Turning An HTML <td> Into A Link .NET MVC?

Aug 17, 2010

I'd like to be able to turn rows of an html table into links to controllers.I figured something like

<td onclick="<%:Html.ActionLink("", "Index", new {id=item.user_id}) %>">

I'm using MVC 2

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C# - Turning HTML Div Code Into A Control?

Jan 18, 2010

I have bunch of HTML code I am using to make rounded edge boxes on my controls. Is there a way to take this code and turn it into some kind of control or something so I do not have to keep pasting 10 lines of HTML code around everything I do?

<div id="BottomBody">
<div class="box1024" >
<div class="content1024">[code]....

One additional thing to note, the number HTML tags used inside the inner most DIV will change depending on where I use it in my site. So in some cases I will only have 1 tag and 1 tag but in other cases I could have 1 tag, 1 tag, 3 tags, and a HTML table. How can I make that work?

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Web Forms :: Using An HTML Editor Without Turning Off Validation For Page?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm wondering if it's possible to be able to use an HTML editor (such as TinyMCE) in an ASP.NET form without turning off validation for the entire page. There are other fields in the page that I want to use validation for. Will those not get validated with validation controls if you set ValidateRequest="false" in the page directive?

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Html.ActionLink() Gives An Empty Link When Use It Inside Html.RenderAction()?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a Microsoft MVC project with an action "Foo" whose view ("Foo.aspx") contains the lines:

<%= Html.ActionLink("mylinktext1", "bar") %>
<%= Html.ActionLink<MyController>(x => x.Bar(), "mylinktext2") %>

When I hit this from a web browser or load it from an AJAX call, it properly returns:

<a href="/bar">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="/Bar">mylinktext2</a>

But when I call the action from another view like this:

<% Html.RenderAction<MyController>(x => x.Foo()); %>

Then the links are rendered without targets.

<a href="">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="">mylinktext2</a>

Why would this be happening, and how do I work around it?

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Link Button And JavaScript / Change A Standard HTML Input Button To A Link Button

Mar 1, 2011

I need to change a standard HTML Input button to a Link button but am running into problems because the existing

code calls a javascript function. The function basically does the same as the browser back button. When I add the code and

set the property runat="server" I get a "CS1026: ) expected".

Quite new to ASP,net (VS2010) so could be going about this the wrong way.



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MVC 3 RC Html.Actionlink Not Generating Link

Dec 6, 2010

I have a route (the first one listed) which looks like this:

"TopicRoute", // Route name
"forums/{forumSlug}/{topicSlug}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Forums", action = "Topic"} // Parameter defaults

I can browse to: /forums/my-forum/my-topic and the page loads fine. Yet I have a Html.ActionLink that looks like: @Html.ActionLink(item.Title, "Topic", new { forumSlug ="my-forum", topicSlug = "my-topic" }) And it won't generate the correct link syntax for me? It generates: <a href="">My Topic</a>

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MVC :: Simple Html Link To Another Page?

Mar 23, 2010

I have created a new ASP.Net MVC 2.0 project.When I open the Site.Master and look at the navigation you have the following:


When clicking the link, it gives me a 404 file not found and my URL is the following:
http://localhost:2053/Services.aspxHow can I create 4 simple html link that has the href property pointing to my 4 files inside my

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Web Forms :: Turning Off The Timer?

Mar 8, 2010

I think I know the answer to this, just want to make sure.

Question: there's no way to turn off a timer in ASP.NET on the client side (easily—I've seen the undocumented hacks on the net). Therefore, you have to set up you own logic client side while the timer is running server side, correct?

I went through these examples and understand them:



So, the pseudocode for a trigger done programically—so you do something when somebody clicks a button Button1 would be-- after you set up a ScriptManager, UpdatePanel and suitable ASync PostBack triggers in XAML (as per the above links) so that the Ticks event is triggered in the UpdatePanel:

public partial class MyWebForm : System.Web.UI.Page

bool myTriggeringBoolean; //used to turn off and on code in the Timer's Tick event [code]....

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SQL Server :: Turning 2 Lists, Into 1?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm sort of new to ASP.NET. What i've done here is create a list of Newsletters seperated by University newsletters, and Alpha Newsletters. What I have now been asked to do is make these 2 lists into 1 list. I can't figure a Way to do it without designing the database? Does anyone have any ideas? Take these 2 lists and make 1? Using odsNewsletterAlpha and odsNewsletterUni to create 1 list?

<h2>University Newsletters</h2>

<asp:ListView class="lvUniversity" EnableViewState="true" ItemPlaceholderID="plcItem" DataSourceID="odsNewsletterUni"[code]...

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How To Let Html Link (anchor) Do A Postback To Be Like LinkButton

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to ask how can i make an html anchor (a element) or even any object to do a postback or to execute an server side method?I want to create a custom button (a wrapped with some divs to do some custom them) and i want to implement OnClick to be look like the ASP.NET LinkButton?Like<a href="#" onclick="RunServerSideMethod()">Just a simple link button</a>

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C# - How To Insert Image In Html Action Link

Sep 2, 2010

I have navigation and many link on my webproject from html action links. They are ugly with underline. I would like to insert some image with name or play with styles of action link.Is it possible? How to do that?

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Html - Pre-populate Form From E-mail Link?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm look for a way to pre-populate Asp.net form from E-mail Link. I tried several method such as:[URL]Our vendor is saying this should work but I'm having no luck with it. If someone can tell me what might be wrong with this or if there is another solution. This is being used for an e-mail campaign so that the user receiving the e-mail does not have to fill the form link is navigating to.

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Using HTML To Get Image And Create Link From Database?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a column in my database that stores images that are links, when i populate them in a gridview on my asp.net page I want it to display the image as a link but when i did it i just get the text below.

<a href="http://www.url.com/url/url/url/url.html"><img src="http://www.url.com/url/url/url/url.jpg"></a>

My goal is to have a list of the images and when a user clicks the image they will go to another page. This is a start of my page, and i was attempting to use a gridview but now I am not sure what to do

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Web Forms :: How To Open Link To Pdf File In New Tab Using HTML

Jun 1, 2010

I have an html page which contains link to open pdf file. however this link opens in adobe reader when i click on it. I have set target property to blank. but it doesnt work either. I want to open this pdf file in new tab in the same window.

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Link In HTML E-mail Does Not Work In Hotmail?

Aug 30, 2010

I send automated mails to hotmail users. (thank you for your registration bla bla)Because plain text doesn't look attractive enough, I use HTML with images. The images reside on a public webserver.

As SMTP server I use the SMTP part of IIS 7.5 (windows 2008 R2). I have an SPF record setup in the DNS. I have also read http://tinisles.blogspot.com/2009/09/sending-dkim-email-from-c.html and found out that sending mail with the SMTP service and a DKIM signature cannot be done properly without an external commercial component. So I do not have such thing (yet).

Now that is all about my background and here is the problem:I have this in my HTML:

<a href="http://www.mydomain.com">click here</a>

But when users get am e-mail like that and view it in hotmail. (chrome, IE, safari etc.) and when they hover the link they will see that the url is http://www.mydomain.com but when they click on it. It redirects to:


what am I doing wrong? Is it an SMTP/IIS server setting? Did I forget something in my Asp.Net C# code when I have send the mail? Did I forget something in the DNS or HTML markup? The link works perfectly when I receive the mail in my Outlook 2010 where the domain is also added to the safelist.

EDIT If it seems to be all related to the antispam stuff in hotmail. Should I consider to buy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98oc_5bjjkc

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MVC :: Add An Image Instead Of Delete Link In Html Helpers?

Nov 10, 2010

<%: Html.ActionLink("Delete",
new { id=item.Emp_ID

how to add an image instead of first "Delete"

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AJAX :: HTML Editor - Link Button Pop Up?

May 11, 2010

how to style/position the pop up that appears when the 'new link' button is clicked. the pop up at the moment is showing at the far right of the screen - nowhere near the editor.

A previous post mentioned that this was a problem with a div with the style of position:relative - I do not have this, so this is not causing the problem.

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MVC :: Html.action Link Cant Find Page?

Feb 13, 2010

Ive been moving my site using forms over to MVC and have 2 html.action links in the default.master to MVC pages in the in the home folder that work just fine but when i add another mvc page in the home folder named links.aspx the application cant find the page from the html actionlink


there are no differences i can see in the pages that do show up and the one that cant be found (links.aspx).

there is no difference in the way ive written the link in the master.

I need about 6 or 7 of these links on the master to pages in the home folder.

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Web Forms :: Add CssClass To Html Link In Codebehind?

Aug 9, 2010

How can I get/retrieve html link (<a> tag) in my codebehind?

I have this link in the body of my website:
<a class="link1" id="link1" href="home.aspx>Test</a>

In my codebehind (Page_Load) I want to add a (Css)Class to it.

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Web Forms :: Count The Download Done Through A Html Link?

Sep 22, 2010

I have two types of downloads at our site. One is from our server and rendered using server side code, which I record the number of downloads whenever the code is executed. Another is from our parterner's site and offerred with a regular html link, like

<a href="http://www.partnersite.com/download/filename.zip>download</a>. How can I count the number of downloads for this link?

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C# - Bind Event To Generated Html Link?

Jan 12, 2010

I generate in a foreach loop html links ("test which I add to a pre defined literal.ow can I add a void to the generated html link? I tried with runat server and onclick.. but does not work..Goal is to add by the onclick a pre defined void from a API.

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MVC :: Handle HttpRequestValidationException Without Turning Off ValidateInput?

Mar 18, 2011

Is there a way I can handle HttpRequestValidationException without turning off ValidateInput?

What I really want is all HTML posted from a form to be automatically encoded in the model unless a particular property has the AllowHtml attribute set.

If I have to turn off ValidateInput, then what happens to the rest of my model validation? Will it still be validated or do I need to explicitally check ModelState.IsValid?

I'm also catching the exception in a custom model binder class but every time I try to access the offending property from Request.Form, the exception gets thrown. Is there a way to get that value in the model binder?

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Web Forms :: Remove Link In The Head Tag Of Html Page?

Jan 3, 2011

remove link in the head tag of html page


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AJAX :: Trigger UpdateProgress By Clicking On HTML Link?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a UpdateProgress that trigger fine when I click on stuff inside my UpdatePanel. However I have some regular HTML link ("<a href>") outside of the panel. How can I reuse the UpdateProgress so when I click on those link, it will show my loading screen?

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Debug When Using Full HTML Link Path In Links?

Jun 23, 2010

I read that for many reasons its better you use full link paths between pages in my site.

The question is how can i debug and work on my local testing environment when all of the links are with full path?

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