Storing A Reference To The Parent Control In Session?

Aug 24, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web form that has a "container" usercontrol that hosts several custom user controls on the page. The controls can be hosted directly in the container or can be children of other usercontrols. The container usercontrol has several public properties exposed that I sometimes need to get to from within the child user controls. I've been using some form of "this.Parent" or "this.Parent.Parent" to get back to the base control.

What would be the impact of storing a reference to "this" into Session from the base control so I can access it from within the event handlers within the user controls?

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Web Forms :: Storing A Constant Table In Database For Reference?

Jun 30, 2010

I am building a website that have a number of dropdownlists. The user selects his/her choice and this is sent to a number of companies. Therefore the choice has to be changed to the corresponding value of the individual company i.e value 1 will be coverted to the corresponding value of "AB" for company "x". What way would be most efficent to achieve this. A database seems to be unefficent with the calls to the database. Would a 2-D array in a class be best?

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Does Static Reference To HttpContext.Current.Session Return Same Session For All Users

Feb 4, 2011

Is there room for issue in the following code in terms of multiple users of the same web application? I mean, I know that a purely static string will be shared across all sessions for a single ASP.NET application, but since this explicitly refers to the Current.Session, even though it is static it seems like it would always refer to the session instance of the "current user." But an error is happening that could be explained by everyone sharing the current value of Mode and thus the most recent change overwriting everyone else's mode value. (As a background: This string is in a Helpers class that is used throughout the application. I do not want to make references to Session["Mode"] throughout the application and do not want to have to pass Session["Mode"] in every method call from an aspx.cs page.)

public static string Mode
var value = HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"];
return (value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"] = value;

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C# - Storing Dictionary In Session?

Jan 29, 2011

How do you create a dictionary of objects in the session? More specifically, I have a list of objects: MyList stores MyObject as the result of a linq query with the date as a parameter.

List<MyObject> Mylist;
MyList = GetObjects(TheDate);

Now I'd like to store MyList in the session object in a dictionary with the date as the key. When the page needs a MyList for a specific date, first search the dictionary and if it's blank for that date, get the data from the GetObjects query and store the result in the dictionary in the session.

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Storing User-id In Session Variable?

Aug 30, 2010

When a use is logged in (Through open-id) we are creating a session variable named "UID" and storing the unique user-id in it. Later we are checking the session to see if the user is logged in. I think this is not the right way, but I could not force the team to change this, as I cannot show how this implementation can be cracked. why (If yes) this implementation is bad?

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MVC :: Storing Information In Parent Screen ViewData From Child Screen?

Jan 18, 2010

The below is the exact scenario, One form will be there and when user click on "Edit" hyper link other window will open to get more details. In that new window also I have a grid or a table which has other hyperlink which lead to open other window and in that window I will enter few details and save it....


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MVC :: Storing User Information In Session With AspNetMembershipProvider?

Jun 4, 2010

i m developing an application in .NET mvc2. i m using aspnetMembershipProvider for User registration and related activities. i need some custom information about user that i stored in a separate table (sysUser for example) and linked it to aspnetUser table through foreign key. after Login i need to fetch user's credentials from sysUser table and push it to the session. For this Account controller's Logon method seemed best to me and i pasted following code in my Logon ActionResult


The code is working perfectly for me and put my desired information in the session but the thing is that if a user selects Remember me and on his next visit he won't have to Log in and i would not find my desired information in the Session. where should i put my code that stores the user information in the session.

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What Is The Difference Between Caching And Storing Variables In Session

Jan 29, 2011

What is the difference between (Caching) and [storing] variables in session?

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Security :: Storing Profile Information Into Session

Feb 10, 2010

I have created a custom user creation wizard to store custom user information, This is working fine. I am now trying to create a new page to give the newly created user to create users in there own company, so i need to retrieve the company information from the user profile created and automaticlly fill that information into the new create user wizard. ie User from A company logs in. (company_id from profile is stored in session)
User A wants to make another user in company A (but cannot make a user in company B) User A fills in details for new user, Company A information is autofill into new user info. (possibly from session)

I have read alot about storing membership. info into session but i cannot find any code examples of how to do this. I need to find a way to store Company_id into session and then use that for creating a new user with the same Company_id.

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Storing Values In List Rather Than Datatable Session?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a list for my shopping cart which i currently store in my datatable and then store it in a session. to avoid using sessions is it best to create a class where the datatable is stored and can be accessed from anywhere?

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C# - Storing A Collection Into A List And Session - Front End

Jan 29, 2011

I have this program in which I am trying to store a collection of values into a list and session


valueCollection = (List<Values>)Session["Value"];

I want to do the front end in a way which will show a table with each row showing a label and textbox. This would be too simple to do obviously but I want it to show 4 rows of the table by default and then the user can select "add another" this will then add another row onto the table with a label and textbox exactly similar to the 4 default. Everytime the user selects "add another" the table increments by 1.

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Storing Large Amounts Of Session Data?

Feb 16, 2010

Im in the process of developing a web application, and I wish to store a reasonable amount of data for each user.

This data will be accessed each time the page is refreshed.

The only 2 options that I have come up with is:

* Session Data
* Storing the information in a text file with random file names for each person
* Database

The first one I do not really want to use as it would bog down the server - the second one is cumbersome

Is there any other options?

If possible i was thinking using the database, but am hesitant because of the amount of times the accessing of the database would need (every refresh for every user)

I dont want to store the information inside the viewstate (i dont know what MS was thinking when they thought of viewstate)

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State Management :: Check Session Is Storing Value Or Not?

Nov 11, 2010

anybody tell me how can i check session is storing value or not?

actully i am using first time session variable to store datatable gridview but do't know that is saving value or not actully in my grid when user inser first row entry then it is ok when click on new row button then new row generate but previous row value lost.

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Web Forms :: Storing Session Data Continuously?

Oct 20, 2010

Is it possible to store gridview session data after each postback. I have a gridview and a checkbox within. Each time a user clicks the checkbox, I like to store the gridview ID in a session. After browsing through various pages, I like this session datato continuously store the information up to 20mins?

How can I continously store the session variable. Say a text box and if I enter 1 click on a hyperlink (where session variable is stored) return back to the page, enter 2 click hyperlink then I should get in the session 12?

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VS 2010 - Storing Sensitive Information In A Session Variable?

Dec 17, 2010

I am creating a website that allows users to login to their gameserver remotely and send / receive commands. The connection happens via an UDP socket and requires simply the IP of the gameserver, and a password.

On my website, users can add servers to their accounts, where the server IP and password are stored in a database. Then they can connect to any of their servers, which creates a new Socket object and connects to it using the IP and password of that server.

This Socket object, embedded in an object that also stores the server IP and password, is stored in a Session variable when the user connects, and is retrieved on every page. For example, there's a page where the user can view a list of the players on the server (and kick/ban them), a page with server settings, a page with messages, etc. All these pages require the Socket connection to get their information (they send a certain command and parse the response). When I need to send a command via the socket, I need to send the password of the server each time (otherwise it does not work). My question now is: how secure is this? The password of a server is sensitive information*, but I am storing it in a session variable and sending it (using the Send command of the Socket object) to the server.

i think the Session variable is stored on memory on the server, so I don't think so, but I'm really unsure about these kind of things and I'd like to be certain that my website is secure. Well, I think it will never be 100% secure but I want it to be at least not worth the effort for someone to hack the password. If it takes a lot of trouble then people wouldn't bother, but I don't want to find out that people's passwords are being thrown out on the street (so to speak) and that my website is completely insecure...

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C# - Storing Classes In Session Variables - How It Works (memory)

Mar 31, 2011

I've read that you can store classes directly into a session variable i.e.

Session["var"] = myclass;

My question is how the memory management works. Does it automatically serialize this into the session on the client side?

Or does it hold the data for the instance of the class in server memory, and just holds a reference in the session object?

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Web Forms :: Storing The User Details In A Session Variable In IE

Mar 16, 2010

Im storing the user details in a session variable(session["userid"]) while login.


Im using the session variables in other forms ,there im checking the session variable using the following code.


In this form im having 'export to excel ' button.When i click this button session variable becomes empty and redirected to the login page.(Im having this problem in IE only but in FF it works fine).

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Storing Entity Framework Self Tracking Entities In Session

Aug 13, 2010

let us assume that I have a reusable business layer that further makes use of a data access layer that was implemented using Entity Framework 4.0. The entities returned/consumed by the business layer are self-tracking, allowing us all the goodies that come with those type of entities. I would like to be able to store the entities I work with across post backs (on order to avoid re-querying every time). Basically let us assume I have a paged GridView with 10 items in it, and something like a DetailsView to edit those items. Every time you select a new row on the grid, the details view updates with the information of the selected row. My preference would be to only query for the entities on the initial request of the page and store it in session. Then subsequently I have a list of entities that I can work with and eventually modify and send back to the business layer with all of the changes.

I really want to use session instead of view state to reduce the page payload (self tracking entities are heavy) however I really like view state for this because of the fact that when the user navigates away from the page there is no residual effect. Some of the things that worry me are: When a user navigates away from the page to another page, the entities from the previous page are still in session. I could always do something on load of a page to do housekeeping type of work. Not sure if that's good practice. I am worried about people opening browser tabs and having two views into the same page, it seems like that might pose a problem. Is this even a good approach? Seems like I am trying to have the best of all worlds, it would definitely be much easier to simply re-query on every post back for the entities and pay the 50-100ms hit of the database trip.

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Storing User Variables In Database Versus Session In C#

Jul 28, 2010

I'm working with an application that stores most data in a database and not session. I'm wondering of the pros and cons of each and which is the better way to go. For example, you have a pretty busy site and instead of storing user specific variables in session, there is a DB table called user data and it can store all user specific data that can be accessed from any page by querying the database. Which is the better way to go, session or database?

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State Management :: Storing Datatable In Session Variable?

Oct 28, 2010

I am storing Datatable in Session variable in my project. Is it good practise to do so? The datatable has 20 fields and can run into 1000+ records. Will it hamper my application performance?

View 11 Replies

C# Storing Alternate Text In Session Variable Or Retrieving From Db?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm building a web system and various clients will have alternate text for default instances throughout the site. One place is the main nav but there are others. The default may be "project" but they may want to call it "event".I'm heading down the road of calling all the terminology settings (there's a list of about 15) and creating an ArrayList that has the id and either the default or their replacement as the items in the ArrayList.I've also got a enum key list called TermKey that has the defaults and the corresponding ID number.

Throughout the code I'll reference TermKey.Project and then do one of these things that I see as options.
1-pull the text from the session (if the client has set it to "event" then the text "event" will be waiting for the call there)2-pull the text from the database every time I need it.3-pull the client's list each time a page loads.Some thoughts on the impact each way or if there is a best practice for

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Pitfall Of Storing DataTable(10,000 Rows) In A Session Variable?

Feb 24, 2010

Consider my dataTable contains 10,000 rows and i want to know the pitfall of storing datatable in a session variable... I want to use it until a new row has been added...What type of session mode should i use?

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Web Forms :: To Maintain The State Of The Treeview Without Storing It In Session

Feb 10, 2010

I am using master page.

(1) to maintain the state of the treeview without storing it in session or view state or

(2) I am binding the treeview control dynamically from a xml. Even if I use session state is ther any option to use it without using SelectedNodeChanged event because when u click the treeview node , first master page will postback for this event and then the child page and then again the master page will post pack (as the child page has inherited the master page). So here in this case we are posting the master page twice and it is reducing the performance.

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Web Forms :: Storing SiteMapNode Object In Session Not Working?

Jan 21, 2010

I am using Session state in my ASP.NET application. The development is done using InProc session state as the option, but now the application is deployed on a Web Farm(Cluster) environment. As a result, InProc session state is not working.

I have changed the session state mode to SQL server so the session state will work in Web Farm environment. But now i am getting a different error because of some of the objects which i have already used with Session.

Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects, and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization is done by the custom session state store in 'Custom' mode.

I understand that every object that is stored in Session needs to be serialized. But there are some objects which are not serializble in DOTNET.

Unfortunately i am using one of them, SiteMapNode. I am storing this object in session to re-create the breadcrumb based on the navigation the user has performed. I have to do this because there are mulitiple paths leading to single page in my application.

I have tried to do serialization of this object using XML serializer object, but its throwing an exception:

"System.Web.SiteMapNode cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor."

I can't change the code of storing the SiteMapNode in session as it is very complex and written by someone else. I have to store this object in session or some other state form so that i can continue using the same code.

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C# - Storing Session Id As A String And Casting It Back To GUID?

Jul 19, 2010

I´m trying to use session to store a value (id). The problem is that I have to store it as a string. When trying to use the instance of the id I get the error:

Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

Source Error:

Line 156:
Line 157: Nemanet_Navigation newFile = new Nemanet_Navigation();
Line 158: newFile.Nav_pID = (Guid)Session["id"];
Line 159:
Line 160:

This is where I get the id and that seems to work fine. Session["id"] gets the value.


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