State Management :: Maintain Session On Of Users On A Webpage?
Oct 25, 2010
I have to maintain session of two users on a sigle page.And the path is. UserPath:
1.User logins with his credentials((We retrive their credentials from login table) .
2.He invites some of his friends for a birthday party.
3.And send an url link to share some of the gifts with them in which gifts are provided in Share.aspx page.
Invites path:
1.Invite logs in with his credentials(We retrive their credentials from invites table).
2.He is directed to go to Share.aspx and list the items he require.
3.And he logs out.
Now i have problem in maintaining session for both the user and invite. How can i maintain the session so,that the user can identify a particular invite from the list of invites an his chosen items.
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How else can I track number of users on each page? (simply, becuase I am still a beginner). I have already done some google searching and haven't come up with anything useful.
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mode ="InProc"
timeout ="60"></sessionState>
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Part of the email that gets sent out:
Web config file:
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Aug 29, 2010
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in which event and whether I can do this in C# code behind. And also, should I implement this
in the base page or somewhere else? How can I implement the auto page refresh - should I use a hidden button and click it from Javascript?
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Apr 2, 2010
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If many users access the site, the session gets crashed and data which i store to access across pages is getting lost.
a best way to store data (as session does) so that i can use the data across my web application.
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May 3, 2010
I'm curently developing web application which uses standard form authorization and, of course, server session objects (quite classic app). Now I'm developing client side component, which base functionality is to allow users to acquire tiif/jpg/pdf document from scanner (client side) and send it to server. Because of scan complexity and need for very user friendly interface i decided to implement Activex object (object written in .net 2.0). Until now all was ok, so I have got activex which succesfully registers and scan documents on client - but i cannot manage with sending files to server.
My concept of sending files was like that:
- preparing Upload.aspx web page wich is used for reciving files sended by POST method and saving files in database (of course to proper save in database i need some current user context information) - in ActiveX i decided to use System.Net.HttpWebRequest object to prepare and send data the problem was third point:
- i thought that in-proc activex object would "derive" web session form web page activex is placed on - but i was wrong (or i made it wrong). Whenever i send request form Activex, in response i got login.aspx page - so it looks that new session is created and new authorization is needed.
I was trying to pass to my Activex values stored in "ASP.Net_SessionId" and ".ASPXAUTH" cookies, as i found that these are the values identifying session and athorized user - but with no luck.
I think, that becaause HTTP is stateless protocol all information needed to "connect to/share" existing session on IIS server need to be included in request data, so there must be way to add these information to request sended from my activex.
I would be very grateful, if someone could provide me information what should i add (headres/cookies/etc... ?) to my request data so it could share session from "parent" web page.
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Jun 15, 2010
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Mar 10, 2011
I have one web application. In that, I have two pages. One is view/edit page and another one is login page. The view/edit page contains one edit button and one login button.
First I execute view/edit page, at that time I dont want to show edit button. When user clicks login button, the page will be redirected to login page, where the user has to enter username and password. If user enters both correct, again the page will be redirected back to view/edit page. This time, the edit button has to be shown to make some modifications, since the user is authenticated.
I tried this thing by using session with cookieless. It works perfectly but some times it shows web page not available. I made session timeout 120 minutes and cookieless is true. In URL session ID also available.
So, whats the alternate way to maintain user log state or whats wrong in web.config file.
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Nov 18, 2010
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May 15, 2010
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Is this easy (or even possible) to do in ASP.NET?
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Jun 6, 2010
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after submit,the input email lost it's data,how to keep it?
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Apr 19, 2010
I have "n" <tables></tables> on my page and each <table> has One(1) <asp:CheckBox.. Enable ='true"/> and "x" <asp:TextBox Enabled="false"..>. Each Table looks as follows
When I click checkbox, it calls javascript function and enables textboxes (I have added onclick attribute to checkbox). Page also has <asp:Button ...Text="Submit"/> whcih actually grabs the data from the textboxes on the page and send it to the databse. Here is the Onclick event of the <asp"button../>
If the exception is thrown , textBoxes are not reset but on postback textboxes appear as disabled (values are not reset)
So here is what happening on postback when exception is thrown
1) Values are not reset (that is what want)
2) Texboxes appear as Disabled (that is what I don't want on exception, REMEMBER I enable textBoxes using client side script)
How can I keep the textboxes enabled = "true"
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Dec 30, 2010
I have created a matser page with a two radio buttons, text box and a button. Whenever user sets some values to these control and clicks the button, i will navigating him from one content page to another based on the data he has entered. The problem is after the content page load, the values selected/given in the controls(radio button, text box) are getting cleared.
Is there some way to maintain the values ?
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Jul 23, 2010
I have a search page containing a collapsible panel with several controls including text, radio, drop list and check box. In the same page there is a gridview to display search result and links to other pages.Everytime I click on a link in the gridview, the viewstate is only maintained if I nevigate with the pagination of the gridview. However if I click on a link in the gridview and click the back button to the search, everything goes back to default, and the search results will be gone from the gridview. How may I enable the controls and the gridview to remain the same if I hit back button to it?
View 3 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I am using master page.
(1) to maintain the state of the treeview without storing it in session or view state or
(2) I am binding the treeview control dynamically from a xml. Even if I use session state is ther any option to use it without using SelectedNodeChanged event because when u click the treeview node , first master page will postback for this event and then the child page and then again the master page will post pack (as the child page has inherited the master page). So here in this case we are posting the master page twice and it is reducing the performance.
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