User Control Not Loading When Container Panel Is Invisible

Jun 21, 2010

I have a usercontrol which has a combobox inside it.

This UserControl is the inside an asp panel - and when the panel is visible, the dropdownlist within the control binds to its datasource and behaves itself.

When the panel visibility is set to false, the dropdownlist within the usercontrol is empty.

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Similar Messages:

Loading User Control Into Panel?

Jun 3, 2010

i created a user control called userCon.asxc. may i know how do i do when i click on button1, then the userCon.asxc will load into panel1?

I checked on internet, but found only those loading the user control to page when execute. What i want is to load user control into panel1 when button1 is click. .

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How To Make The Content Container Of An Accordion Pane Invisible

Apr 13, 2010

is there any way to make the content container of an Ajax accordion invisible ?

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AJAX :: Open ModalPopup From Inside A Tab Control / Container / Panel

Mar 17, 2011

This is the question, how to open a modalPopup from a Asp:Link button inside a Tab panel?

Runtime error is Asp:Link ID not found, and thats because its in Tab Control, whats the work around?

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AJAX :: Panel Out Of Update Panel Should Be Made Invisible

Jul 17, 2010

i have a panel out of update panel.i have to make it hidden while navigating through different tabs,i tried these codes

Panel1.Attributes["style"] = "display: 'none';";

Panel1.Attributes.Add("style", "DISPLAY:none;");

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Web Forms :: User Control - Container Intelligent Resizing?

May 21, 2010

dynamically resize a user control depending on the container it is currently in,or the other way around.and be able to resize a container based on the user controls size.Let me explain.Right now I have a page using the Ajax TabContainer and within one of the tabs I have my user control.My user control accepts a DataSet and simply lists the results in a GridView.

Right now when you go to the tab everything displays fine, except the results go all the way to the bottom of the page.What I would like to do,is to either resize the TabPanel to match the amount of data,or have a fixed height/width for the user control and make it scrollable.This user control can be on a number of different pages with different sized containers,so I am at a standstill.Has anyone done anything like this before or have an idea how it could be accomplished?

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C# - Access Properties Set For The User Control BEFORE The Template Container Is Instantiated

Mar 30, 2010

i created a user control that has a template container.


This is control is placed in a repeater which lists some customers. The customer is than bound to the user control. When the name template is instantiated in the container, the customer object is not yet available, but I need to access its name because it needs to get parsed before.


Question: How can I access properties set for the user control BEFORE the template container is instantiated?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Properties Of A Parent/container Page From User Control?

Jan 31, 2011

i am using .net 2.0 for developing my web app. want to modify a public property in the container page. how do i access the containser page?


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AJAX :: Display Light Box Loading Image On Page When Update Panel Is Loading

Mar 6, 2013

I have update panel on the page to avoid postback and placed a dropdownlist control within that update panel. DrodownList is filled with Category names and also it's autopostback set to True.

Now whenever dropdownlist index change's on select, untill page loads complete  data it should show mesage as "Loading.... in center and middle of the page and background should become bit transparent". And when page load completely with data then that background and message should get disappear.

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Make Container Page Not Disappear When Loading

Nov 16, 2011

I have a site that has a stretched 100% background and the main site is in a container div. Something like this [URL] ....

You can see the gray background that covers all the page and a stable container with the site.So my problem here is that whenever i navigate to a different page the whole content page disappear for a moment leaving only the background of the site visible and then it appears again.Most of the site is based on a master page that is handling the background and the content page.

If you can see on the pre mentioned site when you click some page then it will not make it disappear but in my case all the content page goes away and then re-appears .

View 9 Replies

AJAX :: Decrease Loading Time Of Update Panel On Panel Bar Item Click

Jan 2, 2010

I have a panel bar..each time I press panel bar item I display ascx control with in update panel..but it lakes update panel loading time I can decrease that loading time?

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Forms Data Controls :: Check The Validations Of A Invisible Panel?

Nov 23, 2010

i have three panels in which panel A has some controls which are mandatory and Panel A by default is visible in the screen . now when i click on save method i am getting the validations messages of Panel A but when i am clicking on panel B Panel A is getting visible = false,

Now i am cliking on SAve method i am not getting a validations message ?

as it is not recognising the controls of a invisible panel.

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Visual Studio :: Make Panel Invisible While Editing In 2008express?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a panel on a form with textboxes on. How can I make this invisible while editing the form in 2008express? I want to add another panel on top and be able to add stuff to it without the other getting in the way.

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Javascript Doesn't Work Within Visible / Invisible Panel

Aug 18, 2010

I have an asyncfileupload control within a panel control. The panel is initially set to visible=false on page load. After a user clicks a button to display the panel contents however, I set the panel to visible and the user can then use the asyncfileupload. The problem however, is it seems much of the javascript associated with the asyncfileupload, does not function properly when the panel containing the upload control is set from invisible to visible. If I set my panel's "visible" property to "true" initially, then it works fine. My javascript error message is as follows:

"Form contains a file input, but is missing method=POST and enctype=multipart/form-data on the form. The file will not be sent."

Basically within my asyncfileupload control, I have the following line:


In this scenario, my "args" variable is always null (when I set my pane's "visible" property to "true" on page load, the args variable DOES contain data. Any idea why switching a panel from visible=false to visible=true, would cause an error like this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Visible / Invisible Panel Inside Gridview

Aug 15, 2010

I have a Gridview with some template columns. Inside one of the columns, I have a ImageButton with a serverSide OnClick handler to show or hide a panel. And all the panels by default are hidden. What happens is that when I click the imageButton the first time the panel gets displayed, but if I click the same button, on the same row again, - where the panel is now visible - the panel doesn't hide itself. Here's what happens when the imageButton is clicked:

void ImageButton1_Click(object sender,
ImageClickEventArgs e)
ImageButton imgBt = (ImageButton)sender;
Panel compRecDetails = (Panel)imgBt.NamingContainer.FindControl("CompanyRecDetailsPanel");
if (compRecDetails.Visible ==
compRecDetails = true;
if (compRecDetails.Visible ==

View 25 Replies

Loading User Control In A Repeater?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a Repeater control that loads instances of a custom control I have built. This repeater looks like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server" OnLoad="myRepeater_Load">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><my:CustomControl ID="myControl" runat="server"
OnLoad="myControl_Load" />

I bind to the Repeater through the myRepeater_Load event handler. My custom control is used to render an item within the Repeater. Because of this, I am trying to set properties on the custom control during the myControl_Load event handler. However, I do not know how to access the current item during the myControl_Load event.

Is there a way I can pass along the current item or access the current item during the myControl_Load event? If so, how?

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Third Tab Panel Is Not Accessible In Ajax Tab Container

Aug 23, 2010

I have an ajax tab container in an aspx page. Earlier I had 2 tab panels in the tab cotnainer. Now I want to add third tab panel. I could add the third panel but I am able to access the third panel, i.e. When I click on third panel, the panel is not shown(I didnt even get the handy cursor when i place the cursor on the third tab panel name).

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AJAX :: Tab Container Has A Limit Of 6 Panel?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a Tab Container in my page and it has 6 tab inside,when i try to add 7th tab and add inside that a TextBox It Shows me nothing.,

I can't see my textbox inside 7th panel .All i see is its header.It sounds weird to me.why is that?!!!!

P.S: i have no problem with other tabs!!!!!

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading User Control?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a BaseMasterUserControl.ascx and i have create a another ChildUserControl1.ascx

and ChildUserControl2.ascx, both are inherit from a BaseMasterUserControl.ascx.

i have hosted the BaseMasterUserControl.ascx in an aspx page. At runtime i am deciding

which usercontrol should be load. so i am loading a specific usercontrol dynamically and

assigning it to baseusecontrol but content are not visual, is this possible?



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AJAX :: Update Panel Within Tab Container Not Working?

May 19, 2010

I have a problem doing a partial page post back with an update panel within a tab container.

I am adding the control programmatically as follows


The controls are added to the tab container but the button now causes a full page postback. The button_click event is no longer called. Is there something I am missing here.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Loading Of Custom User Control

Jul 28, 2010

so I have this custom user control, just some data inside divs with a fancy css.

So inside my page I need to add it multiple times, and I do so in code behind within loop.

Now, this code doesn't work


and of course it works fine now. My questions would be - why? can I do it without pecifying file name and just creating control the normal way like in first example?:S

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AJAX :: Tab Container - Keeping Gridview Inside Panel

Feb 1, 2010

I have a ajax tab container that has a gridview inside one of the tab panels. I set the width of the grid view to less than the width of the tab container, but the gridview is not inside the tab panel. It goes outside the tab panel lines. How do I keep it inside the tab panel and have the horizontal and vertical scrolls bars for when it is larger than the tab panel?

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C# - Child Controls Are Null When Loading User Control Programmatically?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm loading a user control programatically like this:


The problem I have is that all the controls in my user controls are null, is there something else I have to do to load the child controls?

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AJAX :: Loading User Control Dynamically And Displaying Using Dynamicpopulatedextender?

Jan 23, 2011

Situation: I have a drop down list which I need to pass on to a webservice on button click. I am using Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.Invoke to make webservice call.

Everything is happening inside a usercontrol which loads on runtime using dynamicpopulate extender.

I get following error:

Sys.InvalidOperationException: Cannot serialize object with cyclic reference within child properties.

Situation: Usercontrol also has a listview which is bound to dataset. However on calling listview.DataBind() in side the webservice method.

I get following error:

The ListView control 'ProductsListView' does not have a naming container. Ensure that the control is added to the page before calling DataBind.

There is no problem when call to service method is parameter less and listitem is not bound.

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Web Forms :: User Control Reload With Out Loading The Total Page?

May 5, 2010

i have a page it contains a User Control. in it we have a Button "View Tree" it will open a pop up window (contins a tree view).when we select any node in the tree the Corresponding item will be Loaded in the User Control and Close the Popup.i want to achive this With out re loading the total page. i am using VS 2008.

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