VS 2005 - Retrieving XML Document From A Service

Feb 9, 2013

I am trying to create a simple web service that returns xml that is being called from SQL server. If I return a simple string like "Test", it returns it. Whe I change that to return an xmlelement and then create an xml document inside the function and then try to return the xmldocument output. document element it returns Null even though the object is not null.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Pass Xml Document (huge Document) Through WCF RestFul Service

Aug 16, 2010

I have xml document and wanting to pass it through wcf restfull service, i am able to do that by using string format i mean i can pass the xml as string param in the restful service and it worked but now my xml document becomes huge so if i pass it as string then it gives URI long error. any way i can pass the huge xml document through the WCF RESTFul service.

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VS 2005 Retrieving The Com Class?

Feb 17, 2010

ERROR: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005

a. I had configured the DCOM on the server

b. If i run the APP on the server with any user: RUN!

c. If i run the APP using the Internet Explorer from any PC everything is fine until i try to call word

e. I have put all template (.dotx) on the server, on the PC and nothing WORD.

I am using office 2003.

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VS 2005 Displaying Document In .pdf Format?

Feb 7, 2011

I have following code:

oStream = myCrystalReport1.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
That displays a crystal report in .pdf format. I works great except for follwing:

If I run the application from the web server I see an "envelope" icon on my .pdf screen which allows me to email the report. Another user, running the same application, does not see the "envelope" icon and there are no options to email.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing And Retrieving Doc / Pdf / Xls Files In SQL Server 2005?

Jan 8, 2010

I am working on document management system. finding guide / code for Storing and Retrieving doc/pdf/xls files in SQL Server 2005.

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DataSource Controls :: Saving And Retrieving Images From Sql Server 2005

Jan 5, 2010

I am facing a problem with retrieving an image and showing it on asp.net grid. I migrated MS Access database to sql server. Image are visible in Crystal report when fetched from the same database (migrated sql server database). But same images are not visible in ASP.Net grid view or simple asp.net image control. Following is my code

SqlConnection oConn =
SqlCommand oraCmd = oConn.CreateCommand();
oraCmd.CommandText = "select top 1 photo from [test] where photo is not null";
SqlDataReader dr =
dr = oraCmd .ExecuteReader ();
if(dr.Read ())
if (dr["photo"] !=
Response.ContentType = "image/gif";

This function is getting called from another page . "hlopen" is hyper link in the grid. hlopen.NavigateUrl = "GetPhoto.aspx?id=1";

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Retrieving XML Data From A Web Service?

Aug 26, 2010

I am trying to call a Web service to retrieve some XML data from a database. The Ajax call works fine if I use a static file e.g. like this:

type: "GET",
url: "test2.xml",
data: buildXMLDataRequestObject(),
dataType: "xml",


The GetXMLData method has been configured to return XML and the Ajax call has its datatype set as XML so I'm very confused as to what is causing the error.

EDIT: If I alter the $.ajax() call slightly so that the contentType is specified I get this error:

The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

I've tried contentType: "text/xml" and contentType: "application/xml" and both give the same error.

EDIT: Yesterday (Aug 30th) I noticed that the service call would succeed if I omitted the data parameter of the ajax call. I guess there is something about the JSON object that is causing a problem. For now I have implemented this functionality on the server side of the application but I do intend to revisit this when I get some time.

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Web Service Retrieving Raw XML Request And Response Options

Aug 25, 2010

where i need to understand the Raw XML Request and Response send thru when an web service API is called.We are using a Third part web service i.e. we have reference a third party wsdl file in our application and using its APIs defined.For Authentication purpose we are using web service extension in Framework 2.0

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WCF / ASMX :: Error While Retrieving Data From Wcf Service In Datatable

Jan 20, 2011

I have created a WCF Service which is returning a DataTable. It is successfully build and hosted in IIS7 and also working fine when i am returning a string only. but it gives me error (below) when i am returning a DataTable.

"The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error."

This is how i am calling my WCF Service.


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WCF / ASMX ::pass Xml Document To A Method In WCF Service By Client?

Aug 2, 2010

I would like to pass xml document to a method in WCF service by client that server will get xmldocument,parse it and send back the xml response.What are best practice for thi?The xml document is conform to XSD so i would like to create managed type that represent the schema and then expose thatIf anybody has done it before or know any example please point it out so i can see it.

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How To Save A Docx File In Sql Server 2005 And Display It In Aspx Pages As Docx Document

Dec 15, 2010

i am using visual stdio 2005 and sql server 2005 for making a apllication

i want to save user's doc,docx file in database and show the uploaded user doc ,docx file in asp page

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Debug Web Service 2008 From 2005?

Sep 1, 2010

I have two applicaitons. One is web service written in VS2008 and the other one is Windows CE 5.0 application written in VS2005.

This CE application will use web service to talk to the database. After I build and compile the web service successfully, I publish one copy to my localhost and this CE application point to my localhost and consume the web service.

I'm finding a way to debug the web service. I want to step into web service every time CE application make a connection with web service (like we put a breakpoint in windows application go step by step)

However, When I run the web service, it starts with some virtual port. And so my Ce application call didn't come to this running Web service (run by VS2008).

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VS 2005 - Sending A List To Web Service

Aug 30, 2012

I have an object that contains a list of Email addresses and EmailIDs.

public class DataObjects
public class UserEmails
private string _Email;
public string Email

[Code] ....

And I populate it like this:

protected void GetEmails()
DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); //this is a separate Data Access class with loads of methods to access the database
List<DataObjects.UserEmails> myUserEmailsList = new List<DataObjects.UserEmails>(); //create a list of UserEmails objects
myUserEmailsList = da.getUserEmails(1); //this passes in a UserID to the data access function that returns me a list of emails for this user
myPassedList(myUserEmailsList); //I pass the list to another function just to prove the data is there and can be retrieved.

The last line in GetEmails passes the list to myPassedList

protected void myPassedList(IList EmailsList)
foreach (DataObjects.UserEmails myUserEmails in EmailsList) //loop through the list to prove it is populated etc.
int EmailID = myUserEmails.EmailID;
string Email = myUserEmails.Email;

Everything above works fine. Here's the question. When I am at the point where I have populated the List of UserEmails - I need to pass it to a web service for someone else to access the data.

I pass my list to a function and I can loop through it by writing:

foreach (DataObjects.UserEmails myUserEmails in EmailsList)

which is fine, for me, because my application knows what DataObjects.UserEmails means ... the people receiving the list won't. They are just getting a list.

Can they loop through the list I pass them without knowing the structure of the object in the list and just extract the data?

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VS 2005 Network Service Account And Access Denied Exception

Mar 10, 2010

First, I felt I had a clear understanding of how the Network Service account work. It is the default account ASP.Net runs under and has very limited access. I have verified in the Application Pool that ASP.Net is running under the Network Service Account. I have a UNC file share that is located on another server, let us say "\myservermyfiles". I have logged on to "MyServer" and right-clicked on the shared folder "myfiles" and just for the sake of testing, went to the Shared Tab->Permissions and added the Network Service account and gave it "change and read" access. I then went to the Security Tab, added the Network Service account and gave it all permissions. For some reason, I am still getting an "access denied" exception. I know impersonation is an option at some point, but I would really like to know why my ASP.Net application cannot copy a file to this share just for my own personal understanding given the fact that I gave the Network Service account the proper access. Like always, I will continue to research.

ASP.Net 2.0

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SQL Server :: Trying To Install Express 2005 On Windows XP Service Pack 2?

Sep 8, 2010

This may seem simple but for some reason I am having a problem.

I am trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 on Windows XP Service Pack 2 which has not been online for a while.

Everytime I've tried it has told me that it doesn't meet the minimum requirements. I am not sure if its because I am sick and dazed out.

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SQL Reporting :: Create A XML File (document) Using Reporting Service?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a requirement to create a XML file from sql server data.I need to schedule this job to run at specific intervals of time.I don't know, if I could do with Reporting services.I would like to know, if it's possible with Sql server reporting services? how to do that.

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Social Networking :: Hide URL Of Document When Using Google Document Viewer With IFrame

Jan 24, 2014

<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=filename&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:600px;margin-left:20px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I am using above code to show our document online.

But when we inspect element it is showing url of file which we dont't want.

it is possible to hide this url or any other alternate to show our document to user without exposing our physical file path.

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Web Forms :: Convert Word Document To PDF Document Using ITextSharp

May 9, 2012

I want when user uploadĀ  a doc file it convert into pdf. How can i do this. I read that itextsharp convert it.

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Web Forms :: Hiding The Document Name When Launching A PDF Document?

Sep 15, 2010

I am launching a pdf document using either:

1. Response.Redirect("filepath/document.pdf"), or

2. Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"

Both methods successfuly launch the PDF document displaying the document path and title in the title bar. For security reasons I'd like to HIDE the document title. Can someone advice how this can be done? (How can a PDF document be launched without showing the actual document's name)

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SQL Reporting :: Username And Password Of Http://localhost/Reports To Access SQL SERVER 2005 Reporting Service?

Feb 8, 2010

what would be the user name and password of http://localhost/Reports to access SERVER 2005 Reporting service

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Convert Word Document To PDF Document?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to convert to Word Document in a PDF document. I do not want to use any third party control. I want to do it on my own. Can somebody tell me how to start with it?

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Consume VC 2005 Code In C# 2005 Project?

Aug 30, 2010

how we can consume VC++.net 2005 code in C#.net 2005 project. show me example.

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server 2005 Installation / Want To Go Back To Sql Server 2005?

Feb 3, 2010

i had the sql 2008 enterprise and i want to go back to sql server 2005 because in 2008 i created new database but when i did some changes in the table , it gave me an eror that i cant save thins and i need to creat new one if some one know what i'm talking aboutif not i need the sql server installation tutorial i tried by myself but probebly i did it wrong and now i cant connect well to the sql

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SQL Server :: How To Attach SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Database (compatibility 2005)to SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2011

I used SQL SERVER 2008 R2 express as my web development database and I set its compatibility level to 2005. Unfortunately this database cannot be be attached to SQL server 2005. Are there any other options?

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C# - Why Does Silverlight Reference To Wcf Service Blow Up When Add Method To The Wcf Service That Returns Generic List

Aug 17, 2010

I have built a WCF Service that is being consumed by a Silverlight app. At first I created one method that was very simple:

public String SfTest()
return "SF Test";

No poblem. My silverlight app references my service and displays "SF Test" in a textbox. Now I add a method to my wcf service like this:

public List<String> GetTest()
List<String> list = new List<string>();
String a = "a";
String b = "b";
return list;

I update the reference to the service in my Silverlight app and the using statement in my xaml cs page throws an error like the service doesn't even exist although it is there. I am assuming the problem has to do with datatypes or serialization or something like that but it is driving me up the wall. Why can't I consume a simple generic list in my Silverlight app through the WCF service.

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