State Management :: Best Way To Manage Session In An Application Which Has 100 Pages?
Aug 11, 2010
We have used Session heavily in our application, we have created core classes (which have many properties) and store objects of core class in the session.
1) What could be the best solution for reflector activity?
2) What could be the best way to manage session in an application which has 100 pages?
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Similar Messages:
Oct 6, 2010
I've created a whole bunch of rather complex classes and now i'm starting to work on the user interface. Basically the user will open 1 page which will be used to load, edit, save an object. The object has many fields and they are often other classes i've created. To create a nice interface i've used popups and used AJAX to reload parts of the page to avoid reloading the whole thing.
My plan was to create the object and save it to the session. Then each time the page is loaded copy the object values to the asp fields and do the reverse when the page has been submitted copying the asp values to the object field then updating the session object.
So the code will go something like:
if session is not null load from session otherwise create new
this.txtID.text =
this.txtName.text =
etc etc
on submit: = this.txtID.text = this.txtName.text
etc etc
update session.
Is this what you guys would do? or am i over thinking this, seems like a lot of code to load all the object fields each time the page is opened and submitted etc.
Just looking to bounce ideas of off other developers :D
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Oct 7, 2010
I want to be able to persist data across a session but do this outside of the built-in session state object. Why is a long story that I will not go into here. I just need to know where I can put data other than in the session object that will persist across the specific session.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have a problem to manage session variable in to different virtual directory. I need to access Session value from one virtual directory to another virtual directory. For Example I have a Web Site in my IIS with one page. Page 1
I have another virtual directory under the same Web Site with one page as follows.
Page 2
I can't access session value of Page 1 from Page2!I need to access Page 1 Session value from Page 2.
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Dec 10, 2010
I am using the Session ID Manager. Now the session count is 0 between the access to pages, so I cannot access the Session variables. How do I save the value of Session variables.
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Jul 12, 2010
How can I retain the value of variables that I fill from CodeBehind throughout the session? (C#). For example, I do a LINQ query from the log in "on-Click" button event. The query produces a bunch of data about the user that I want to access throughout the session on additional ASP pages. I know that I can pass a large query string but I suspect that there is a better way. Here's a specific...
from the db function I product: COS=2 (class of service). Throughout the session, I test for COS and display appropriate pages. Assume that the LINQ query is accomplished in the CodeBehind attached to the "loginButton" within the "login.aspx" page.
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Nov 23, 2010
I am using Session ID Manager in all the pages of the website, but I am losing session variables in between the pages. what should I do to save the values of session variables.
View 5 Replies
Nov 1, 2010
All we have a global ships position tracking website which runs smoothly until IIS application pool recycles.When there is workerprocess recycling looks like session state expires as a result i loose all session data and when customer clicks refresh button he is redirected to login page.
In web.config Session state mode is set to InProc so i changed it to State Server but to my luck i have MAP object which is not serialiazable which is causing the maps from not appearing on the website.I tried adding serializable attribute to the object class but still not succesfull.Our website is accessed by our customers whose count is more than 1000.
Changing the session state mode from InProc to StateServer can really slow down the response time so
Is it good to go further fix the serailizable issues and move to state server?.
Is there any way I can retain my session data when application pool recyles?..
Stopping Application pool from recycling may not be a good idea considering health factor of web server.
View 8 Replies
Nov 28, 2010
Ive got an web application and was testing the pages.At the moment I store a variable in the
say the user is authenticated when they have been verified on login.So if the login is successful the authenticated is set to true.This is checked on every page load to make sure they have logged in.What I did was to log in and then the Main Menu page is displayed.I copied the address of this, set the page to goggle's page then pasted the address back into the address bar and the page loaded back up.How can I stop this from happening?Should have some mechanisim to prevent this?If so how.
View 2 Replies
Mar 20, 2011
I searched on this all morning, but I'm still not sure. If I create a session variable to pass some data between a couple of pages, does that variable time out after it reaches the timeout period set on IIS, or will it persist for the entire time the user keeps a session alive? For example, session variable is used shortly after login and then never again. Susy uses other pages for two hours and keeps session active. Did that first session variable die after 20 minutes, or is it still there 2 hours later?
View 4 Replies
Oct 2, 2010
User Interface: 2 Labels; 1 Buttons
Requirements: Create a Web Page in ASPx that will do the following:
1)One label will provide a count of how many times Button 1 has been clicked in the current session.
2)One label will provide a count of how many times Button 1 has been clicked by all users of the application. The Application Code for the Button should start at 100 (set this in the Global.asax file). this is what i have so far but i cant seem to get the application state to work properly.
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim clickcount As Integer
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Session("ClickCount") Is Nothing Then
clickcount = 0
clickcount = CInt(Session("ClickCount"))
End If
If Not IsPostBack Then
If Request.Cookies("UserName") IsNot Nothing Then
Label1.Text = "Welcome Back " & Request.Cookies("UserName").Value & "."
End If
End If
Dim clickCounta As Integer = CInt(Application("ClickCount"))
End Sub
Protected Sub PostBackSession_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PostBackSession.Click
clickcount += 1
lblClkCnt.Text = "Current Click Count is " & clickcount
Dim clickCounta As Integer = CInt(Application("ClickCount"))
clickCounta += 1
Application("ClickCount") = clickCounta
AppClick.Text = clickCounta
Dim nameCookie As New HttpCookie("UserName", _
nameCookie.Expires = Now.AddYears(1)
End Sub
Protected Sub PostBackSession_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PostBackSession.PreRender
Session("ClickCount") = clickcount
Application("ClickCount") = clickcount
End Sub
End Class
<script runat="server">
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim clickCounta As Integer = CInt(Application("ClickCount"))
Application.Add("ClickCount", 0)
End Sub
Sub Application_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim clickCounta As Integer = CInt(HttpContext.Current.Application("ClickCount"))
End Sub
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
End Sub
Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
View 3 Replies
Jul 7, 2010
we are experiencing big difficulties in the configuration of ASP.Net state service and II7. The service seems not working correctly because when the application pools recycles the applicatio loose the session.If we try the same configuration in IIS6 it works correcly.What is the correct way to configure the aspnet session state service in iis7?
View 2 Replies
Apr 27, 2010
I Want To Use A Session Variable From One Application to Another Application. Is That Possible in ASP.NET 3.5 Or Greater To Use Session Variables As i Required. My Both Applications Host In Same IIS Server.
Me To Sort Out This Prob. ASAP
View 1 Replies
Mar 25, 2010
My prior apps used windows authentication on an intranet. Now I'm developing an app for the internet and am stumbling over how to properly manage user sessions and state.
I first developed my web site functionality; created the SQL DB and got all of the pages to properly handle the data. Then, I installed the SQL Membership database and was able to get the CreateUser, Login, Logout pages to work. On the Verify process for the Userid, I added a step that will take the membership UserId value and create a Company record in my tables and link my CompanyId key with the UserId.
At Login time, I create a CompanyId session variable; each page uses it to retrieve records for the user. When Session Timeout occurs and the user click a link to another page, the app redirects properly to a Login page. However, if the time expires and then the user interacts on that same page, 'Object not set to an instance of the object' - the CompanyId session variable has expired.
What is the proper way to handle this? I'd like the page to automatically redirect to a TimedOut page (this would happen automatically without the user doing anything).
I considered writing a Function where I pass the Session variable I want and the Function sees if it exists; if it doesn't it would do a Response.Redirect to the TimedOut page...I can't get the Redirect to work in a Class Function ('reference to a non-shared member...').
I assumed that I should set CompanyId as a Session Variable so each page knows the user to get data for. Another approach is to use the membership User and if it is still valid, do a DB lookup to get the CompanyId. I did not choose this because I felt that it would increase DB traffic and web traffic.
Here are several relevant settings from my web.config:
<sessionState cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/UserTasks/Login.aspx" />
It feels like there should be a straightforward answer to this but I am missing it.
View 7 Replies
Sep 15, 2010
i have 2 web application that resides in 1 IIS7 application via Virtual Directory, i hope to connect the 2 website via Session, my question is can i pass a session value from website 1 to website 2?
View 3 Replies
Aug 10, 2010
I have a web application that was working fine. I had to make minor changes that had nothing to do with the Session object in any way. When I run local everything works fine. When I publish to our testing box it all runs fine. When I publish to production it times out on the Session object. Dozens of other applications on the production server run fine and have no trouble with Session.
It does not matter if the line is:
Session("PreferredName") = sPreferredName
sPreferredName = Session("PreferredName")
I had the server admin remove the application pool and directory and recreate them and then I republished and it still happens.
View 3 Replies
Jan 3, 2010
I am working on a website and this is my first web project. Scenario for Session I have created a database for my project with security level little bit high. I want to manage session for each and every user who is logging in to my website. Session state can be used using Cookie as well as URL, only one at a time. Now I went over with all four session state modes. i.e 1. InProc 2. State Server 3. Sql Server 4. Custom
Now after reviewing from all these modes I am in confusion which one should I use Sql Server or Custom. Basically i want to store session related information in my own database instead of Aspnet_db which is a default database provided by microsoft. I have created all tables related to login and registration. But I dont know how to store session into my database. What tables do I need to create so as to maintain into database. I want to create a complete log of session and login related information into my database(Persistant atleast for 1 year). I want to use machinekey as AES and SHA1.
<sessionState mode="Custom" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="15" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" stateNetworkTimeout="10" >
<machineKey decryption="AES"
<add name="conString" connectionString="Data Source=; Initial Catalog=dbName; Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
What all things do i need to specify in webconfig? My Data Source= Database name= db.mdf What I need to know about. What tables do i need to add to my database to store session related information. eg. Session id (Any other field is also stored or not), Session Time, Session Start Time, Session End Time, Session Expire Time. I dont know what all things are usually taken. Do I need to encrypt Session Id
before storing into database. If Yes Encryption will be automatic or do i need to write some code to do this other than that I wrote in web config above. How mode='custom' will be used into web config using my database. in following code
<sessionState mode="Custom" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="15" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" stateNetworkTimeout="10" >
View 2 Replies
Mar 31, 2010
i've been coding an site using VS2005 for about one month.
my site uses both application cache and session cache to save data.
the syntax i use for application cache is :
HttpApplicationState appState = Application;
appState["someKey"] = "somevalue";
and for session cache i use :
HttpContext.Current.Session["someKey"] = "Somevalue";
my site is deployed on three standalone servers - each server runs a diffrent instance of the site.
two of the servers work just fine, the third has a stange problem - and also has the least free memory space.
in this server items start dissapearing from both the session and application cache - note that i set no expiration date to the cache items.
does anyone know why this could happen?
seems to me there is perhaps some memory limit for cached items setting that i am missing.
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a web application using window authentication. There are a search page and a edit page in the application. In search page, user can enter some search criterias in the textboxes and the search result will be displayed in the gridview by clicking the "Search" button. User can select any row from the gridview and it will take him to the edit page. In the edit page, there is a "Back" button to take the user back to the search page. I use session variables to remember what the search criterias the user entered in the textboxes and what page number the user was in the gridview. So when the user goes back to the search page, the textboxes are pre-populated with the search criterias and the gridview is displayed in the correct page number.
The problem is: If user1 opened one browser window and did a search using search criterias1, then user1 opened a 2nd browser window and did a search using search criterias2. When the user1 went back to the search page from the edit page using the first browser window, all the textboxes and page numbers are from the 2nd browser window, instead of the 1st one. Can anyone explain this problem to me and how to prevent it? It will be helpful too if you can give me some links about the similar problem. I am thinking if the same user logged on two different machines and did the search on each machine, what is the result?
View 4 Replies
Feb 26, 2011
I am creating a web application that will be running on an infrastructure which will utilise a number of web servers, web gardens and a load balancer.
As the application is using Sessions, and that our application is using Oracle as the database, we would like to use the database to save the Session data. However, I am struggling to find any good examples on how to do this with Oracle.
I note that Oracle provides the following class: Oracle.Web.SessionState.OracleSessionStateStore, but I am unsure what I need to do in the Code Behind and what if any tables do I need to create in the database.
View 2 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
I need to handle "session end" event for my web application when user closes his browser. Session is stored in Sql.
View 6 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
#Newbie alert# Only 8 months experience with school education back in 2002.
I'm using VS 2008, C# 3.5 to develop my own login system for our company website.
Originally we have a "simple" design which only had a login and order page.
That order page needs to be opened for 10-12 hours at the time while our stores are opened without having to relog into the system for each query.
We also have a requirement that some users need to access 2 different compagnies (separate inventories) which require 2 different logins.
I solved that "cross over" session problem by moving all the values into viewstate with my own viewstate manager class right after the login.
Now my problem is that we are adding more and more pages and I don't want to be stuck with the problem to resave the viewstate to session and then back on viewstate for every menu items and buttons.
Is there a way to create some sort of items list of all the sessions opened by the user and only transmit that from pages to pages?
View 6 Replies
Mar 21, 2010
I am trying to create a system in which there will be a single user accessing his acount from two endpoints simultanously.
I think this is possible.
1) How to restrict the user to have only one session at a time?
2) How to change it to have limited number of sessions per user at a time?
View 5 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
How are you all managing your web page state?
Anyone using complex database methods - so that a user can pick up a web experience that might have accidentally been left?
Anyone doing any complex state management for internal (INTRANET) sites? Where authentication is not an issue?
I'm looking for alternatives to simple SESSION() vbls.
View 6 Replies
Jul 19, 2010
I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC web application that will be deployed across multiple load-balanced servers. With this setup, a user might have one request served by server A and the next request will be served by ServerB or ServerC. We don't want to store Session Data in the database, as we're trying to minimise database hits where ever possible. As such, we need to have the HttpSession managed and stored on another server. My understanding is that this is possible by using a Windows Service that will manage this for me, but I'm unfamiliar with how to implement this. Can somebody point me at some good documentation on how to do this? Or any pitfalls or other points to take into consideration?
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