State Management :: Save The Viewstate At The Server Side Instead Of __VIEWSTATE Hidden Field?

Feb 10, 2011

i am facing the following problem while saving the viewstate on the server side using the savepagestatetopersistencemedium, but this is not working for the pages which contains update panel.

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: Hidden Field Value In User Control / Make The Hidden Field Save Its Value?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a custom user control which contains a asp hiddenfield object. The value of this hidden field is being set using javascript and I have verified that the value is being set properly. When a postback occurs the new value is not being saved and I cannot access it in my code.

I believe the problem is because the user control is not saved in viewstate and therefore the hidden field value is not saved accross postback. How can I make the hidden field save its value? I tried accessing it from the early page cycles and still no luck.

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State Management :: Passing Data Client To Server Using Hidden Field

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to pass data from client to server using a hidden field. If I use a button, then OnClientClick sets the value, and OnClick does the postback and all is well.

However, I am responding to a Client event, and although this works I get no postback. How do I now force a postback from my client handler?

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State Management :: Posting Session Information To Server Through The Hidden Field?

Sep 23, 2010

I have the following in my code (Login.aspx page)




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State Management :: Understanding ViewState And Hidden Fields?

Aug 8, 2010

If I create a new project, start this project and look at the source code, I see that there are some additions to the original code. The first this, what is "ViewState" and what does the hash mean? Why is the input control hidden?Here an example:


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State Management :: Save An ImageButton To The Viewstate?

Sep 8, 2010

I have created a custom control that extends the class ImageButton, the thing is that I now also want to save this control to a viewstate.

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State Management :: How To Save Int Array In Viewstate

Oct 25, 2010

how save int array in viewstate?

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State Management :: Preserve __viewstate Between Cross Domain Posts?

Aug 20, 2010

Here is what I want to do: I have a local site in which I want to display data from a remote site
Lets say: I want to display data of on my localhost

Now Default.aspx requires some post-data which it sends to itself. Thus the __viewstate and __eventvalidation are posted back to it by itself. I want to directly post the data to Default.aspx from localhost without opening Default.aspx and display the Default.aspx's response on my localhost.

The WebApp on is configured for __eventvalidation i.e. I cannot post-data to it from my localhost without getting a __viewstate from it. I also have to post the current __viewstate of to itself

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Why Are Hidden Fields Considered Client Side State Management

Jan 24, 2011

According to MSDN and the MCTS self-paced training, can use Hidden fields for client-side state management. The book material goes on to say view-state is more secure than hidden fields because the data is encrypted. I must be missing something here. I setup a Label and made it hidden. I can store data in this hidden label and it won't even be sent to the client browser. This not only works like server side state (note the runat=server), but this seems more secure than view-state because there's no need for encryption as the client can't even see the field.

<asp:Label ID="Label1" Visible="false" runat="server">secret info</asp:Label>
<input id="Text2" type="text" style="visibility:hidden;" value="secret 99" />

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State Management :: How To Save An Object Reference In A Viewstate

Nov 17, 2010

When I try to save an object reference in a view state it tries to save the object content using serialisation. to save the object reference only to apply to this object instance after postback?

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State Management :: How To Save CheckBoxList Values Into The Viewstate

Dec 16, 2010

how to save the CheckBoxList values into the viewstate

for e.g.i've a CheckBoxList with 4 ListItems,

if I check 1 & 3 items, then I close the page

if I re-open the page, items 1 & 3 must be checked.

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Javascript - Getting Null Value Of The Hidden Field At Server Side

Feb 18, 2011

I am calling a Java-script function, in that i am passing the value of hidden field, that hidden field i want to use at server-side, but the value of hidden field is null.

Client Side function

function getDetails()
document.forms[0].HdnNode.value=tree_selected_id; //HTML Hidden Field.
var str_array1=str_array[0];
var str_array2=str_array[1];
document.getElementById("<%=HiddenNodeId.ClientId %>").value=str_array1;
document.getElementById("<%=HiddenTreeId.ClientId %>").value=str_array2;

Server Side Function

Public Sub InsertNodes(ByVal NodeId As String)
Dim objErrorObj As New ErrorObj
Dim ParentID As String
ParentID = HiddenNodeParent.Value
NodeId = HiddenNodeId.Value
Dim NodeIDTree As String
NodeIDTree = HiddenTreeId.Value
End Sub

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State Management :: Client And Server Side State Management?

Feb 25, 2011

when we go for client and server side state management in

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Web Forms :: Access Html Hidden Input Field Embedded From Server Side Code?

Jan 26, 2010

I want to integrate paypal inside my shopping cart. For that it requires a html form to be embeded inside .aspx page with the action to paypal and method is post. Inside that form there are some hidden input filed. I want to assign one of those hidden field's value from server side code so i need to access that filed from server side. But how? Here is my form:

<form action="[URL] method="post" id="PaypalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"/>
<input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1"/>
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="[URL]
<input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="Item Name 1" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount_1"/>
<input type="submit" value="PayPal" />

I want to access amount_1 filed.

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Hidden Field Vs Viewstate?

Jan 23, 2011

What is the difference when using ::

Hidden field vs View state??

when to use each one ??

which one more secure?? and which is better than in performance?

what are the alternatives?

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Store Viewstate Other Than In Hidden Field

Jan 30, 2010

can we store viewstate other than in hidden field in

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C# - Cant Hide The VIEWSTATE Hidden Field?

Jan 20, 2010

I have to hide the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION hidden fields on my page at RUN time.I managed to remove the EVENTVALIDATION like so.............

<%@ Page enableEventValidation="false" EnableViewState="false" %>

But the VIEWSTATE is still there and I cant get rid of it and I need to. (hard to explain why)Is there another way of getting rid of it?

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State Management :: Failed To Load Viewstate. The Control Tree Into Which Viewstate Is Being Loaded Must Match ?

Oct 9, 2010

Now here is the weird thing. First i am running it locally on the built in vs2008 web server.I load my control in fine, do a postback from a linkbutton, locally on my machine it all works fine, no issue.However when it goes onto my host, it falls over with the message:

Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.Now i also load controls dynamically and use postbacks and things in the admin area of the site...and that works fine, however my front end just keeps failing? See the code behing below:


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State Management :: ViewState And ObjectDataSource / Getting Values From Viewstate In GetTopThemes?

Jan 11, 2011

I have problem getting values from viewstate in GetTopThemes.





when the page is not Posted back, I saved all values in the viewstate.

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Web Forms :: Difference Between ViewState And Hidden Field

May 7, 2015

What is difference between ViewState and Hidden Field in ASP.Net. If possible with an example.

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State Management :: ViewState - Does The Master Page Have Its Viewstate

Apr 30, 2010

I have been getting this error a lot lately with some of my users, and I had a couple of concerns with view state and I have read so many articles but I am still lost..

1. I use masterpage on all the pages and I need viewstate for some of the pages but..

There is a page where a user will fill out the information and then submit this data to a cgi server, and it is where I get most of the Client Disconnected errors, what would happen if I disable viewstate when they click on that button?

Now when a user browses from one page to another, does the view state from the previous page get deleted? If not how would I delete it?

Does the master page have its own viewstate? Would I be able to make sure none of items on my master page are using the viewstate?

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State Management :: Server-side Detection Of A Changed Form?

Mar 7, 2010

I've searched high and low for a efficient and reusable way to detect, on a postback/server-side, if any input controls on a form have been changed and I haven't found anything other than client-side solutions such as DirtyUpdatePanelExtender. I've come to the conclusion that it must be either really simple or really complicated.Ultimately what I want to do is to perform a database update, or not, depending on whether or not the user has changed any input controls on the form. The only thing I've come up with so far is to save the original values as Viewstate variables and then compare them with the Request values on a postback, but that seems far from ideal.

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State Management :: How To Custom Controls And ViewState Management

Aug 24, 2010

I want to know that when we create custom controls, then is there State Management through ViewState done automatically or we have to handle it explicitely ?Since i have created Custom Controls that is behaving as if it is not maintaining its state on PostBack.

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State Management :: Creating Cookie With Client Scripting And Updating From Server Side?

Aug 9, 2010

cookies are generated from the client scripting.e.g. document.cookie = city=NYC;

I want to update this from GUI using

Response.cookies["city"] = LA;

I could not understand why this is not possible.( I read about Httponly and all that stuff but still not clear).If I use Javascript in code behind page then I am able to change the value.e.g.

Literal ltMsgUpdate = new Literal();
ltMsgUpdate.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>document.cookie = 'city=LA';" + "</script>";

But I could not use this type of code because there is response.redirect statement in the function where I am updating cookie using (response.cookie) and that's why the javascript code never runs.

Bottomline: I want to update cookies in code behind page which is generated in client scripting.

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Web Forms :: Setting Hidden Value Server Side And Accessing On Client Side?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to set a hidden type value to x on Server Side and then access it with Javascript. I have tried multiple ways to accomplish this.

At the basic level this is what I am trying to do.

Aspx page
<asp:HiddenField ID="HidRowNumber" runat="server" />
CS Page
In IsPostBack
HidRowNumber.Value = EFileRowNumber.Text;
var status = document.getElementById("<%= HidRowNumber.ClientID %>").value;

When I am debugin it say it HidRowNumber's Value has changed to x but when I access the value with JS it always returns ''.

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