I try to mak a custom textbox. Something pretty easy to do but I can't figure out one thing. When I write my textbox in designmode I have this <custom:Textbox runat="server" ID="Textbox1">Test</custom:Textbox> The problem is The textbox is a webcontrol I added to my class [Parsechildren(false)] like this [Parsechildren(false)]
public class Textbox : WebControl { }
now the problem is I want to able to write the Text from the textbox between the beginningtag and andingtag but I want to disable every other control in designmode. When I add < between the tags then you can see you can write all tags between it. disable all controls except literal between the tage in designmode?
This control may contain some other web server controls such as GridView.I need explanation of experienced developers, how to do that - take me to the right way
var Errortemplate = '<h1>Error</h1><p>Blue wizard shot the food</p>';
Then I can use JQuery to do someDiv.html(Errortemplate);
Finally resulting in whatever they put in <ErrorTemplate> appearing on the page
Because I'm using JQuery it might be possible to do this a different way, such as adding the placeholder to the page into a hidden div and using JQuery to copy the values out.
<uc:MyControl ...> <Template> </Template> </uc:Mycontrol> I would like <uc:MyControl ...> <FishBiscuit> html </FishBiscuit> <FishBiscuit> html </FishBiscuit> <FishBiscuit> html </FishBiscuit> <FishBiscuit> html </FishBiscuit>
However I'm not sure if it's possible, or how to wire it up if it is.
Is there any HTML tag that will wrap my text without changing its style at all? I've tried <pre> but that makes it look weird. I need this because I'm trying to include Literal content within a System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.
I would like to set the one template for edit/insert and view in my custom FormView control . But i got these odd exception Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table'.
public class CustomFormView : FormView { [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), BindingDirection.TwoWay)] public IBindableTemplate FormTemplate { get; set; } protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { ChangeMode(FormViewMode.Edit); if (FormTemplate != null) { if (CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit) { FormTemplate.InstantiateIn(this); } } base.OnInit(e); } } edited : in the first step , I created the new user control and added a formview ("FV") public partial class Form : UserControl { private IBindableTemplate _template = null; [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty), TemplateContainer(typeof(FormView), System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection.TwoWay)] public IBindableTemplate FormTemplate { set;get } protected void Page_Init() { if (FormTemplate != null) { FV.InsertItemTemplate = FV.EditItemTemplate = FormTemplate; if (!IsPostBack) FormTemplate.InstantiateIn(FV); } } }
Now , I want to convert this user control to web control.
I recently created a custom validation control that compares two textboxes and verifies their content. When I use this control in a detailsview I have no problems but, when an updatepanel is added the validation control no longer works.I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and .net 3.5 framework.
I'm trying to make my masterpage work with my content page, allowing the content page to access the master page controls. I get the error:
Parser Error Message: The 'mastertype' directive must have exactly one attribute: TypeName or VirtualPath
This is on the lines:<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="viewProduct.aspx.cs" Inherits="AlphaPackSite.viewProduct" MasterPageFile="MasterPages/Main.master" title="Hi there!" [code]...
I'm a bit confused with namespaces and such so may have got them wrong, but all pages are in the same namespace now I beleive.
I keep getting the error: Compiler Error Message: CS0030: Cannot convert type 'AlphaPackSite.Main' to 'ASP.masterpages_main_master'
Source Error:
Line 147: public new ASP.masterpages_main_master Master { Line 148: get { Line 149: return ((ASP.masterpages_main_master)(base.Master)); Line 150: } Line 151: }
public partial class AjaxUC : System.Web.UI.UserControl { private ITemplate _content = null; [TemplateInstance(TemplateInstance.Single)] [TemplateContainer(typeof(Container))] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] public ITemplate Content { get { return _content; } set { _content = value; } } void Page_Init() { if (_content != null) { Container container = new Container(); _content.InstantiateIn(container); divContent.Controls.Add(container); lblSearchTitle.Text = LblModalSearchText; } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (hdVisible.Value=="true") { modalSearch.Show(); } } } public class Container : Control, INamingContainer { internal Container() { } }} This control when used on any aspx page will popup the control placed inside the template "divContent" as modalpopup. ________________________________________________________________________ Now I am trying to convert this user control to Custom Control and my code is:-
[ParseChildren(true)] [PersistChildren(true)] public class DNAWebAjaxTool : PlaceHolder { public event EventHandler BtnModalSearchCloseClickEvent; public event EventHandler Click; private ITemplate _content = null; private HtmlInputHidden _hdVisible; private Panel _pnlModalSearchContent; private Panel _pnlModalSearch; private ModalPopupExtender _modalSearch; private Button _btn; private DivContainer divContent = new DivContainer(); private string _viewState; public DNAWebAjaxTool() { } public Panel PnlModalSearchContent { get { if (_pnlModalSearchContent == null) { _pnlModalSearchContent = new Panel(); } return _pnlModalSearchContent; } } public ModalPopupExtender ModalSearch { get { if (_modalSearch == null) { _modalSearch = new ModalPopupExtender(); } return _modalSearch; } } public string ViewState { get { return _viewState; } set { _viewState = value; } } public HtmlInputHidden HdVisible { get { if (_hdVisible == null) { _hdVisible = new HtmlInputHidden(); } return _hdVisible; } } [TemplateInstance(TemplateInstance.Single)] [TemplateContainer(typeof(DivContainer))] [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] public ITemplate Content { get { return _content; } set { _content = value; } } protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { _content.InstantiateIn(divContent); base.Controls.Add(divContent); base.OnInit(e); } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (HdVisible.Value == "true") { ModalSearch.Show(); } base.OnLoad(e); } void _btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BtnModalSearchCloseClickEvent(sender, e); } public virtual void Hide() { PnlModalSearchContent.Visible = false; ModalSearch.Hide(); ViewState = "false"; } public virtual void Show() { PnlModalSearchContent.Visible = true; ModalSearch.Show(); ViewState = "true"; } protected override void CreateChildControls() { base.CreateChildControls(); } protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (ViewState == "true") { _modalSearch = new ModalPopupExtender(); _modalSearch.ID = "modalSearch"; _modalSearch.TargetControlID = "btnHiddenSearch"; _modalSearch.PopupControlID = "pnlModalSearch"; _modalSearch.DropShadow = false; _modalSearch.RepositionMode = AjaxControlToolkit.ModalPopupRepositionMode.RepositionOnWindowResize; _modalSearch.Drag = false; _modalSearch.BackgroundCssClass = "modalBackground"; _modalSearch.Show(); _btn = new Button(); _btn.ID = "btnHiddenSearch"; _btn.Style.Value = "display: none"; _btn.RenderControl(writer); _pnlModalSearch = new Panel(); _pnlModalSearch.ID = "pnlModalSearch"; _pnlModalSearch.CssClass = "modalPopup"; _pnlModalSearch.RenderControl(writer); PnlModalSearchContent.ID = "pnlModalSearchContent"; PnlModalSearchContent.RenderControl(writer); divContent.RenderControl(writer); _btn = new Button(); _btn.ID = "btnModalSearchClose"; _btn.Text = "Close"; _btn.CausesValidation = false; _btn.Click += new EventHandler(_btn_Click); _btn.RenderControl(writer); } } } public class DivContainer : Control, INamingContainer { internal DivContainer() { } } ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The problem I am facing is that the modalpopup extennder is not coming up as a popup.
I'm creating an ASP.NET Control which has a property collection for Columns which the user can edit in the Property Collection Editor..
In most circumstances this works fine, the collection can be edited in the designer and the appropriate tags are added inside the control in the ASPX file.
It works fine when
My control is added to the form
My control is added inside an Update Panel
However, if My control is inside a Content Placeholder which is inside an Update Panel, it fails to work as it should. In this scenario, when the Columns collection is edited in the designer, if you then switch back to Source view, the Columns collection is emptied. I have to save the aspx page before switching back to Source view for the changes to be kept.
how to get around this problem? Is there something I may have missed?
I want to write own control which can contain other. And I want to define content of the control in the .aspx file where the control is defined. I have written such control. But now I have issue with ViewState of inner controls of my control. The following samle illustrates the issue: I defined two asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1" and ID="ddl2" One of them is inside of my control and other is outside. When posback is occurred asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1 loses state and becomes empty. How to say ASP.net to store state of inner controls defined by this way?
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MyControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="DynamicControls.Controls.MyControl" %>
i have grid that uses around 12 to 15 label when i bind it...and grid contains thousands of records, now if i'll use literal control instead of label will it to improve the speed.
I'm using Multiview control in my web page, and I'm using 3 view blocks inside the Multiview. In each view I have some text boxes with validation controls. In my 3rd view I have a submit button. If I press the submit button without enter any values in text boxes, it accept the empty value the Required validator control didn't work.
I use Only one Submit button for a all 3 views....
I'm using a literal to display some javascript on a product page control. Basically what I'm doing is in my code behind I'm declaring a new stringbuilder, writing the script while inserting some dynamic variables to populate the script then setting the literal text to the stringbuilder. This leaves me open to xss attacks. What can I do to prevent this?
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); //loop through items in the collection for (int i = 0; i < _prod.ActiveProductItemCollection.Count; i++) { sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>"); //add +1 to each item sb.AppendFormat("mboxCreate("product_productpage_rec{0}",", i+1); [code]...
I have got a literal control on page (with some data on it). i want to access it in javascript and want to put some text on it. how can i access literal control in javascript. (i am using asp.net)
My code in javascript (but not working):
lths = document.getElementById("<%= lblhs.ClientID %>"); lths.innerHTML = 'this is text line"