Serialize / Encrypt / Transmit Web Form Data To Web Service?

Jul 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 1.1 form gathering data on a public-facing site, within a DMZ. The data is represented by a serializable class. My problem is that I need to serialize, encrypt and transmit the data to a Web Service running on an internal server - the service logic should then decrypt and deserialize the data before writing the XML to a shared folder.

Can someone point me in the right direction? What's the most straightforward way of doing this?

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handle: ".handle",
axis: "y",


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SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
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cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "manebde");
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cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@city", "ss");
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<profile defaultProvider="MIProvider" inherits="Models.MbrProfile" automaticSaveEnabled="false">
<clear />
<add name="MIProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="MIconnect" applicationName="myApp" />

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How To Create Web Service Link To Form

Aug 5, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2008 with VB Scripting.

I encounter new problem. Being requested to create WEB SERVICE and link it to the normal ASP.NET Web Forms.

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properly in a browser.

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And here is the web service:

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there is some sort of class that stores the XML in an array or some such thing that can then be manipulated

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How to implement form authentication wcf service?

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Jun 26, 2010

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Data Controls :: Read Data From Excel File - Encrypt And Save In Database

May 7, 2015

I have an excel file with data as follows

ID     Name     Contact No    Address  
1      ABC        XXXXXXX     ABCNM2    
 XYZ         xxxxxxx       ASDFG

Now my requirement is read data from this excel sheet and den encrypt Contact No field for each row and den save data in database, how should it will be done I have to use some ready made available encryption algo for that. 

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I was wondering if there is easy solution to this or I'm stuck with following:When updating DB:

dti.Pass = Crypter.Encrypt(dti.Pass);

When selecting from DB:

Data.DbTableItem dti = _db.Single(a=>a.Id == id);
dti.Pass = Crypter.Decrypt(dti.Pass);

Meaning - I am not really into writing repetitive code and this seems like logical thing to be supported by LINQ; so I'm wondering if it is.

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how to encrypt field name ?

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Jun 16, 2010

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Dim myWs As tuWebSvc.tuWs = New tuWebSvc.tuWs

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Feb 5, 2011

I tried to pass datetime from a textfile to the form and using it to get the classes from web service.

the site has 4 countries. based on the country value from session , i load the text file.

It works perfectly for 3 countries without any issues. but not for the fourth country.

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