Use Sp To Pull Records?

Feb 24, 2010

i have a table that hold players statistics, this table going to be the biggest table of my DB, it will contain millions of records, i will frequently have to pull records (usually sum them up) from that table, what will be the best way to go, should i use SP to pull the records or should i pull all the records i need individually and sum it as i wish using the LINQ technology?

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Pull Everything From Db And Then Compute Stats?

Aug 5, 2010

I am working on an auto trade website. On the page where Ad list gets displayed, I plan to display the number of Ad for different categories: for example, for location: I will display something like "Vancouver (50), Richmond (12), Surrey (20)". For vehicle make, the following will be shown "Honda (20), Ford(12), VW (24)".

I am not sure if I should pull ALL the ad from the db into a List first, bind one page of the result to gridview control, and then compute stats for each category using Linq. if course I will limit the number of rows pulled from the db using some kind of condition - maybe set the MAX # of rows to be returned as 500.

My major concern is - is this going to be a memory hog?

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How To Pull Data Onto An Aspx Page

Jul 25, 2010

ok need advice in how to pull data onto an aspx page from this site


from this file [URL]

How can I link to 2.0

My wishes

1) link to this data in may aspx page so that it refresh when ever some one loads the page ( yes I will cache the page for say 300 seconds)

2) then read the aspx page this data is on and save each item to a SQL table. So keep that in mind when thinking of (1)

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C# - How To Pull Data From Two Tables Using One Variable

Feb 1, 2011

Lets say I have a variable 'userid', I want to select from aspnet_Membership AND aspnet_AccountProfile tables. They both have the column userid, I just want to be able to make a statement like SELECT * FROM aspnet_AccountProfile, aspnet_Membership WHERE UserId=@UserId and it gets the records with the matching user id for BOTH tables. how do I do this?

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View Pull On The Presenter In The MVP Pattern?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a ASP.NET Web Forms application and I'm using some dynamic controls in the view which depend on stuff that the presenter exposes. Is it okay for the view in this case to pull on the presenter for that data? Is there anything I should be extra careful about when considering testability and a loosely coupled design.

The page in this case has it's own page-life cycle and the presenter doesn't know about this. However, the page-life cycle dictates that somethings must occur at specific moments in the page-life cycle. This smells like trouble... Any known pit falls?


When my concrete view hits the Init event it will pull on the presenter for a collection that will result in a bunch of ASP.NET server controls to be created. I'm wondering if this is a particular bad thing to do... The presenter doesn't know how to respond to the page-life cycle init event but it has to if the view is to be populated with dynamic controls.

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C# - Popup Box Pull Information From Database?

Mar 21, 2011

I want the user to click the link then the window pops up, but I want the data inside the window to be pulled from a database, and I need to repeat this process for 5 links that are also pulled out of a database. Say the most popular items for the month. My question is how would this be best accomplished? Jquery, or AJAX. I am just trying to see which would be the easier way to go about coding this with .net and C#.

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C# - Javascript To Pull Formatted Data?

May 27, 2010

I have a recruitment portal that people can use to advertise and search for jobs.I would like the recruiters to be able to add a small javascript snippet to their personal websites, that will list jobs on my site. how can i go about this?I have webservices set up so the javascript can just call that, but i also need the result to be formatted and placed inline.This should work in a simular way to google adsense.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Select/deselect Records In Report And Export The Selected Records Into Excel

Jun 10, 2010

my requirement is that SSRS 2005 report should show all records with checkboxes(or can be by any other means of flagging ?) .

Now the records for which checkboxes are checked or flagged are only to be included in the exported excel sheet or pdf .

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert The Records Based On The 1st Sp Ouput Should Be For Loop Which Many Records

Nov 10, 2010


this is my html code


this is my code behind


this is my bal code


in my javascript popup i am getting the checked values but i need it in record by record in the lblsave data

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Merge The Records From The Database On The Local Machine With The Records On The Remote Server?

Mar 31, 2010

The website is over half way done and the functionality for the blog is (except for adding posts) is already implemented and working correctlyI have a SQLExpress 2008 backendBlog posts are rendered on the page with full HTML markup within a label control.

All of the above is done and working. Though I am essentially new to creating websites with ASP.NET, CSS and SQL, I am sure that I could simply carry on and make a login page with some controls that would allow me to add records (blog posts) directly to the database on the host server. However, I am fearful of doing this because I know that malicious code can be passed in this way. Also, because of my lack of knowledge, the only way that I know of to pass the code from a control to the database is to disable validation for the page the control is on. Without a doubt I do not want to do that.

So what are my options for getting blog posts into the database? Is it safest for me to fully create the post in html and update a copy of the database that resides on my local machine? If I do it this way, how can I merge the records from the database on the local machine with the records on the remote server?

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Forms Data Controls :: When Show Records On The Web Page Want To Set A Iframe After First Two Records?

May 5, 2010

i have a question regarding grid view. i have done almost all work i needed. but one thing i want to do is i have set 4 of page size of grid. so when i show records on the web page i want to set a iframe after first two records then iframe and then two more records like i have shown in the example image. i have used LINQ with to do it. if you people want i can show you my code.

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Web Forms :: Pull From Database And Create An Increment Value

Aug 30, 2010

What i want to do is read from a database where the catalog = 12 and then have a button on the page to add a new catalog named 13 so it takes the 12 and adds 1 to it so everytime they click the button they will get a message saying "are you sure you want to create anoter catalog?" and if yes then it executes.

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How To Create Gadgets To Pull Data From Database

Sep 10, 2010

Which is the best platform to create a gadget that pulls data from a database.

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C# - How To Pull A Random And Unique Record From SQL Via LINQ

Apr 23, 2010

how to pull a RANDOM item from the database when using LINQ. There seems to be a couple of differnet ways to handle this. What I need to do though is pull a RANDOM item from the database that the user has not seen before.

The data I am pulling from the database is very small. Is there any way I can just hit the database once for 1000 records and then randomly scroll through those?

Should I put a cookie on the users system recording the IDs of which items they have seen, pull a random record, check to see if it is seen and if so, pull from the database again? That seems like performance issues just waiting to happen.

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ADO.NET :: How To Pull Data From Excel Sheet Into Webpage

Jan 26, 2011

How i can pull data from excel sheet into my webpage

i have an excel sheet on which some data is there. i want to display my data into my webpage how i do this

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C# - Pull Data From A Javascript Populated Table?

Jul 13, 2010

I am trying to pull data from my populated javascript table. How do I pull the value from a javascript row? I am using

for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
var row = table.rows[i];
//This is where I am having trouble
var chkboxIndicator = row.cells[0].childNodes[1];
if (chkboxIndicator == indicator && Checkbox.checked == false) {

which has an alert message of "undefined". I tried .value and .text as well and no progress. How do I get the text from the childNodes?

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DataSource Controls :: Pull A Random Record From The Db?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to pull a random record from the db.

Here what I have so far.

Dim RandomNumber As New Random()
Dim num As Integer
num = RandomNumber.Next(1, 75).ToString
Dim Cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("File Name=E:WebRHIUDLShelf_Life.UDL;")
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT tbMaster_List.dbMFG, tbMaster_List.dbDescription, tbInStock.ID, tbInStock.dbMFG_Lot_Code, tbInStock.dbDateReceived, tbInStock.dbDateOpened, tbInStock.dbExpireDate, tbInStock.dbLocation FROM (tbInStock
INNER JOIN tbMaster_List ON tbInStock.LnkToMaster = tbMaster_List.ID) ", Cnn)
Dim dtt As New DataTable()

This is were I am stuck.

I need to filter all rows out except where row(index) = num

Me.GridView4.DataSource = dtt
Label1.Text = "Error: Unable to Pull Data"
End Try

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DataSource Controls :: Pull All SQL Objects From A Database?

Jun 10, 2010

I was put in charge of a database that has no source control, and all work was done in the database. I want to pull all the objects (stored procs, views, tables) from the database, and add to my new source control.

Is there a way to get all the objects into individual files out of a database?

Our database is SQL 2005. I have Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 (beta 2) at my disposal.

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Pull UserName And Password Strings In C# Behind Code?

Jan 19, 2011

In Web.Config file,I have <identity userName="CTX_DOMAINldapuser" password="ldapPW" />How can pull these userName and password strings in C# behind code?

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Security :: Use Domain Credentials To Pull Data From A SQL DB?

Dec 15, 2010

I am currently developing a web site for our Student Council so members can check in and view the work they've done, sign up for tasks, etc. They will authenticate using their username provided by the school district's AD servers. How can I make it so that only their data shows up when they use their username?

Authentication method:


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How To Bind DataGrid To Display Only 25 Records Of A Table Having More Than 1000 Records

May 31, 2010

I have a datagrid control which is bound to a table which containing more than 1000 records. And i want to show only 25 records once a time. I have used paging in datagrid. But each time the next page index is set, query is fired again. This takes lots of time. So what is the easiest way to bound data in this case to improve performance.

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Web Forms :: To Create A 2 Dimension Array And Then Pull Values From It?

Jan 19, 2011

I have scanned the web, and see things but nothing clear to me.

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Windows Application Needs To Connect To Web Service To Pull Data?

Sep 22, 2010

I have an existing windows .net application that has an access database as the backend.

I want to place the access database on a web server and it was suggested that I create a web service in order to communicate with the database.

I've been looking at some tutorials but am still confused about the basic config needed. Here's some questions I have:

1) Does the web service need to be created inside my current project by right clicking on the solution and choosing to add a new web site...and then selecting web service?

2) If it's set up like this, what files do I place onto the web server?

3) Where does the database reside? Do I need to place the database inside the web server that I create?

4) My current project has existing sql that gets data and I'm uncertain how to re-write in order to retreive the data. e.g. which part goes into the client and which part goes to web service pages? here's an example of a procedure that currently exists...I'm getting data to populate a dropdown:


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DataSource Controls :: How To Pull Only The Current Month Data From SQL

Jan 20, 2010

How would you pull only the current month data from SQL?

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Database Text With HTML Formatting - How To Pull It Into Webpage

Jan 21, 2011

I have content that I want to load dynamically, the problem is it has some html formatting in it. What control should i pull the text into, is there a way to pull the text into a div or a label, along with the formatting?

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