Security :: Remove Fields From The C# Profile Provider And Database?
Mar 25, 2010
I have an issue where I am running out of database space on my hosting provider. As it turns out, the aspnetdb database is more than 6x our application database. We are using anonymous profiles and there are 21 fields stored in each user profile.
Upon analysis, most of this data is not required to be stored - it is simply wasting space. The part that is wasting the most space (5 binary objects) are not even used by any of the public users. I would like to remove these binary objects from all of the user's profiles without deleting the profiles, but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do this.
I can remove the fields, which will take care of users going forward, but I need to retroactively delete these fields from the aspnetdb database to free up space. Since each user manages their own profiles, I am unsure how to create an automated procedure to delete these fields out each anonymous user's profile.
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Dec 2, 2010
i want to use profile provider in webformapplication
i hear that profile provider can only be used by website
is there some way to use it also in webform application?
i try to useProfileCommon method but i got an error
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Sep 6, 2010
Just an FYI for those trying to use the SqlTableProfileProvider in a Web application project. Here's my article:
Using the SQL Table Profile Provider in ASP.NET 4 Web Applications (C# & VB)
The complete projects are here:
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Apr 3, 2010
I am trying to use two different applications on my website: YAF and GSP(gallery server pro).
This is part of my web.config file:
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="YafProfileProvider" inherits="YAF.Classes.Utils.YafUserProfile">
<add connectionStringName="yafnet" applicationName="YetAnotherForum" name="YafProfileProvider"
I can access YAF without any problem but I can't access GSP, it says: Anonymous Identification is not supported..
and error source is from YAF profile provider. I don't know why GSP is trying to consume YAF profile provider where it's explicitly show to use SqlProfileProvider..
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="YafProfileProvider" inherits="YAF.Classes.Utils.YafUserProfile">
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Aug 25, 2010
I'm using one application but have multiple providers in my web.config for memberships, roles and profiles to allow my application to be used by different groups of users who need to connect to different databases.
This means I'm having to change the membership, role and profile providers on-the-fly in my code-behind files. So far I've taken care of the membership and roles a bit like this:
However, I'm having trouble finding out how to do the same sort of thing for Profiles. I've looked at ProfileProvider and ProfileManager but I can't work it out how to access my the profile property that I've created in my web.config file called "ScreenSize". Normally you would just write Profile.ScreenSize to read or write to the property.
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Jul 19, 2010
I've been experimenting with the ASP.NET profile system and I like how easy it is to add data to the profile programmatically and how to access it again, all in a single line.
However, I've see the input that it sticks in the database and I'm not too keen on it.
I'd really like to create my own separate tables, so everything is nice and logical and easy to access, but I'd still like to be able to access this "profile" data as easily as I could with the ASP.Net profile system.
Should I create some kind of class in a separate class file that does all the hard work, then I can access the information from intellisense?
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Jun 3, 2010
I'm still trying to learn how all of this works, and I apologize if this is a simple fix, but I'm getting frustrated and I could use some help.
I found an XML profile provider that I'm trying to use, and when I set it up, it works fine on my local machine. However when I upload it to the server, I get an error and I don't really know what it means:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Configuration Error
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: CustomProviders.XmlProfileProvider..ctor()
Source Error:
Source File: E:kundenhomepages28d241331304web.config Line:
The full profile section from the web.config file is:
<profile enabled="true" defaultProvider="XmlProfileProvider">
<add applicationName="FamilySite" name="XmlProfileProvider" type="CustomProviders.XmlProfileProvider"/>
<add name="FirstName" />
<add name="LastName" />
<add name="HomeTown" />
<add name="ShowEmail" type="System.Boolean"/>
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Mar 22, 2010
I am trying to create a custom profile provider using multiple sql tables.1. I currently have 3 groups in my profiles (Customer, Employee, Applicant)2. Each group has separate tables for data. Do I need to write one (profile provider) for each group3. As new users are created, do I use the profile provider to store the info, or can I just write the info to the tables, then use the profile select to read and use?4. Anyone have any articles, and tutorials on creating a Custom Profile Provider using Tables that shows how to insert and update into each table?
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Aug 6, 2010
The week of torture and confusion at a higher level.I added a custom profile provider.
<profile defaultProvider="MySqlProfileProvider">
<remove name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider"/>[code]...
I had to add the <remove name="MySqlProfileProvider"/>as it error with "the entry MySqlProfileProvider has already been made."The problem now is that it will only hold the data the first time I log in and create the account. Everything run find until you close the browser and try to log in the next time. Then the pages that use the profile properties tells me that there is no profile data for the same fields like there name for this user.It was there the first time and save it but the 2nd login it gone. Seems to me that the remove actually removes the data even when you save itI got it to work on the local server by setting MySqlProfileProvider up in using IIS managment tools. My local now rund fine. However my service provider will not make the manual entry for me.
View 14 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
I created a table named Thread to store logged-on users' comments. It has CommentId, Topic, Comment, CreatedTime and UserId columns. I made CommentId as the primary key and UserId as the foreign key to the UnserId in the Membership table aspnet_Users.But when I insert those data into table Thread, I get an error "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserId', table 'ASPNETDB.dbo.Thread'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.The statement has been terminated." I have tried different ways to resolve this, but could not make the UserId in the table Thread match the UserId in table aspnet_Users. Yesterday, I found the Table Profile Provider Samples created by Hao Kung at It should be be able to solve my problem. But the code was written in C#. Is there anybody who knows a VB version of this code, or a better way to solve my problem?
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Jul 18, 2010
I added extra fields into web config like this :
<profile enabled="true">
<add name="FirstName" type="string"/>
<add name="LastName" type="string"/>
<add name ="HomeAddress" type="string"/>
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Apr 23, 2010
I am trying to use a second (custom) table to extend my users profile info. This table is in the same database as the 'aspnet_Users' table but has a different name. I create a FK relationship between the 'aspnet_Users' table and my custom table. Here is my web.config code:
<profile defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<clear />
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
applicationName="/" />
<add name="MyCustomProfile"
table="MyProfileTable_Employees" />
<group name ="MyProfileInfo">
<add name="FirstName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="FirstName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="LastName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="LastName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="EmployeeNumber" type="int" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="EmployeeNumber;int" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
I have the table "MyProfileTable_Employees" poplulated with data the 'userid' matches to the aspnet_Users table. In my web application (vb), when I type in Profile.MyProfileInfo, there are no custom fields. Actually, when I type profile., there are no profile related entries. What am I missing here? Am I miss-interpting what a custom profile provider is?
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May 8, 2010
So I'm using the CreateUserWizard tool, which is working great, and have added a few custom fields to the user's Profile, which is also working great... with one exception. The fields that I'm capturing from TextBoxes are being saved to the database perfectly. But those I'm trying to capture from DropDownLists aren't being saved. No error is taking place, either in my code or at runtime, but no data is being written to the table from these particular fields.
I thought I knew how to capture data from a DropDownList in ASP.NET (I'm a newbie, but not ridiculously so), but I've tried a bunch of stuff here and nothing seems to be working. I'm posting an abbreviated version of my CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser function below, with comments...
protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get the profile of the user by finding the profile by name
TextBox oUserName = (TextBox)CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName");
View 2 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
I am using the CreateUserWizard to create users in my new project (I am a complete newbie), but the wizard currently requires information from the user that is redundant for what I need. For example, I don't want security question & answer in my form, but I am not sure how to remove them. If I just remove the text fields, it says they are missing. I am pretty sure I know how to require further information, but I am not sure how to remove some of the defaults from the wizard. Removing the columns from the SQL server shouldn't be a problem.
So, I am looking for a place to edit which information it should gather (and removing some of the defaults) and the SQL insertion code so I don't gather information I will never need and use.
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Apr 4, 2011
There are multiple roles. (Role A, Role B etc) There are multiple input/output fields. (Field A, Field B etc) There are multiple permission levels controlling access to each field. (Read, Direct Edit, Edit With Approval, None) Each role has its own permissions to fields. (Role A has Read Permission to Field A; Role B has Direct Edit permission to Field A etc) Every role can be assigned to users and they are assigned by Geographic information. (User A is assigned to Role A for Continent: Europe - Country: Germany; User B is assigned to Role A for Continent: Europe - Country: France; User A is assigned to Role B for Continent: Europe - Country: France etc) Users can have multiple roles User identity is coming from Windows Authentication.
is it possible to represent this type of kind of multi-layered security model using ASP.NET internal membership/role providers? If so, what should my starting point be? Creating only custom role provider with custom methods and fields be enough?
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Jun 14, 2010
I was just wondering if anyone has ever had to port the schema across? Are there any experts that could pitch their opinions on the achievability of this (mad) idea? I'm using the IBM Migration Toolkit and as expected its throwing a bunch of translation errors some of which were relatively easy to solve (vendor specific function calls for example) and some will take quite a while to pin down and work round.... however this is not my main concern.
If completed I expect I am going to have to basically rework all the System.Web.Profile/Roles/Membership namespace classes etc to work round the SQL limitations of informix (i.e. IDS11.x SQL server doesnt have a DEFAULT (newguid()) so that would have to be put into the calling method) (and any MVP comments really as I can slap my boss round with the weight after he ludicrously agreed to this project for a client without doing any research...)
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Jul 29, 2010
you could create your own custom Profile provider that operates against existing database tables .i want u to help me out if u have an idea where i can get steps by steps to carry out the above operation.i know there are various options in creating profile , particularlly the use of web. configuration, the default ASPNETDB, and XML files, BUT i wish to use an existing database which i prefer.
View 11 Replies
Aug 9, 2010
I developed a site for a client a couple of years ago. It uses the the standard ASP.NET Membership, authentication, etc. I just added the profile section with (2) fields: CustID AgntID. Now whenever I load the page with any Profile code in it I receive this error: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_aspnet_Users'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.aspnet_Users'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__aspnet_Pr__UserI__3CA9F2BB". The conflict occurred in database "broo001", table "dbo.aspnet_Users", column 'UserId'. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_aspnet_Users'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.aspnet_Users'. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__aspnet_Pr__UserI__3CA9F2BB". The conflict occurred in database "broo001", table "dbo.aspnet_Users", column 'UserId'. The statement has been terminated. The statement has been terminated. Source Error:
Stack Trace:
Here is the code from my web.config:
Here is some of my page code:
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Aug 3, 2010
I have done the following: Added additional data to the profile table. However, the information is in a string. I am not sure how to extract the information using SQL so that I have the additional data separated. Additionally, I am not too sure how to call this information back into the webpage, once the customer log ins.
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Mar 18, 2010
I've just finished my database design and now i'm going to start implementing it in SQL Server 2008. Since i'm creating an ASP.NET Web Application i would like to use Membership Provider to manage user access to the application. In other projects (more simpler) i used Membership but always with its default parameters.
In this recent application i need to use custom user data for it to work properly.
So, what i would like to know is, how can i use my 'Users' table in my DB with .NET Membership Provider?
View 4 Replies
Aug 18, 2010
I m trying to use the profile system to get information of the authenticated user form the data base, just like the session system : the user is authenticated then I set same variable with information of this user coming from data base !I am familiar with PHP so i m trying to do it like that !Also, i woul like to join my own data base and the membership database !
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Jul 28, 2010
I have a custom SQL membership provider (NOT using aspdb files but our own 'People' table) that was working fine under development but doesn't even connect when it is deployed on web server. DB connection string has been changed to point to db server (checked against another web site & is fine there). The membership code (in VB) is in App_code directory so am I correct in thinking I don't need a separate DLL ? No error messages nothing just reports failed to login when I type some user credentials.
Web config file as follows
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Jul 27, 2010
I am trying to build a security webservice that gets credentials from client application login Pages/forms and returns authorization and token(to manage session) information after authenticating using Membership provider. I am having a problem in Securing my webservice and using LDAP and Database together as an identity store distinguished based on a flag provided by clint applications.
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Sep 3, 2010
I dont really write html code too well but I manged to get my web site developed and deployed using the built in features such as drag n drop, master page and user account authentication that make web developing almost a codeless experience.
However; my hosting provider system wont allow me to have more than one database, this causes problems becasue when I developed my web app using vb2010 web developer ( v2) I used the built in web config tool to manage users for my site, now after I deployed to my domain it all worked ok with the exeption of the login page, when I tried to log in the system threw a error message saying "database not found." or a page of "gobble-dee-gook" that says the same thing
When I contacted support (my hosting provider) they said i have to create a table of users in my database file via 2008 sql server, thats ok I can do that, but my real problem is I dont know how to write appropriate code to reference the table.
So heres my problem: I just want to have some kind of login page with a couple of txtboxes and a click button that maybe using the VB code behind or html checks the input variables "username" "password" against something that is hard coded into vb a string variable or a constant and then branches to Mainmenu.aspx if successfull. I just need it real simple, no fancy stuff just a login screen that checks id and password and off you go.This must be real basic stuff for first year student I should think, but I dont know the correct way to load a from within the vb codebehind,
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Aug 11, 2010
Does the ASP.NET SQL Profile Provider use caching? I mean if I pull data from the profile for a user will it hit the DB for each request?
I'm looking for a setting or any information on this. I had thought I read it would use cookies but I can't find this now.
Edit: describes process as
When called by SqlProfileProvider.GetPropertyValues, aspnet_Profile_GetProperties performs the following actions:
Queries the aspnet_Applications table to convert the application name input to it into an application ID.
Queries the aspnet_Users table to convert the user name input to it into a user ID.
Queries the aspnet_Profile table for the PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, and PropertyValuesBinary fields for the specified user.
Updates the user's last activity date in the aspnet_Users table with the current date and time.
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