: The Remote Server Returned An Error: (401) Unauthorized?

May 12, 2010

this is a bit of a strange one. have my front page of my intranet site and I am trying to pull an RSS feed from a subdirectory forum.


On my default.aspx I can pull RSS Feeds from the BBC or any other external website so my code is working fine but when I try and pull a RSS feed from my local server I get "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unaithorized".Now, if I go to the Forum directory within IIS and change the directory secutiry from "Integrated Windows Authentication" to "Enable anonymous access" the RSS comes through to the front page without any errors, however, the forum requires "Integrated Windows Authentication" to be enable to that my users can post on the forum. If I turn both on then Windows authentication is still ignored for my users when they visit the forum.I have hardcoded my credentials in to the Default.aspx.cs to see if that helps but I still get Unauthorized message.My code is here:


As you can see I have tried a couple of different ways to get the credentials to work, it just seems to ignore my credentials and I have full admin access to the server and when I visit the forum it picks up my username.

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C# - Download A File From Remote Server?

Mar 17, 2010

The below code works fine for downloading a file from a current pc.plz suggest me how to download it from remote server using ip address or any method

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
const string fName = @"C:ITFSPDFbillsFebruaryAA.pdf";
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fName);
long sz = fi.Length;
Response.ContentType = MimeType(Path.GetExtension(fName));
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename = {0}", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fName)));
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", sz.ToString("F0"));
public static string MimeType(string Extension)
string mime = "application/octetstream";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Extension))
return mime;
string ext = Extension.ToLower();
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(ext);
if (rk != null && rk.GetValue("Content Type") != null)
mime = rk.GetValue("Content Type").ToString();
return mime;

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Mar 21, 2011

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Security ::remote On To The Server And Run The Application Locally LOGON_USER Filled?

Feb 3, 2010

A site that utilizes Windows Authentication.It accesses the LOGON_USER variable to pull the domain and user.It works fine in the development environment.It works fine on one of my servers.We are in the process of setting up a new server for this application to be hosted on.When I setup the new server,the LOGON_USER is always empty for remote computers.Windows Auth is turned on.I have tried it with Anonymous Access on (how the current server is setup) and also off.If I remote on to the server and run the application locally,LOGON_USER is filled.When I access the site via IE from a remote machine,it prompts three times and then fails.Even if I key in credentials in the Windows prompt.nothing

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i have tried following code but getting error "virtual path is not valid" :

imageserver =;
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imageserver); // line giving exception
FileInfo[] rgFiles = di.GetFiles();
string simagename = "";
if (rgFiles.Count() > 0)
foreach (FileInfo fi in rgFiles)
//collect each filename from here

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Web Forms :: How To Download A File From Remote Server

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I am trying to access a remote network share from a C# program in What I need is something like

function download(dirname)
file = (This is the part I don't know how to do)
for file in directory:

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Feb 8, 2010

I don't think the site has a web service available, so I need to pass the login credentials and read the xml file (e.g. What do I use to do this?

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Download File From Shared Folder On Remote Server

Feb 1, 2010

On remote server i have shared folder. If there any way to download file from this shared folder on local machine? Without using ftp. Server dont have iis or something like this,just have shared folder.

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Web Forms :: How To Save A Remote Excel File On The Web Server

Mar 19, 2010

What I am doing seems to be saving the Excel file in a text format. All I am trying to do is save the Excel file (xls) on my web server. Below is the code that "fetches" it now but doesn't save it in the proper format.


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Ftp - How To Open A Remote Text File Using Server.MapPath

Mar 21, 2010

This is what I have right now for a file residing on the same server and it works.

Dim FILENAME as String = Server.MapPath("Output.txt")
Dim objStreamWriter as StreamWriter
objStreamWriter = File.CreateText(FILENAME)
dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
While dr.Read()
objStreamWriter.WriteLine("{0}|{1}|{2:yyyy-MM-dd}|{3:yyyy-MM-dd}", dr(0), dr(1), dr(2), dr(3))
End While

I was planning on FTPing the file to another server once done but is there a way to do it on a remote server? i.e create a text file on a remote server and write to it? Did not find any instances of that usage. How to use ServerXMLHTTP to replace Server.MapPath in this instance?

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