AJAX :: Trigger UpdateProgress By Clicking On HTML Link?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a UpdateProgress that trigger fine when I click on stuff inside my UpdatePanel. However I have some regular HTML link ("<a href>") outside of the panel. How can I reuse the UpdateProgress so when I click on those link, it will show my loading screen?

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AJAX :: Show UpdateProgress With Update Panel PostBack Trigger

May 7, 2015

I am trying to using update panel that have upload file when it click and showing the updateprogress

Here is the design

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="upTest">

[Code] ...

So how I can get the value of the file once the button click?

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AJAX :: Save File Dialog To Appear On Clicking Link Button?

Jan 13, 2011



i want to display the Save Dialog to appear when the user click at the LinkButton located in the Header Template of the Repeater

P.S: i have tried so may things as you can see in the code but does not seem to work.

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AJAX :: Using UpdateProgress As A ModalPopup / Disabling Webform While UpdateProgress Is Running

May 2, 2010

I have a webform that works the following way:

1. Button_openPanel will display panel Step2Panel through ModalPopupExtenderStep2.

2. Button_runThread (inside Step2Panel) will close Step2Panel and will then run a lengthy process server-side. This lengthy server-side process will cause the UpdateProgress control to be displayed.

Similar to the ModalPopup, I want to disable the whole page while the UpdateProgress control (with its animation gif) is running. Currently, the UpdateProgress is displayed, but I can click Button_openPanel (or anything else) which will cause the application to break.

Is this possible?

This is basically all the code. I stripped anything that was unneeded:


The code-behind is basically this:


Everything's working pretty good now, but I need to disable everything while the time-consuming process is running and UpdateProgress is displayed.

I was thinking of displaying the UpdateProgress control as a a sort of ModalPopup, but I'm not sure if it's possible. If not, then the alternative would be to disable Button_openPanel while the time-consuming process is running and UpdateProgress is displayed.

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Web Forms :: Make Validation Controls Trigger Only Not Clicking On Submit Button And Not On Other Navigational...

Oct 17, 2010

I have required validation controls on a page. If the user got to this page by mistake and wants to go to a different section of the website using the navigational buttons; required validators are triggered and it will not let the user navigate away. Ho do I get validators to trigger only when a submit button is clicked?

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AJAX :: AsyncPostback Trigger And Postbak Trigger For One Control?

Oct 31, 2010

I have UpdatePanel with GridView and i want register posback triger for index changing and asyncpostback for pagging and sorting.

When registering AsyncPostback (with event) and Postback in one control i have ASP event.

How go around this problem? , dynami register triggers mayby is a solution but i can`t unregister triger.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor - Link Button Pop Up?

May 11, 2010

how to style/position the pop up that appears when the 'new link' button is clicked. the pop up at the moment is showing at the far right of the screen - nowhere near the editor.

A previous post mentioned that this was a problem with a div with the style of position:relative - I do not have this, so this is not causing the problem.

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Web Forms :: Get To Destination Without Clicking Link

Jun 24, 2010

I have a site on which members can select from a list of links (from a ListView in profiles.aspx) in order to view details of another site member (in profile_detail.aspx), using this code:

profiles.aspx and profiles.aspx.vb:

I would like to do the following tasks but need coaching:From a completely different page (in other words, not from profiles.aspx this time), the user clicks on a photo of a site member; the program picks up the UserID associated with the photo from a database table and saves it to a session variable; completely bypasses the profiles.aspx page; goes directly to profile_detail.aspx and displays the correct person.

My problem: I don't how to bypass clicking the link on profiles.aspx.In other words, I want to go directly to profile_detail.aspx and apply the UserID session variable in displaying the person who matches that UserID. You could say that I need to programmatically "click a link" found inprofiles.aspx.

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AJAX :: Changing Default Link Target In HTML Editor?

May 9, 2010

I would like to change the default "target" for Link in HTML Editor. By default it is set to "Current Window", but I want to set it to "New Window" by default. Is it possible for HTMLEditor Control?

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Web Forms :: When Clicking On Link Goes To The Bottom Of Page

Dec 23, 2010

I am having trouble with a aspx page that when I click on the link to go to the page it opens/starts at the bottom. I want the page to open at the top like normal pages do.

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How To Select A Row In A Gridview By Clicking Link Button

Feb 25, 2011

How to select a row in a grid view by clicking link button in asp.net with VB.

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Security :: Keep User From Clicking Verification Link Again?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using the following code to send an email verification link (from the security tutorials). How would I modify the code below so that if the user has already clicke the verification link, it will display "account already verified" and redirect them to the login page?

using System; using System.Web.Security; public partial class Verification : System.Web.UI.Page
{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ID"])) [code].....

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MVC :: Adding A Record To The DB When Clicking On A Link In A View?

Dec 26, 2010

I want to add a link on one of the views , and when the user clicks on the link i want to insert a record in on of the a database table. The link will not take the user to another view or controller it just execute and insert statement to the database.

I am using MVC and LINQ

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Web Forms :: Should Go To Login Form After Clicking Link In Mail

Jan 6, 2010

I am sending a mail, in this Emailbody see the code below

Emailbody += "<td nowrap=nowrap><a href=http://pms.winrock.org.in/SubContractFin.aspx?id=" + lblSubConNo.Text + "><strong>Click Here</strong></a></td>";

whernever user get thi mail there is a link (Click Here) in this mail which redirects to SubContractFin.aspx form with a query string id.

thorugh this query string I am doing somthing on SubContractFin.aspx form.Now I want that if a user click this link it should goes to my login.aspx form and after successful user login it goes to SubContractFin.aspx form with same query string id.So how I need change my email body code.

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Web Forms :: How To Avoid Page Flicker When Clicking On A Link

Oct 25, 2010

I have noticed that many new modern websites (and templates like themforest templates) are being built without any page flicker.What I mean by page flicker is that when you click on a link the hole screen flicker and then the new page is retrieved and viewed.Here are some examples of these new sites (templates) that do not have any page flicker.


I would like to know to make a website like above. I do realize that it must be ajax or javascript. However what I would like is some code.

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What Are The Events Triggered After Clicking On A Href Link In A .Net Application

Jan 28, 2010

My client wants to pass values through the query string, but they don't want the query string to be displayed in the browser's address bar. The values being passed are for tracking purposes. I know that postback doesn't happen after you click on href link.Is there any way I can get the value out of the query string without displaying it in the browser's address bar? I think this may be impossible, but I may be wrong; I'm hoping to see if anyone has any answers.

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Web Forms :: When Clicking On A Link Would Like The Linked Page To Appear In The Contentplaceholder?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a masterpage that has a banner and under the banner it has a few links...The issue i am having is when clicking on a link i would like the linked page to appear in the contentplaceholder, i can't seem to figure it out.

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Gridview Shifts On Clicking Select Link Button

Apr 23, 2014

I have a GridView inside a Multiview. If user clicks the select linkbutton, the link open in another tab (external website). It works fine. However, in the original page the gridview just shifts to bottom of the page. I don't know what is causing this to happen. I have other button on the grid which opens the DetailsView in another page, but that works fine. Why grid moves to bottom?

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Prevent Databind On Gridview When Clicking The Edit Template Link?

Aug 3, 2010

My Gridview is refreshing its datasource when the edit button is clicked. How can I prevent this from happening? This isn't much of a problem when there aren't a lot of records, but when there are many it takes awhile. The data is already loaded so the edit button shouldn't need to reload the data. The edit button is a template edit button, and I'm using an SQL Datasource that connects to an Oracle database. The SQL datasource uses a control parameter that points to a dropdownlist.

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Web Forms :: How To Restore A WebPartZone After Clicking The Close Arrow Link

Apr 13, 2010


I followed the above tutorial creating 2 WebPartZones, and 2 web server controls onto the WebPartZones.There is an arrow icon in the top-right corner of the web server control on each WebPartsZone. Clicking on the arrow revealed 2 links: Minimize and Close.I clicked the Close link of the Web server control, a UserControl, on the second WebPartZone. The WebPartZone2 and User Control then were removed from the web page. When I opened the web site gain later, I still can not see the User Control and WebPartZone2.How can I restore the WebPartZone2 and User Control?


title="DDS Search"

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Web Forms :: Change Link To Embedded Video By Clicking Button?

Feb 1, 2010

I have code for embedded video as follows:


I don't want to create 10 similar pages with different video. I want to have buttons to different videos, which will onclick just change links (value=)

Cannot realize how to make this connection in C#.

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Adding Multiple Fields Dynamically By Clicking Button Or Link

Mar 23, 2011

my requirement is i want to add education details having three fields

1) name of school
2)name of city

some persons will studied only in one school . some in 2 . aome in 3. how to add dynamically .and after that i want to show the data to admin .if there is 2 means i want to display 2 school informa

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Clicking Browser Back Button Is Opening A Link In The Previous Page?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using the below code


In the page there are two links. When i click the first link it opens a window in a new page. I do this by using the above code.

I am clicking the second link in the page and navigating to another page. Now i am clicking the browser back button. Supprisingly its opening the first link.

How clicking back button is opening the link in the page. I am using c# .net 2005.

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Web Forms :: HTTP Error 403 On Clicking Link Button To Open PDF File?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I'm Binding the name of file to a LinkButton and intending to open that file on the LinkButton' click. I have the LinkButton in the TemplateField of a GridView control. Below is the code I'm using : And the Event Handler goes like : protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.Equals("goto")) { fileToOpen = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); Response.Redirect(path + fileToOpen); } }

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Datasource By Clicking A Link?

Apr 20, 2010

i'm working in visual studio 2005 c#

how do i change gridview datasource by clicking a link ;

how do i insert code to the onclick evvent to change the data source ?

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