VS 2005 - Sending A List To Web Service

Aug 30, 2012

I have an object that contains a list of Email addresses and EmailIDs.

public class DataObjects
public class UserEmails
private string _Email;
public string Email

[Code] ....

And I populate it like this:

protected void GetEmails()
DataAccess da = new DataAccess(); //this is a separate Data Access class with loads of methods to access the database
List<DataObjects.UserEmails> myUserEmailsList = new List<DataObjects.UserEmails>(); //create a list of UserEmails objects
myUserEmailsList = da.getUserEmails(1); //this passes in a UserID to the data access function that returns me a list of emails for this user
myPassedList(myUserEmailsList); //I pass the list to another function just to prove the data is there and can be retrieved.

The last line in GetEmails passes the list to myPassedList

protected void myPassedList(IList EmailsList)
foreach (DataObjects.UserEmails myUserEmails in EmailsList) //loop through the list to prove it is populated etc.
int EmailID = myUserEmails.EmailID;
string Email = myUserEmails.Email;

Everything above works fine. Here's the question. When I am at the point where I have populated the List of UserEmails - I need to pass it to a web service for someone else to access the data.

I pass my list to a function and I can loop through it by writing:

foreach (DataObjects.UserEmails myUserEmails in EmailsList)

which is fine, for me, because my application knows what DataObjects.UserEmails means ... the people receiving the list won't. They are just getting a list.

Can they loop through the list I pass them without knowing the structure of the object in the list and just extract the data?

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2. What sort of application should ENS be: Windows Application or Web Application?

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4. ENS as a Windows Service.

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ASP.Net 2.0

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List<string> responses = new List<string>();

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my interface:


and this how my GetRootLocations looks like, It returns IQueryable, I wounder if I can maybee return Iqueryable from my svc-service?


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In the web servce I say

public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
PR1Entities dc = new PR1Entities();
var q = (from x in dc.Customers
select x).ToList();
return q;
(customer is a entity object)

Then I generate the proxy when I add the service.. and in the reference.cd it say

public wcf1.ServiceReference1.Customer[] GetCustomers() {
return base.Channel.GetCustomers();

WHY IS IT AN ARRAY? I asked for a List.

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