Templating Solution For Prototype CMS?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a prototype CMS I've been working on for fun. It's completely written in ASP.NET MVC.It works on the principle of "widgets". Little blocks of functionality that can be dragged and dropped on the page, you get the idea. I have added a few simple blogging widgets which work well, one of them is the "Latest Posts" widget that goes on the front page. While the function of the widget i.e. listing the latest posts is standard, the mark-up it generates may not be. I don't want to force my users into a set in stone mark-up.I was wondering if it would be possible to use some form of templating perhaps T4? I have not delved into it deeply but it looks fairly complex, so not sure it would even be possible. What I would like is for the end-user to be able to doctor a small template file to change the markup generated for each blog post list item.If someone knows of any blogs/tutorials that may get me started I'd be very grateful. Googling for custom T4 templates brings up changes to the EditorFor templates that I'm sure everyone is familiar with.

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CS0012: The type 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
public class _Page_Views_Home_Index_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<IEnumerable<LNModel.Joke>> {

Here is the code in my HomeController:


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MVC :: Cannot Add MVC 3 Project To Empty Solution

Dec 16, 2010


1) Create completely empty VS 2010 solution.

2) Add one project. Now there's one project but no solution root.

3) Choose "Add new project" from the file menu.

4) Add MVC 3 empty project

5) It fails because the current "something" is neither the solution nor a solution folder.

Workaround: create two other projects first.

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Need A GUI Based Deployment Solution For .net?

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Two Different Membership Providers On The Same Web-solution

Jan 17, 2011

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project B

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MVC :: Add Source Code To Solution

Jan 12, 2010

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Use Common Web.config For Solution In Dot Net?

Mar 5, 2011

I am going to develop the web application in asp.net. where as in this application there is 4 user perspectives. all are independent all togather. but I want to develop under the single web solution. also want to create the number web applications for each user perspective, under this solution. so can i use common web.config file for this solution? what will impact ? if can not then how to manage the config files so that I need to change configuration at once (if need in future)

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Mar 22, 2010

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C# - Looking For A Good Dynamic Imaging Solution?

May 24, 2010

I work for a small E-Commerce shop and we are looking for a process that will handle resizing our product images dynamically. Currently our designers take high resolution photos, either provided by the manufactures or created in house, and alter them to fit various pages on our site. The designers are constantly resizing, cropping, altering compression levels, etc., of each product photo to fit the needs of the business. Being that our product line is updated frequently, this becomes a monotonous task.

Abobe Scene7 does exactly what we are looking to do and the images are served up from a CDN. Unfortunately we found it to be too expensive.

I'm curious to learn how others handle this process at their organizations. Does anyone know of any good 3rd party tools or other SAAS providers that can handle performing some basic image manipulation and serving them on the fly?

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Web Forms :: Images Cannot Be Seen In Solution Explorer

May 13, 2010

I have all my images in image folder in my project, when I try to open that folder in my project then I cannot see those images listed in it, though I can attach those images to it is there anything in the settings?

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How To Access The Session From A Different Project Within The Solution

Feb 4, 2010

I have 2 projects in my solution.

MVC Web application
Class library

The MVC Web application references the class library.

The class library contains a class that extends the default ASP.Net Controller.

I'm putting a variable in session in the application's Global.asax.

protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs args)
HttpContext.Current.Session["DomainName"] = Request.Url.Host;

In the class library I'm trying to get the value from the HttpContext.Session, but HttpContext.Session keeps coming up null.


HttpContext.Current.Session doesn't seem to be an option in controllers.

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How To Open A Solution In Visual Studio

Feb 4, 2011

I have a website which was created by someone; now I am trying to open it.

My doubt is will that project contain a solution? Within Visual Studio, I am trying to open through the open website option, but I didn't find a solution.

Is that right way? How best can I open a website with Visual Studio?

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How To Open A File That Is Part Of Solution

Jul 7, 2010

I have a document that I have included in my VS 2010 solution. It is in a folder called "MyFolder" the file itself is called "MyDoc.docx". I've tried the following ways to open the file but none work:

Stream s = File.OpenRead("/MyFolder/MyDoc.docx");
Stream s = File.OpenRead("MyFolder/MyDoc.docx");
Stream s = File.OpenRead("~/MyFolder/MyDoc.docx");

What is the proper path for this file?

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Mar 10, 2011

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Another Question: Is there a possibility to open an ASP.NET 1.1 application in VS 2010? Tthe upgrade wizard tries to convert it, but the conversion results in errors.

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