Supporting Custom Compression Algorithm For IIS Served Content?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a bunch of internet devices which communicate with my MVC app on IIS 7.5. I'm currently using the built-in dynamic transparent compression (gzip/deflate).

I'd like to be able to support a different compression algorithm, which does a lot better than gzip (7zip) for the content I'm sending/receiving.

In other words, on the client I will add the header: accepts: gzip, deflate, 7zip (or similar), and the server will recognize this, and apply the best choice when sending the content.

What's the best way to go about hooking this all together? (I know how to implement the actual 7zip encode/decode aspect)

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What about the performance of this? Is it worth it to keep the pages quick and minimize data-traffic?

How can I make:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE"
FBsYWNlSG9sZGVyX01haW5Db250ZW50JFJhZEJ1dDXz21BS0eJ7991pzjjj4VXbs2fGBw==" />

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C# - Attempting To Force Gzip Compression On A Page Using GZipStream But Browser Says Using Unsupported Compression

Aug 4, 2010

I'm tring to implement what Steve Souders discusses [URL] about forcing gzip compression

I've got a module that's running this:


CompressionUtils.GzipSupported just checks for the 'accepts-encoding' header while
CompressionUtils.GzipSupportedExplicitly and CompressionUtils.GzipNotSupportedExplicitly check for the cookie saying whether the browser really can read gzip

But when I load a page in Firefox I get this error:

Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

and in Fiddler it shows that the content-encoding header has been added but the content hasn't been compressed

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Compression Module And Caching Conflict - Compression X 2

Mar 23, 2010

I have a compression module built based on several examples on the web. Initially, I hooked into the BeginRequest event of the application context to conditionally compress certain file types. This seems to have worked fine for JS and HTML, but CSS was giving me trouble. Here are the specific steps I could take to reproduce the problem consistently.

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Better Compression With System.IO.Compression?

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Custom Server Controls :: Show Only Literal Content In Custom Control

Jul 6, 2010

I try to mak a custom textbox. Something pretty easy to do but I can't figure out one thing. When I write my textbox in designmode I have this <custom:Textbox runat="server" ID="Textbox1">Test</custom:Textbox> The problem is The textbox is a webcontrol I added to my class [Parsechildren(false)] like this [Parsechildren(false)]

public class Textbox : WebControl

now the problem is I want to able to write the Text from the textbox between the beginningtag and andingtag but I want to disable every other control in designmode. When I add < between the tags then you can see you can write all tags between it. disable all controls except literal between the tage in designmode?

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How To Filter Certain Things In Pages Served By IIS

Mar 19, 2010

I'll try to be short and get right to defining the problem. We have an ASP.NET 2 application (eCommerce package) running on IIS (Windows Server 2003). The main site's page(s) are using plain HTTP (no SSL), but the whole checkout process and the shopping cart page is using SSL (HTTPS). Now, the problem is that the site's header is located in a template file, and inside it it has a plain HTML 'img' tag calling an image with the "http://" portion hard-coded into it... This header appears on absolutely every page (including the https pages), and due to its insecure image tag, a warning box pops up in IE on every stage of the checkout process...

Now, the problem: The live application cannot be touched in any way (no changes can be made to the template (so simply changing "http://" to "//" is not an option), IIS cannot be restarted, and the website/app pool cannot be restarted). Is there any way in the world (maybe plugin for IIS or a setting somewhere) that I can filter the pages right before they are served to replace the '<img src="">' with '<img src="//">' in the final HTML? Possibly via a regular expression or something?

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Mar 31, 2010

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Problem is, an .aspx pages in there won't get served with login, but all the .htm pages will.

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Supporting Multiple Displays From A Web Application?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a customer requirement where they would like to have different windows of a web application on 2 different displays (monitors): data lookup and entry on one screen and a document viewer on the other. The document viewer will be Flash or Silverlight based and loaded in a webpage. The app will be at least partially based on SharePoint. There is a need for communication between the two windows: when for instance a new task is clicked in the "data" view, the accompanying document needs to be opened in the other one.

The difficulties as far as I can determine:


I understand that I can launch the second window from Javascript, but that does not give me a lot of control over it. This solution will run in a closed, controlled environment, so limiting the solution to a specific browser (preferably IE8+) or the need to install additional software/components is no problem.

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AJAX JavaScript Files Served From A Static Location?

Jan 5, 2010

I realise that this is going to be a fairly niche requirement and will almost certainly raise a few "WTF's" but here goes...

Within an ASP.NET Webforms application I need to serve static content from a local client machine in order to reduce up-front bandwidth requirements as much as possible (Security policy has disabled all Browser caching). The idea is to serve CSS, images and JavaScript files from a location on the local file system referenced by filesystem links from within the Web application (Yes, I know, WTF's galore but that's how it is). The application itself will effectively be an Intranet app that's hosted externally from a client but restricted by IP range along with standard username/password security. So it's pretty much a hybrid Internet/Intranet application but we can easily roll out packages of files to client machines. I am not suggesting that we expect nor require public clients to download packages of files. We have control to an extent over the client machines in terms of the local filesystem and so on but we cannot change the caching policy.

We're using UpdatePanel controls to perform partial page updates which obviously means that we need to Microsoft AJAX JavaScript files. Presently these are being served (as standard) by a standard resource handler within IIS/ASP.NET. Ideally I would like to be able to take these JS files and reference them statically from a client machine, and no longer serve them via an AXD.

My questions are:Is this possible?If it is possible, how do we go about doing so?

In order to attempt to pre-empt some WTF's the requirement stems from attempting to service a requirement with as little time and effort as possible whilst a more suitable solution is developed. I'm aware that we can lighten the load, we can switch to jQuery AJAX updates, we can rewrite the front-end in MVC etc. but my question is related to what we can quickly deploy with our existing application architecture.

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Building A Website Supporting Many Languages / Cultures?

Sep 19, 2010

I am building my first ASP.NET MVC site and this site needs to be in 2 languages.

When a user selects a language from the menu, the site would present itself in that language.

The content likely will be loaded all from resource files. Can I respond to a change in the culture definition at runtime so it load the correct resource file?

I want different URLs for both languages. Perhaps something like

Is this possible? The users should be able to forward and save links and that the site will be loaded in their language.

How can this be done with ASP.NET MVC?

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SQL Server :: SSRS Not Supporting Remote Database?

Jan 18, 2011

I am using sqlserver 2008R2 for reporting services. . My Database is located in remote computer. I am able to get the data and make a report and able to view the report using Business Intelligent Development Studio(BIDS). . After deploying the report, wen i try to view it from the browser it is giving an error message

An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'.

The feature: "The edition of Reporting Services that you are using requires that you use local SQL Server relational databases for report data sources and the report server database." is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.

is this some error or do i need to change the version of SSRS?

if i need to change the version. which version supports my scenario.

using Database in the remote server, Visual Web Developer2008

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Supporting Resumable HTTP - Downloads Through An ASHX Handler

Mar 25, 2011

We are providing downloads of our application setups through an ASHX handler in ASP.NET.

A customer told us he uses some third party download manager application and that our way of providing the files currently does not support the "resume" feature of his download manager application.

My questions are:

What are the basic behind resuming a download? Is there a certain HTTP GET request that tells me the offset to start at?

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Apr 8, 2010

How convert website for supporting with phone sreen ?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: File Chunking Fails When Served From IIS7 To Firefox

Oct 17, 2010

This seems as good a place as any for this question. It has to do with an .ASHX handler.

I have written a generic file serving handler in - it has been working great. I recently moved to a windows 7 box and am now debugging under IIS7, and this is where the problems occure.

Whenever I serve a file to either FireFox or Chrome (IE8 works fine) from IIS 7, the download will fail.

- In FireFox the error is "[some file name and path].part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read."
- In Chrome the error is "Error 330 (net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED): Unknown error."
- In IE8 it works fine

If I run the same code in IIS6, it works fine. If I run the same code in the Visual Studio virtual web server, it works fine (on windows 7 or XP).

I am rather concerned about this as our production web server will soon be IIS7; which I'm starting to really love, and would hate to revert to IIS6 just because this won't work in IIS7.

Here is the code I'm using..I've tried a number of different patterns. It seems to always fail on the Flush() line with the error "System.Web.HttpException = {"The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x80070040."}"

One thing I have noticed, if I move the flush statment to the finally clause or remove it all together; firefox will attempt to read the entire file - it appears to be looping through the entire block of code just fine, until it hits the flush statement. If I remove the flush statment I still get an error and it still tries to read the entire file before asking me to save it.

--Edit: I removed the flush and tested again; firfox thinks it downloaded a zero byte file.

I'm assuming I just have some sort of header issue going on here, but I'm at a loss at this point as to what that would be.


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C# - .NET / Active Directory Supporting Auto Login For Domain Users?

Mar 23, 2010

I am developing a simple ASP.NET website that will run on the intranet on a WS2008(IIS7) box and respond to users running XP/IE8. Everything is domain connected and I am trying to automatically login the users much like SharePoint does.On my dev machine (XP), when running the site through VS, everything works. I can pickup on the user perfectly. I am using the following settings:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<anonymousIdentification enabled="false"/>

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How To Configure IIS To Serve 404 Response With Custom Content

Mar 31, 2010

I would like to serve a custom 404 page from ASP.NET MVC. I have the route handler and all the infrastructure set up to ensure that nonexistent routes are handled by a single action:

public ActionResult Handle404()
Response.StatusCode = 404;
return View("NotFound");

Problem: IIS serves back its own content (some predefined message) when I set Response.StatusCode to 404 before returning the content.

On the VS development web server, this works as intended - the status code of the HTTP response is 404 while my content (the NotFound view) is served.

I believe that when the IIS processing pipeline sees that the application returns 404, it simply replaces the whole response with its own.

What setting in IIS affects this behavior?

I do not have access to the IIS installation so I can not investigate this - however, I can ask the hosting provider to tweak the configuration for me if I know what exactly needs to be changed.

View 1 Replies - Custom Control - Template Allowing Literal Content?

Jun 16, 2010

I want my User Control to be able to have Literal Content inside of it. For Example:

<fc:Text runat="server">Please enter your login information:</fc:Text>

Currently the code for my user control is:

<ParseChildren(True, "Content")> _
Partial Public Class ctrFormText
Inherits UserControl


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C# - Can A Page Opt Out Of IIS 7 Compression

Apr 20, 2010

My pages are automatically being compressed by IIS7 with GZIP. but, for one particular page, I need to stream it to the user, using Response.Flush() when needed. But when the output is being compressed, the IIS server seems to collect all my output until the page is done before compressing and sending it to the client. That nullifies my attempt to Flush the content out to the user.

Is there a way that I can have this one page opt out of the compression?

One possible option

I've determined that if I manually set the content type to one that does not match the IIS configuration at c:windowssystem32inetsrvconfigapplicationhost.config, then IIS will not compress it. Eg. Response.ContentType = "x-text/html". This works okay with IE8, as it falls back to display the HTML. But Firefox will ask the user what to do with the unknown file type.

This could work, if there was another Mime Type I could use that browsers would accept as HTML, that is not matched in the applicationhost.config. For reference, these are the mime types that will be compressed:


Others options?

Are there other options to opt out of compression?

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Custom Server Controls :: Get JavaScript File Content From WebResource?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a web control and it needs to inject JavaScript content into ASPX page using RegisterStartupScript. But I don't see a way of doing so. If I use this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl it will return URL which can be used for RegisterClientScriptInclude, but I need the content of the file injected and not reference.

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Security :: Which Algorithm Are PasswordDeriveBytes Using

Jun 21, 2010

PasswordDeriveBytes take 4 paramteres and return an encrypted key basead on 4 parameters: passPhrase, saltValue, hashAlgoithm and password iteration

I wonder what algorithm PasswordDeviveBytes are using, so I can tell someone who are not .NET programmer that this secretkey was made by that alogorithm and that he can use this algorithm also - And then he should get the same results as PasswordDeriveBytes method

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