VS 2008 Hierachy Grid From Objects?

Aug 14, 2010

i have Successfully binded the Telerik Schedular from Objects and its looking Good. Now i have to Bind the same results but in hierachial form. note that i am using Telerik Grid and the implementation is the same as asp.net Gridview. i need someone to Guide me to do a hierachy grid from objects , if you send an example code , add comments so that i can understand the logic



. I am using EAV that means the is no Fixed Column name, so the Binding of the Grid Should be Dynamically.

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I have a Select All checkbox in my grid that calls this function...works fine. Outside of my grid I'd like to use another checkbox for something else, but when the select all checkbox in the grid is selected, it also selects my checkbox outside of the grid. Is there way to make the checkbox outside of the grid independent from the ones in the grid?


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Jul 12, 2010

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Nov 17, 2010

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Employee emp = dataService_GetEmployeeByID(1);
string RoleName = emp.Role.RoleName;

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Architecture :: Using Static Methods To Build User Objects And Various Other Objects?

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firstly a static class only ever exists once and is not an instance. Any static members (ie static int NoOfPeople;) is stored in one place and is shared between all sessions (like the old global variables).
Now static methods is where i'm not 100% sure. If I have a static method that doesn't use any other static members could this cause inconstant results, example (this is a fairly pointless method but just a quick example of the top of my head)


So in this example if two sessions (or threads) were to call this at the same time - would they both get back the expected results, because the method only uses private data (a, b and totalToReturn).Im sure this sounds a little simple but I will be using static methods to build user objects and various other objects that there will have to be a 100% garentee that the objects will not get mixed up between sessions and the wrong things return to the user.

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VS 2008 Clicking Grid Row Event?

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I am using a grid control from ComponentOne and I had asked their support how I can call a VB code routine when a row is clicked on. They said no such event is available but gave the following code below. In the code below it looks like they are calling the "alert('click')" code when a row is clicked for client side. Is this right? If so, how can I call a routine in the vb code with this? I know this example is C which I can change over. I need to get data from a couple cells on the row that they click and run some vb code.


> What event is fired when i click a row so I can run code on the .vb code page? Such an event does not exist. You can handle a click on client side using RowCreated event handler:

void C1GridView1_RowCreated(object sender, C1GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == C1GridViewRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('click')");

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Nov 14, 2010

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VS 2008 / Confirmation Message Before Deleting In Grid?

Jun 21, 2011

i'm using this code;


Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim l As LinkButton = DirectCast(e.Row.FindControl("LinkButton1"), LinkButton)
l.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return " & "confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record " & DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "CategoryID") & "')")
End If
End Sub

but i still encounter these errors:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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VS 2008 Grid View Sort Column Not Working

Aug 17, 2010

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gv.DataSource = dtDispatch

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// Here I want to add to the shoping cart.
// Can I do the following
Session["Cart"] = "Washing Machine";
Now will this Session["Cart"] value which is washing machine here be unique to diff customers?

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Forms Data Controls :: Force Grid View To Select Next Row On A Button_click Which Is Outside The Grid?

Jun 23, 2010

Have a GridView with a templated select button hidden and using

e.Row.Attributes.Add("onclick",Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this.grdMaster, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex.ToString())); to select a row .

When user like to update the datasource he will select one row from gridview then in selected indexchanged event i would display the selected row values beneath the form under the grid , Then user will update the contents displayed from grid and click an update button which is outside the grid . After updating the displayed row , i got to get the values of the next row in the grid and display them for next updation , i'e if users maually selects row 3 from grid then he can update the values using the update button and then on update click itself i'll have to display next row contents of row 4 and this process could go on .

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Parent Grid Values In Child Grid

Mar 12, 2010

I have Parent/Child Grid (also called Nested Grids).

Parent Grid (PG) :: PG has two template fields. 1st template field has "Category ID" and 2nd template has Child Grid

Child Grid (CG) :: CG is populated in PG's RowDataBund event based on "Category ID". In CG's DataBound event, I am doing something which I need to display in CG's footer row.

Problem :: In the footer row of each CG, I have to show the "Category ID" which is in PG' row. How can I get hold of the PG's row which hascurrent nested grid (there will 'n' child grids, one for each 'Category ID' in the PG ) so I can read the "Category ID"

I was thinking if I could do something (DataBound event of CG) like this..

string catId = ChildGrid.Parent[get the index of the current row in PG].Cells[0].Text;

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How To Remove Grid Lines From Grid View Suing Style Sheet

Mar 31, 2010

how to remove grid lines from Grid View suing style sheet...

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Alert On Moving To A Different Page Of A Grid When User Changes Contents Of Textboxes In A Grid

Mar 24, 2010

In a ASP.NET application I have a paging RadGrid which shows up textbox in each row. Outside the grid, there is an OK button to save the content of all the textbox. If user changes text in any one or more of the textbox and without clicking on the "OK" button, tries to move to a different page number (of the grid by clicking on the page number), he should be prompted for confirmation of save or cancel the changes.

I am guessing that one can write a Javascript function which would look for any form input control (textbox in my case) and detect changes and If there are changes, would prompt the user. However, I am not sure where I can call this function from?

I am using RadGrid but I guess this should be applicable to GridView as well.

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Linq To Xml Datasource For Grid View Is Not Working - The Grid Show No Rows

Jun 30, 2010

I'm getting some Xml back from a service. I would like it to be the datasource of a grid view on my aspx page. Here is a sample of the Xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
<ArrayOfTripTollCompleteDC xmlns:xsi=[URL]"
<DMSLaneModeID xsi:nil="true" />

and here is my code that parses the xml and tries to bind the grid. What am I missing here?

var retVal = service.GetTripDetailsByTripID(tripId);
var xmlTrips = XDocument.Parse(retVal);
var tripTolls =
from t in xmlTrips.Elements("TripTollCompleteDC")
select new {
TripTollId = (int)t.Element("TripTollId")
, DMSLaneModeID = (int?)t.Element("DMSLaneModeID")
, HOVOnly = (bool)t.Element("HOVOnly")
, CreateDateTime = (DateTime)t.Element("CreateDateTime")
, ConfigVTMSDelaySeconds = (int)t.Element("ConfigVTMSDelaySeconds")
grdTripDetails.DataSource = tripTolls;

I realize these are anonymous types. Is that a problem? I have verified the service is returning the Xml as stated above. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction? Just for completeness, here is the grid markup <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdTripDetails" />

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