.net - Two Web Applications In The Same Solution - How Can I Keep Them Separate?

Mar 22, 2010

I have two web applications in the same solution.They both use different membership/profile and role providers.They are named differently. When I run the solution, and visit one website, and login everything is fine.I then go to the other website, it thinks I am already logged in and the profile provider tries to load profile properties that do not exist.How can I keep them separate, so when I try to log in on one site, it doesn't think I'm still logged in on the other.

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Visual Studio Solution With Multiple ASP Web Applications

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State Management :: Sharing Cache Between Two Web Applications In The Same Solution

Jul 7, 2010

I have an asp.net solution in which there are two web application projects (client website and admin website) and also a class liabrary project in the same solution . In the live production server, the admin web app is within the client app (eg: client site= [URL] and admin site=[URL]). A class (with static variables) in class liabrary is userd to cache data. My problem is that i cannot get the changes to the static cache by one web project reflected to the other (becoz, i think, they seem to load in seperate appdomains).

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Visual Studio :: Trying To Add A Class Library To A Solution In Vs2008 But Solution Icon Disappears?

Mar 20, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Solution Explorer Not Showing Solution Name - VS 2008

Sep 10, 2010

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I created a Blank solution called HelloWorld.Then I added a new Class Library project by the name of HelloWorldService.After creation of the

Class Library project the Solution name disappeared from Solution Explorer.

As a result of which I can now only add new items into the Class Library project but cannot add new item to the solution.

This appears to be a pretty old problem as I found it in another link on the internet.


It seems to be a bug.Has MS released a patch or a fix for this.

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DataSource Controls :: Display Results From Two Separate Tables In Two Separate Databases?

Jan 14, 2010

I have access to two seperate databases (mySQL) located on two servers. I need to get the data, link the tables on a key field and display the results in a datagrid. My challenge is that if the search criteria changes for the display it affects rows returned from on table and should thus automatically affect the linked table and resulting data returned.

what the best approach would be to achieving this? So far I have set up a dataset with a dataadapter and table for each connection and then linked the tables in the dataset. The problem that I'm having is getting the linked resultsets to work.

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Jun 7, 2010

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I need to know what machine is calling to count the number of attempts to login into my system for example. So must do it inside of the svc code otherwise if I let the client inform what ip address or what computer he is using, anyone could forge this argument and surpass by another machine. May be I'm approaching this matter wrongly. And I should count the number of attempts per state session, but how is it done?

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Feb 2, 2010

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How to seperate my project in to layers ? how to design classes ?

should i followany patterns ? repository patterns ?

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Configuration :: Deploying Web Applications With Sub Web Applications?

Apr 22, 2010

Our corporate intranet is designed so that each web application is a child application in the primary application.. Everything has worked fine with Visual Studio 2008 and even in 2010 running the website locally works great, the output directory for the child apps is ..in and the ProjectName.dll copies to that directory.. When I do a publish however it does not and I have to manually copy the dll from the bin folder in the project folder to the parent bin folder, this isn't hard of course but more of a pain in the butt each time I need to publish something. I made sure the output directory is correct for both debug and release yet on publish is just copies it to the child bin and not the parent bin as needed.

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How To Get Solution Path

Mar 15, 2010

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C:UserslyndaDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWorking_copywwwroot

test project:

C:UserslyndaDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWorking_copywwwrootTestwwwroot

class project

C:UserslyndaDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWorking_copywwwrootClassLibrary

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Solution Explorer Icon Changes?

Mar 18, 2010

When one creates a new Web Form, Solution Explorer reflects it by adding it to the list, correct? Okay, let me describe this the only way I know how, seeing how I'm a noob and all.The icon representing the item is colorful, with certain features on it with a little bit of yellow at the bottom part of thebackground. While executing my application I notice that certain functionality has ceased to work, when I had made no changes to it, or so I think. I look over at my Solution Explorer and notice that the icon has changed. Now it looks like a simple blank piece of paper. Also, when I highlight the item in Solution Explorer, the Properties window is now missing two attributes: 'Build Action' and 'Copy to Output Directory'.

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MVC :: Using Model Outside Of Project But Within Solution

Feb 16, 2011

I have decided to go back to an old project that I had placed on hold, to get familiar with MVC 3 Razor. It is a Jokes website (some of you already know). I have been watching these video tutorials on Code First Entity Framework 4, and I have managed to build my model in a project of its own. Then I went and created another project (this time MVC 3 Razor Blank Project) and linked the two togther. I am trying to simply list the joke, but I get the error saying:

CS0012: The type 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
public class _Page_Views_Home_Index_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<IEnumerable<LNModel.Joke>> {

Here is the code in my HomeController:


I know what the error means, I am missing a { using System.Data.Entity; } statement somewhere. But I can't understand why ! according to the video, if I have referenced my projects to that statement, I shouldn't be having this problem !

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MVC :: Cannot Add MVC 3 Project To Empty Solution

Dec 16, 2010


1) Create completely empty VS 2010 solution.

2) Add one project. Now there's one project but no solution root.

3) Choose "Add new project" from the file menu.

4) Add MVC 3 empty project

5) It fails because the current "something" is neither the solution nor a solution folder.

Workaround: create two other projects first.

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How To Get RESX Value From Other Project In The Same Solution

Oct 6, 2010

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in the BLL project, I create a class that need to get a global resx value from RESX file that is placed in the Web project. Is it possible ?

BLL can't have a reference to Web project because of the project dependency

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Need A GUI Based Deployment Solution For .net?

Feb 24, 2010

I have looked through this site and just can't seem to find the answer I am looking for.

We have a multi server setup for our web sites, typically (DEV/QA/PRODUCTION). Our sites are .net which require some sort of build before being deployed. We are using SVN for source control and are looking for a tool/website/something that will allow our project managers to push button deploy changes to the different environments. It seems there is no silver bullet for this, am I correct in this assumption?

I like the functionality of Springloops but can't find any information regarding its use with .net. Sparing details, it would be nice to see a diagram of sorts on the whole end to end process. What I mean by that is, if multiple different tools are the only answer (no silver bullet), then a diagram that shows where the tools sit in relation to the whole process.

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Two Different Membership Providers On The Same Web-solution

Jan 17, 2011

I have built two websites, both of them use a custom membership provider I have written myself.

One of these sites is already a long time online and runs fine. Now I have installed the other site on the same webserver in the same Web as a different application. Also have I given a seperate ApplicationPool for each solution.

If now the client logs on to one site, he looses the session on the other and vice versa. It's not possible to be loged on on both sites together. All the rest works fine.

What is the connection between the two sites. Is it necessary to change something in my membership providers?

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Best Browser Detection Solution In ASP 4.0

Mar 4, 2011

I googled this topic and I came across with three different ways to configure browser capabilities: browscap.ini, browserCaps element in web.config and .browser files in App_Browsers. I thought .browser files is the latest way, but I don't seem to find up-to-date files. But I found quite fresh browscap.ini from [URL]

My first priority is to exclude common crawlers from the visitor stats. The second priority is to detect browser and os with correct versions (e.g. Opera 11 / Win7). Are there any libraries I could use? Is browscap.ini still a valid way and is it possible to use it without access to system files? Where can I find up-to-date .browser files?

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Configuration :: How To Add A New Project Into The Solution

Apr 24, 2010

There is a solution that whithin it I have a web project.

Now, I wish to add a new web project which has it's own App_Data,App_Themes.App_Code.

I don't wont to mess things and combine them both in the same project. I just won't to compile the new project and upload it sepretly to the web server in a different directory.

How do I do that with VS2008?

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Templating Solution For Prototype CMS?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a prototype CMS I've been working on for fun. It's completely written in ASP.NET MVC.It works on the principle of "widgets". Little blocks of functionality that can be dragged and dropped on the page, you get the idea. I have added a few simple blogging widgets which work well, one of them is the "Latest Posts" widget that goes on the front page. While the function of the widget i.e. listing the latest posts is standard, the mark-up it generates may not be. I don't want to force my users into a set in stone mark-up.I was wondering if it would be possible to use some form of templating perhaps T4? I have not delved into it deeply but it looks fairly complex, so not sure it would even be possible. What I would like is for the end-user to be able to doctor a small template file to change the markup generated for each blog post list item.If someone knows of any blogs/tutorials that may get me started I'd be very grateful. Googling for custom T4 templates brings up changes to the EditorFor templates that I'm sure everyone is familiar with.

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MVC :: How To Link Two Projects In One Solution

Jan 6, 2011

i have two projects in one solution...

project A

project B

in project A i have page in--->Home/Account(page)

what link i have to use from project B to open the page in project A

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MVC :: Add Source Code To Solution

Jan 12, 2010

Out of all the projects that contribute to MVC, I've added only the System.Web.Mvc project to my solution and I'm having trouble with the compilation of the aspx files. Firstly the page compiler complained that ViewResult<T> (which my View inherits from) was specified in two assemblies - the copy in the source code and the one in the GAC. I fixed this by changing my copy of the source code to a higher version and referencing the different verison within the 'compilation' tag in web.config. (In fact you can just delete the assembley reference altogether and it automatically uses the one in the solution.) Then it complained that Html helper methods couldn't find classes such as 'Controller'. Now I think this is because the official MVC assemblies in the GAC are looking for the correct version of 'System.Web.Mvc' (i.e. the one with the right public key) but my app is no longer referencing it.

I thought I'd fixed this with an assembley redirect to my version of the code but now the View templates are complaining about inheriting from classes that are in an assembley with the wrong public key.So is what I'm doing possible or do I need to be recompiling all of the MVC source code?

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Configuration :: Deploy A Web Solution?

Jun 15, 2010

I am new to web solution(more than 1 project - so far I been working with website) Dos deploying asp.net 3.5 solution(with more than 1 project) is different from deploying the asp.net website(not project)What do I have to do..As well I am looking for a link to the precompere GUI plug-in to .net2008(couldn't't find it)

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