Trying To Send An Email Confirmation Once A Customer Signs Up?

Jan 28, 2010

Im currently trying to send an email confirmation once a user signs up. Ive looked at links already on the forums and have had no luck getting it to function. My Sign up page reads data to a SQL Server correctly, what im trying to do is when they click BtnSignUp they will automatically be sent an email confirning that they registered. within my database I have a table "tblUser" and the field within it are "Email" "Password".

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Security :: CreateNewUserWizard Confirmation Email Won't Send?

Aug 11, 2010

I've searched so much and tried so many differnet solutions, I can't get it to work. I have tried the MailDefinitions in the <CreateUserWizard> tag, and I have also tried to send the email in the code behind for the OnCreatedUser Event.Oddly enough, I have a Contact Us page, and emails send fine from it, but I can't for the life of me get a simple user confirmation email to send.


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How To Send An Email Confirmation Link To The User

Mar 20, 2011

I am developing a website where I need to send confirmation link to the user's e-mail account when he/she signs-up.

When user clicks this link then a field userEnable in database changes from "false" to "true".

How do I send a confirmation e-mail to a user when user clicks on the signup button.

When user clicks on this confirmation link then how would the field UserEnable change from "false" to "true"

I am using 4.0 with VB.NET as the language and SQL Server 2008 for my database.

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Security :: Send Confirmation Email With Create User Wizard?

Aug 8, 2010

After a user creates their account with the create new user wizard, I would like to have a confirmation email sent that requires them to click on a link in the email to confirm their account and verify their email address before account is activated.

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Security :: How To Send Email Confirmation From Create User Control

Jan 11, 2011

There has to be a simple way to send a confirmation email to new users. Every article that I've read really doesent tell me how to use the sendingmail event. In addition when I had it working, it wouldnt send emails to places like gmail or aol. 3.5 - VB language - godaddy hosing, sql server database host membership information

This is the current response I get when is set custom errors mode to Off

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

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Security :: Create User Wizard Error Won't Send Confirmation Email?

Aug 18, 2010

I have create user wizard control on my page as below with mail definition setup to send a welcome email to new registerd user.

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server"
requiresQuestionAndAnswer= "false"
oncreateduser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser" LoginCreatedUser="False">
<MailDefinition BodyFileName="~/EmailTemplates/CreateUserWizard.txt"
From="myemailaddress" Subject="New User">
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1" runat="server" >
layout content here
Problem is I am not receiving the welcome email.
To test it, I placed another create user wizard on another page in its default form
as below
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server">
<MailDefinition BodyFileName="~/EmailTemplates/CreateUserWizard.txt"
From="myemailaddress" Subject="New User">
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep runat="server" />
<asp:CompleteWizardStep runat="server" />

This one worked and I got welcome email. The setup in Web Config is correct. Is it because I have the oncreateduser="CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser" or some other conflict issue.

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Web Forms :: How To Send User Confirmation Email After Registration With Activation Link

Jan 21, 2010

I want to send a confirmation email to the user after they register to my website. I am using CreateUserWizard of .NET and I use C#.

My idea is after users register they get an email with a link. If they click the link, they will come to an activation page. I have done this so far:




After Guid userId = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey;

I am very confused and not sure what to do. I understand that i need to email an url with the userID to user's email upon registration, but how to do this, and when user clicks that url in that email, how that url will automatically come to activation page?

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Web Forms :: Check Whether Email Address Exists Without Email Confirmation

May 7, 2015

In addition to the process of regex syntax validation of Email Addresses entered by users, I'm trying to check if the entered email address is a real one and does exist?The best I could achieve is to "Ping" the host the email address is associated with. But there are some other terms in the industry like Handshaking with Email Server, etc.not necessarily with 100% confirmation accurary!

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Send Automatic Emails Once In Month With Some Customer Message?

Jun 23, 2010

I know it is possible to do this using windows service but I am using a shared hosting and so that choice is out. Also the ms sql stored pocedure is also not ideal for my problem as i dont have administrative previlages in the database. My requirement is to send a url or the data in that particular url to the administrator to notify him about the expiry of registration of the users in the system. I need to do this once in every month and I need to do this frm

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Email Form With Embedded From Data To Customer

Jul 2, 2010

I am trying to find out if what I am looking to do is achieveable. And if it is - where I would start. We have users who are completing an online quiz which they submit to SQL, we then extract the data and using Mail Merge in MS Word send them a personalised certificate by email. What would be better is that when they submit the data to the DB that the certificate was generated and emailed directly back (this needs two fields from the form data to drop into the form template).

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WCF / ASMX :: Confirmation Of Send And Received XML

Feb 16, 2011

possibility of my webserver, by sending the xml to my customer indicate that was sent and received successfully.

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Web Forms :: Send Confirmation Code On Mobile

Oct 2, 2013

How to send conformation code on mobile? like email activation code, registration code, password etc...

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Web Forms :: Specific Customer Info Be Showing On His Page For Each Customer?

Jan 13, 2010

Now i have a database table holds all info of my (customers) such as first last names and address phone number etc ... and i able to edit delete update their info from my side using the admin page that contians gridview i created. If several customers logged into their account pages, and each one wants to update his information,

How can i let the specific customer info be showin on his page for each customer? (I have one databse table and it contains a primery key column called "MemberID") how can i make the new subscribed user get his info that he did input or i would like to add to it, showin on his account page?

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Web Forms :: Send Email With Arabic (Persian) Text In Email Body

May 7, 2015

I followed this link, it works fine with English Text. [URL] ....

My problem is when I am adding Arabic text to the message body it displays ???? format.

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AJAX :: Send Email From Modal PopUp Contact Email Form In Master Page

May 7, 2015

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EMail Sending PopUp Open In All Pages To Provide The User Sending Email Facility From All Pages...

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Web Forms :: How To Approve New Users With Confirmation Email Using CreateUserWizard Control

Oct 12, 2013

How to Approve New Users with Confirmation Email Using CreateUserWizard Control in ASP.Net.

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Web Forms :: Send Forgot Password Email To Multiple Domain Email Addresses Using Single Program

Mar 31, 2013

i have code for forgot password using gmail account. But i want to send password for multiple domains like yahoo,rediffmail and more.

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May 7, 2015

how to display Chart in Email body and excel attachment.

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Web Forms :: Send Email To Persons Email Address In TextBox

Jun 17, 2012

i will enter an email address in textbox i have button on the click of button i would like to send a mail Hello to the mail address provider

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How To Send An Email To Distribution List Instead Of Email Address

Mar 22, 2010

in my web i want to send email to distribution list instead of email addresthis is my code:

message.From = New MailAddress("Innovate_Web@KISR.EDU.KW")
message.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
'message.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
message.Subject = "Email from contact page in Innovate Web"
message.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8

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Unable To Send An Email From .net Using A Google Apps Email?

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to send an email from using a google apps email.

I found this question which did not resolve the issue
Send Email via C# through Google Apps account

The part that I am really confused about is that it works with these settings

<smtp from="****" deliveryMethod="Network">
<network host="" port="587"
userName="****" password="****"[code]....

and get the following error message

"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required."

I found this article as well and worked through this but that did not resolve me issue either.

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Web Forms :: Send Email Without Sender Email Address

Sep 20, 2012

These are sender settingcode in web.config

<add key="Host" value=""/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value=""/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>

here is sender email but i want there wasn't any email address.I mean i want when users click on button and send me an email there wasn't any email address in sender details.

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Web Forms :: Send Email To External Email Id Using C#?

Mar 29, 2010

i am trying to send emails to internal as well external email id(like gmail,yahoo,rediff etc.) .but the problem is that i can send the email to internal email id and recieve it but when i try to send the mail to external email id iam not able to receive the email. the process runs fine cause no errors are occurring.

SmtpClient emailClient;
emailClient = new SmtpClient("", 252);
MailMessage message = new MailMessage("",", "Report", "Dear All,");
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
message.Body ="Dear All,"+"<br/>"+ "Please find the attached file.";
System.Net.Mime.ContentType mimeType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType();
message.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment("Report.xls", mimeType));
emailClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("a.b", "pass123");
emailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
emailClient = null;

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C# Membership Provider - Reset Password Features - Email Confirmation And Password Change?

Jun 28, 2010

Does anyone has a solution (sample code) for the following features:

Create a randomGuid/Cryptographically strong random number Send a unique URL containing the random number to the user's email address When confirmed, the user is asked to change password

My provider is currently parametrized this way:


The security issues with this type of procedure have been discussed here before.

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Customer Domain "appear Everything From Subdirectory" To A Multi Customer Application

Mar 9, 2011

I'm not really sure where to start with this and therefore can't pick a more specific area to post. At first I though this might be something I would do in IIS7 but on reflection i think it needs to be at the application level. I am developing an application which will as part of it's function provide a unique website (custom CMS) to my customers. Each person who registers will have their own site accessible via a url such as [URL]. I need someway to take this and work out which customer it is and then load the rest of the pages with their content. So the site may have a home, about us and news pages for example and be themed to the customers requirements. Each of the pages will be the same aspx file and application for all customers but the content and style will be loaded from the database at runtime. I'd like for the duration of the visit for everything to appear as if from this subdirectory without actually creating them for each customer. so thy could visit [URL] but it actually loads [URL] and loads the content based on the customer site the visit is viewing.

I'm not really sure how to approach this. Maybe using a session value to store the customerid for the site the person is viewing which could be calculated from the URL on the first visit. I presume other people have done something simialr in the past. Where it gets more complex is if I then want to offer customers to have there own domain name pointed to the site. In that scenario they would have say [URL] which points to my server and bound to my application [URL]. All pages would have look as though they were on the customer website such as [URL] but still point to [URL] in the background and also somehow link to the customerid in the database to load the correct content.

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