Security :: Wondering How Does This Website - Stackoverflow Handle The User Authentication?

Aug 17, 2010

I am wondering how does this website - stackoverflow handle the user authentication? It accept yahoo, google, facebook, myspace, openID etc to login. And most importantly with want to build something like this too.

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How Much Work-power And Time Does It Take For Building Website Like Stackoverflow

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Security :: Running Application Under The Security Context Of The Logged In User (LDAP Authentication)

Mar 17, 2011

We are using membership provider for LDAP authentication. It is working as it should.

But what all configuration settings I have to do so that
all the future requests to this application run under the security context of the Logged in user account not through the some default user set in IIS.

We need to have this working because all the permissions on the database are based on the logged in user.

We are using form authentication for LDAP authentication. And having impersonation = true in web.config.

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Authentication And Security In Website?

May 27, 2010

I am using database with a list of username/passwords, and a simple web form that allows for users to enter their username/password.

When they submit the page, I simply do a stored procedure check to authenticate. If they are authorised, then their user details (e.g. username, dob, address, company address, other important info) are stored in a custom User object and then in a session. This custom User object that I created is used throughout the web application, and also in a sub-site (session sharing).

My question/problems are:Is my method of authentication the correct way to do things? I find users complaining that their session have expired although they "were not idle", possibly due the app pool recycling? They type large amounts of text and find that their session had expired and thus lose all the text typed in. I am uncertain whether the session does really reset sporadically but will Forms Authentication using cookies/cookiless resolve the issue?

Alternatively should I build and store the User Object in a session, cookie or something else instead in order to be more "correct" and avoid cases like in point #2.If I go down the Forms Authentication route, I believe I cannot store my custom User object in a Forms Authentication cookie so does it mean I would store the UserID and then recreate the user object on every page? Would this not be a huge increase on the server load?

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Nov 12, 2010

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Security :: Windows Authentication For Website?

Mar 23, 2010

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Security :: A Mvc2-website With Windows Authentication Keeps Asking For Credentials?

May 25, 2010

I have a mvc2-website with windows authentication.

<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*"/>

In IE the website keeps asking several times for my credentials per webpage. In Firefox it works correctly.

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Security :: Intranet Website Using Windows Authentication And IIS Restart

Dec 6, 2010

We are having an issue with the windows authentication and IIS restart for application Our environment is an intranet site (an application ) that uses windows authentication, uses integrated security application pool, physical path credentials are set for a service account, who is admin for sql server, IIS etc. web.config - Connection string has Integrated Security = true, authentication = Windows, and authorization - deny *, allow = security group. Anytime we start - stop service (or restart) (IIS); and hit the website thru some other machine IE, it fails to show the website (401.2), and any subsequent hit to the website doesn't go thru.

However when we start the service, and hit the website on server's (where website is deployed) browser first time then everything works fine for subsequent hits from anywhere as long as authenticated on corp net and member of security group configured in web.config. This behavior however goes away if we uncheck the configuration "Enable Kernel-mode Authentication" on the application. ( but then Firefox browser stops working with this configuration!!) Why such behavior? In the documentation it states its recommended to keep it enabled. What is recommended way of publishing a website with windows authentication enabled? Any side effects of "Enable Kernel-mode Authentication" being unchecked ( other than what we found for firefox not working) Environment : IIS 7.5 windows 2008 Server R2, VS2008, SQL Server 2008, ASP.NET 2.0

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Security :: Authenticate This Website With Form Authentication Configured In IIS?

Feb 26, 2010

Here are the structure of my web site:

Login.aspx in the root path
UserInfor.aspx and 1.txt in the sub-directory folder named 'Restricted'

Authenticate this website with form authentication configured in IIS, and does not allow anonymous to get into the Restricted folder with the web.config file.

I think it should work this way, if I manually access the 1.txt in the browser, I should be able to view the content, and if I go to the modules configuration for this applicaiton in IIS7, find the 'UrlAuthorization' module, and cancle the listbox for 'invoke for requests to ...', I should be directed to the loginurl setting in the root web.config file when I access the 1.txt file without logging, however, I still can see the content of 1.txt.

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Security :: Two Separate Authentication And Authorization In A Single Website?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a web application that requires two separate authentication and authorization.

In the root webconfig i configure the security for authenticating and authorizing public users

I also need authentication and authorization for the back end. That is the administrator who will manage the web application.

For this i have a subdirectory "admin" that will contain all the functionality for the back end. In the "admin" subdirectory i have a second web.config and i tried to add all the security for the administrator but it does not let me

Is it possible to have to separate authorization and authentication for a single web application. All the details will be save in microsoft's sql tables generate (for example aspnet... tables)

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Security :: Set Forms Authentication To Website To Web.config File?

Mar 8, 2010

when i set forms authentication to my website to web.config file as

<authentication mode ="Forms">

and login button ,i write the following code


and logout button ,i write the following code


it works but when i press browser back button after logout button click

it maintains the page history and the page will redirect to last requested page

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Security :: Adding A Second Domain To Windows Authentication Based Website?

Oct 12, 2010

I have an interweb web application that uses Active Directory to authenticate the user. Im now getting some complaints that users on other domains are unable to access the application.

How can i make it work so that their domain name is also accepted by the application?

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Aug 26, 2010

authentication cookie persistance to true on a aspx website,this works I have made an affiliate website (HTML + iframe (same aspx)) and it does not keep my user logged in after closing browser.

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Security :: User Not Authentication On A Particular PC?

Apr 20, 2010

We have a user that has been logging on to a site for several months. Suddenly on Monday the user was forced off and since then they have not been able to log back in from the machine where the problem occured. They can log in to site using other PCs in the business using the same creduentials as we can from the support desk.

We have performed a completed cleardown the IE8 history and cookies etc, check that is can see the internet, working online and recycled the application pools but still the uses account is unavailable from that machine.

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How To Create A Website That Has A Custom Authentication/session Timeout For Each User

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to build an ASP.NET site that allows each user to set their own session timeout value. Basically from the user's perspective if they set their timeout value to 30 then that means that after 30 minutes of inactivity they are required to re-authenticate. If they set their timeout value to 0 then that means that they can leave the browser open as long as they want and their session never expires - they never have to re-authenticate. This is different than "remember me" functionality. If they close their browser they will have to re-authenticate.

Currently I am using Forms Authentication in my application and I have one object that I am storing in ASP.NET session. This object is a custom User object that has a number of different pieces of information about the current user.

What code would I need to write so that after successful login, the system has the proper authentication ticket and the proper session expiration value? I keep thinking I have this working and then I notice weird time outs where the system seems to think I am authenticated but my session has expired.

Currently on my login page I am using an ASP.NET login control. i have custom code in the Login_Authenticate event to authorize the user. Then I have the following code in the Login_LoggedIn event to set the auth ticket.


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Security :: Website Windows Authentication Fails When Enabling SQL Mixed Mode?

Oct 18, 2010

Just to describe the scenario. I have a website. This lives on a webserver. On that webserver is an SQL server. The website connects to this database using windows authentication. I have written a windows form application that connects to the SQL Server on the webserver. This application is being run from a location on out intranet. The Winform application use SQL authentication to connect to the database. The SQL Server didn't have mix mode authentication enabled. So I enabled it. The winform application could now connect to the SQL Server.

This is where it starts getting a little strange.

The Website that was already connecting find using integrated authentication starts failing with:


When you are enabling mixed mode authentication, you are adding another authentication method, why would the original Windows authentication fail?

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Security :: Password Prompt For ASP Website Hosted On Intranet Using Windows Authentication

Jul 8, 2010

We have developed a website in using windows authentication and deployed it on the intranet (IIS v6.0). Most of the times, when users try to access this website they are taken straight to the website, but occasionally some users get a prompt to enter their windows username and password. I understand that this could be caused because of several reasons like:

Cached active directory password. Recently active directory password changed. Active directory account locked out. I want to fix this issue for good because it is annoying the users.

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Security :: HYH Virus Capturing Username & Password From Form Authentication Website?

Jan 24, 2011

One our customer complaint about HYH virus storing form authentication user credentials in clear text in his local system. Customer is accessing website through internet explorer. Is any preventing measure we can take in website or Code level?More details on Website1) Hosted in IIS 6.02) Windows Server 2003 Operating System ) Written in ASP & combination

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Security :: Want To Check User Authentication

Mar 24, 2010

I have 3 pages which they use Master page. I want to check if user is authenicated in page load event of master page.

1-Is it correct method to check authenication is page load of master page?

2- I want to know which of the following lines should I user and is there any difference between them?

Request .IsAuthenticated
Page.User.Identity .IsAuthenticated
HttpContext .Current .User .Identity .IsAuthenticated

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Security :: To Check User Authentication In IIS ?

Apr 4, 2010

I want to check if user is autheneicated in control (ascx). I use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated; for this purpose.

When I browse pages using ASP.Net Developement server -VS 2008- it works fine, But when I use IIS 7 then it always return false , even if user is authenicated.

Note that it's even work fine with IIS 6 but With IIS no hope (Classic/Integrated mode). does it related to IIS 7 or what the method that I use?

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Security :: Forms Authentication / How To Get The Value Of The User

Dec 13, 2010

If I am using forms authentication, how can I get the value of the user.identity for the currently logged in Windows user? Not the forms user.

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Security :: How To Set User Authentication On Master Page

Jan 23, 2011

I am facing one problem while putting below code on master page load event.

if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)

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Security :: Forms Authentication For User Login

Jul 26, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application where users login using forms authentication. I have 3 roles and some users. My App is not some thing like anyone can Register and access pages. Only Admin can create users & then send them their username and temp password through email. Then User can change his security question, Password and access pages. I'm trying to build this architecture. I'm using SqlServerMembershipProvider I have created Roles and some test users using ASP.NET Configuration tool. How can I implement the same thing programatically? Like Admin can create user and set his Role. User should be able to Change his Security question & change his password after Admin sets his account with some password likeP@ssw0rd. Is there any article where I can read and learn. I'm dealing with Security for the first time

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