Using LINQ To Display Data From SQL Server Into Textboxes On Forms

Sep 25, 2013

I am currently using LINQ to try and display data from SQL server in to the relevant text boxes on an form using However when I run my form in Visual Studio the data is NOT appearing in the text boxes. To give you a better understanding of what I'm trying to do the code is displayed below.

Using my entities As New HEALTHENTITIES1

[Code] ....

I would like to see the details for one person to appear and then be able to click a button which would let me to view the next persons details. The version of Visual Studio I am using is 2010.

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1 Alok 25 9899898989 India

now what i want is if someone clicks 1 then all data should be displayed in databoxes assigned to all fields.

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Here is my code






Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.


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[checkbox(which will contain the prodID)] prodName Qty [textbox1] [textbox2]

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Inherits="_Default" %>


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I am using this code which works perfect when I type username and the studentid in my textboxes in the first page.Now after pressing the button to go to the second page , the two labels display the values of the textboxes in the first page BUT when I am pressing a button in my second page I get this error :

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

My code which is in the second page load event is :

Label1.Text = "Name:" + CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("txtusername"), TextBox).Text
Label2.Text = "Student ID:" + CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("txtstudentid"), TextBox).Text

Is there any option to make this labels keep their values ??

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public Form1()


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make my code to display 5 TextBoxes with values ?


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Nov 5, 2010

my problem is that i have a dynamic controls(text boxes) that are generated depending on a dropdownlist

and upon generating the textboxes i have created a required field validator and associated it to the text box that is being generated,

when javascript is enabled in my browser, the client side validation works fine, but when i disable the javascript.. no server side validation occurs and the Page.IsValid gives true when the method Page.validate() is fired

i tried a new simple page with dynamic controls and seems to work fine, but i could not figure out whats wrong with this page.

private void generateFarmForm()
int numberOfFields = 9;
Label[] labels = new Label[numberOfFields];
TextBox[] farmt = new TextBox[numberOfFields];


also the button that submits the form back has the same validation group,,, yet no luck with this... the page is in a content tag of a master page if this has any relation to the problem

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Display Database Values In Textboxes And Pass Parameter In Response.redirect?

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I have a datbase with userid,username and password.

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Aug 9, 2010

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@Consultant comes from the value of a selected dropdown.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Data From Sql Server To GridView?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm doing a web page where it allow user to select two location and a month.

after selecting then the user will submit and then it will display a list of multiple record from the database to the gridview.

after that, the user will click "book" it will redirect to another form

click the "Check Schedule", how am i going to display it into the gridview in the same page?

i tried.


but it won't display out.

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