Using Linq To Get List Of Web Controls Of Certain Type In A Web Page?

Aug 31, 2010

Is there a way to use linq to get a list of textboxes in a web page regardless of their position in the tree hierarchy or containers. So instead of looping through the ControlCollection of each container to find the textboxes, do the same thing in linq, maybe in a single linq statement?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Cast Concrete Type Created In LINQ Query To The Corresponding Interface Type

May 3, 2010

I have an Interface that has its concrete class defined via a factory. Because of this I found no way to use the Interface tpye directly in my LINQ quesry so I had to use the concrete class types to creat a generic list. The LINQ query works but after calling.ToList() on the LINQ query result I get a List(of MyConcreteClass), but I need a List(of IMyConcreteClass). I have tried everything I can find: .Cast, Ctype, implicit casting, etc. but I always get back one of the (2) messages (depending on if I attempt to cast)message:

"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[IMyConcreteClass]'."
"Unable to cast object of type '<CastIterator>d__aa`1[IMyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]'."

Here is the sample code:


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Possible To Assign A Data Type To An Anonymous Type's Members In A Linq Query?

May 5, 2010

If I have a linq query that creates the anonymous type below:

select new

Is it possible to assign a specific type to one of the members? Specifically I would like to make a null-able int rather than an int...

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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Get The Linq To SQl Query Return Type Working(C#)?

Apr 14, 2010

I am trying to fill a gridview with the data from Product table selecting few columns . I am using 3 - tier architecture and in DAL getproduct(userid) I am writing the query but cannot figure out exactly how to get that working .. here is piece of method I wrote

public List<Project> GetProjectList(int ownerId)

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Be Applied To Operands Of Type 'int' And 'System.Linq

May 16, 2010

the same problem wuit hme here I wanna to convert from IQureable<int> to int type?

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DataSource Controls :: Error - Cannot Load Linq-sql Data Context Type

Mar 13, 2010

Cannot load linq-sql Data Context Type Error


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Find All Child Controls Of Specific Type Using Enumerable.OfType<T>() Or LINQ?

Feb 5, 2010

Existed MyControl1.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>() searches only thru initial collection and do not enters to children.

Is it possible to find all child controls of specific type using Enumerable.OfType<T>() or LINQ without writing own recursive method? Like this.

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LINQ Group By And Compare Date Error Message - The Conversion Of A Char Data Type To A Datetime Data Type

Jan 27, 2011

I have the following:


I keep getting this error:

Message = "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."

What i'm trying to do is group by ContentObjectId and then get StartDate that is greater than today.

I'm using entity framwork and MS SQL2008

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery?

Mar 31, 2010

I wanted to delete the record from data but I receive this error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1[training_eval.Course]' to type 'training_eval.Course'.

Dim eval_sure = From ev In db.Evaluates Where ev.course_id = indexcourse Select ev.course_id
Dim del_course = From c In db.Courses Where c.Course_id = indexcourse

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DataSource Controls :: The Type 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' Is Defined In An Assembly That Is Not Referenced?

May 28, 2010

I have a strange problem. I am adding a LinqDatasource object, and set the context:


Then I get this error:The type 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

On web.config I already have this:

<add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>

NOTE: The datacontext is in a different project (DLL proect) where I added a refernce to System.Data.Linq.

is there another way adding a refernce to a web project? or only though teh web.config?

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Web Forms :: Can Use LINQ To Get Filtered List Of Controls

Sep 20, 2010

I have zero experience with LINQ but had occasion to use it today. I implemented a working solution but do have a question.First, let me provide the background:I have 20 large web pages that altogether have several hundred data input controls on them. There are strong similarities between how each type of control is handled. Rather than wire up each control individually (ie. hard code it in the layout page)

foreach (View view in multiView.Controls)
foreach (Control ctrl in view.Controls)
switch (ctrl.GetType().Name)
case "DropDownList":
DropDownList ddList = (DropDownList)ctrl;

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DataSource Controls :: Trying To Create Linq From A List?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to create linq from A list:


But I always get this error:


I'm using this class to do search:[URL]

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ADO.NET :: Want Ot Convert This To List Of Type List<Reports>?

Aug 5, 2010

I am executing a Stored procedure from Nhibernate.Below is the sample of my code.

public IList ReportDetails()
ISQLQuery query1 = session.CreateSQLQuery("EXEC dbo.Reports");
System.Collections.IList list = query1.List();
return list;

This returns me an Ilist. I want ot convert this to List of Type List<Reports>.Reports class contains all the properties which i will get from Stored Procedure.

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DataSource Controls :: Set Difference Minus Operation For List Objects Using Linq?

Mar 18, 2010

I would like to write Set difference minus operation with Linq on list objects using Except method. [Code]....

Tha above code always returns lstrbb objects.

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How To Filter A List With List Using Linq

Jan 19, 2010

I have a list<string> which have a bunch of Employee Names

Second, i have a list<Employee> (employee object )

Employee.Employee Name

Employee.status ........


how can i filter list<Employee> , so that i can have the list with only the names from the List<string>

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How To Return Anonymous Type While Using Linq

Jun 30, 2010

Do any one know how to return an anonymous type. I am using Linq where i need to return the following code

private <What's the return type to be provided here> SampleLinq(Int32 Num)
var query = (from dept in obj.DeptTable where dept.Id == Num select new { dept.DeptName, dept.DeptId });
return (query)

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ADO.NET :: Return Type Of Linq To SQL Stored Procedures?

Sep 20, 2010

I am using .net framework 3.5 and sql server 2008.

In my project coding, I want to call stored procedures in sql server 2008.

return value is the object list which references the entity.

But I have the questions.

If in the entity named as "order", is it matching the properties or created through entity constructor??

In my case, I have two properties and one constructor which match one property.

public class orders

orders ( string orderid)
public string orderid {get;set;}
public string orderno{get;set;}

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Return Anonymous Type From LINQ Query In VB.NET

Mar 25, 2011

I am consuming an RSS feed to display on my website using a repeater control. I was wondering if it's possible in VB to return an anonymous type from my linq query rather than a collection of strongly typed RSSItems. I know this is possible in C#, however haven't been able to work out a VB equivalent.


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What Is The Underlying Type Of The Result From A Linq To Entities Query

Jan 20, 2011

for example,

var result = from category in myEntities.Categories
where category.UserId == userId
orderby category.CategoryName
select category;

What is the type of "result"? I casted it to an IQueryable variable and it worked except it did not have some of the methods normally available, e.g. Count(). In my program I have to cast it to some explicit types and then use the Count() method.

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ADO.NET :: Linq To Sql Stored Procedures - Set Correct Return Type?

Dec 15, 2010

I've recently inherited an ASP.NET 2.0 project from other developers and they have a LinqToSql datacontext with stored procedures. I've been asked to modify one of the SPs which is essentially just adding a couple columns to the database table and then those to parameters to the SP. So I delete the existing SP from the L2S context and drag in the new one with the additional fields, and all hell breaks loose. Suddenly I get over 20 errors! What seems to have occured is L2S has modified many other stored procedures that I haven't even touched and changed the return type from ISingleDefault<some object> to int. I've never used stored procedures before with L2S so I don't know if this is standard behavior or not. Does anyone know why this has happened and how to fix it to set the correct return type?

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ADO.NET :: Linq To SQL In Web Project / BC30002: Type 'EntityRef' Is Not Defined

Aug 10, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 solution which has 2 projects in it: class library (data access) and the web project. The project has now changed and requires me to change the design and only have one project and move the class library into the web project. I have successfully moved most of the class library into the App_Code folder I created but continue to get an error when I run the program. The error is in regards to the Linq to SQL classes or dbml file. I continue to get a error:

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'EntityRef' is not defined.
Line 868: Private _CreateDate As Date
Line 869:
Line 870: Private _Code As EntityRef(Of Code)
Line 871:
Line 872: Private _Lab As EntityRef(Of Lab)

I have changed the dbml file to use the new connection string and modified any code behind by searching all the files in my project. But continue to receive this message. I've removed all the references to my old project and also removed any old .dll's which could have had references to it and continue to have the problem. Is there maybe a reference in my project I am missing or something else simple I have overlooked?

I should also mention when I move the .dbml file outside the App_Code folder (root of the website) and right click the project and select Convert to Web Application it works just fine.

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Data Controls :: Get List Of All Columns Of Specific Data Type From A Table In SQL Server

May 7, 2015

Here Am Using This Query to 

WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'TableName')

But Am getting Total Records instead of i need Specific Columns.....

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ADO.NET :: Error - Can't Implicitly Convert Type 'System.Linq.Iqueryable

Aug 25, 2010

If I have below code, how to make it work as it has below compile error:

Error: cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.Iqueryable<> to 'System.Data.Dateset'. An explicit conversion exists.

public DataSet GetProductList()
using (var sdatabase = new DatabaseDataContext())
IQueryable<DataSet> result = wmsdatabase.ExecuteQuery<DataSet>(@"SELECT productid, productname from product group by productid, productname").AsQueryable();
return result; // Compile error here

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DataSource Controls :: Insert A "Select User" Row In Linq For A Dropdown List?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm new to Linq. I have searched and searched the web for a soluion, and can't find anything. I have a Linq query and I want to insert a row ("Select User") to the top before I pass it to the drop down list. I've been trying to use the Union but to now avail (it keeps telling me that my object doesn't support the Union method). My code, prior to attempting to inser a row, is very simple.

public SelectList DropDown_Users()
var context = new VivarianDataContext();
var query = from t in context.AspnetUsers
select new { t.UserId, t.LastName };
list = new SelectList(query.AsEnumerable(), "UserId", "LastName");
return list;

Now I try to insert a row and I found this on the internet and it seems to say that his solution will work. But it is filled with syntax errors. [URL]

I tried to implement it using the following code, but it doesn't compile.

public SelectList DropDown_Users()
SelectList list;
//get the original data
var context = new SQL2005633131VivarianDataContext();
var query = from t in context.AspnetUsers
select new { t.UserId, t.LastName };
//create a dummy table with an empty row
var AllUsers = new List<AspnetUsers>();
var BlankUser = new AspnetUsers()
{UserId=System.Guid.Empty, LastName="Select One"};
//use Union to join the data - ERRORS HERE
var newTable = AllUsers.Union(query);
list = new SelectList(newTable.AsEnumerable(), "UserId", "LastName");
return list;

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The Type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet`1' Is Defined In An Assembly That Is Not Referenced?

May 26, 2010

I created DBML file inside DLL. compiled it and added a reference to it into a website project.When try from webproject to use the DLL I get error.


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