VS 2008 - How To Set Value Of Dropdown In Gridview

Apr 3, 2013

I am adding static values to a dropdown in a gridview. What I want to do next is loop through the rows and set the value of a dropdown. This is not binded to any datasource.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
<asp:CheckBoxField HeaderText="Select" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Column Name" />


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Similar Messages:

VS 2008 - Selectedvalue In Gridview Dropdown

Jan 26, 2010

I have managed to place a dropdown control iniside a gridview control. The dropdown does indeed populate in each row... How is it possible for the system to correctly select the text in the dropdown based on the value of the field which is driven from the database? Is it to do with the selectedvalue?

View 24 Replies

Web Forms :: DropDown List Not Retaining The Values(the DropDown Inside Gridview Control)?

Jun 12, 2010

I Have the gridview control with 2 dropdown list and 2 text boxes,When the textbox chnaged event happen 1 row will create and the dropdown back to initial values( its not retaining the selected values),I am binding the control after text changed method,Is there any properties needs to be set or any other way we can retain the values in postbacks?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Populate Dropdown Based On Another Dropdown?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a gridview where i have two fields. one is product and second is sub category.

I need to do 2 things.

1. I need to populate the two combos from the database. But depending what is selected in dropdown 1 this will determine what needs to be populated in drop down 2?

how can i achieve this?

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Web Forms :: Dropdown Value Used To Filter Another Dropdown Inside A Gridview?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm having a problem with using a dropdown to filter the contents of another drop down. The basic idea is:

Dropdown 1 = CountryList (Column1)
Dropdown 2 = StateList (Column2)

I read the contents of a CSV file and populate the gridview. The user then visually verifies that the data is valid and proceeds to upload to the database. To do some testing, i have intentionally changed spellings of country names so they DO NOT match the countrylist which the grid view then flags with a different background indicating bad data. The user then edits the gridview. The Country and state columns then show a drop down control populated with the country list and filtered states list based on countryID.

Here's the ASP.NET ASPX Source for the section of code that is dealing with the gridview


Here's the section of VB Code behind that deals with handling the "RowEditing", specifically the binding of the dropdowns


The proglem is that these dropdowns are ment to easily fix minor errors in data. When i intentionally changed the spelling of "Canada" to Canadaa", this has no corresponding CountryID in the table and the ddlEdtStateID Dropdown's datasource filter does not work. I tried setting the datasource to nothing if a valid CountryID was not there and then i tried to use the SelectedIndexChanged event for the ddlEditCountryID to programmatically set the datasourceID for ddlEditStateID but when i try using CType(FindControl("ddlEdtStateID"), DropDownList) to set the DataSourceID, it does not find the control.

If the Country does not exist, then i just want the stateslist dropdown to say "select a country" but when a valid country is selected, it should display the filtered list for that countryID. Right now, if bad data is entered for the country, then the program crashes when it tries to populate the state drop down. I want it to just say, select a country when the countryID is not valid.

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VS 2008 - Dropdown With CheckBoxes

Jun 22, 2012

Many people need a dropdown with checkboxes as I do. I found this page that shows a good way to do this. The only thing I see missing is a way to check items when it loads. If I have saved the items checked and want to check them by cods, how I can do this? They show their code on this web page.

[URL] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown That Inserts Data Vis Procedure If The Gridview Doesn't Have Value For The Dropdown Selection

Sep 3, 2010

i have a dropdown with month names if the user has data for the month tht is selected then gridview displays the rows with day nos as per the month but if the gridview has no data for the same the dropdown or gridview via some event should call a insert procedure to insert data into the table for tht month with daynos ad rebind the gridview witht the rows just created

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Dropdownlist In A Gridview By Selecting Another Dropdown In Same Gridview

Oct 9, 2010

How to populate dropdownlist in a gridview by selecting another dropdown in same gridview

i tried the code in driiopdownlist selectedchanged

dropdownlist d=(dropdownlist)gridview.findcontrol("dropdownlist1") but it gives null

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Selected Value Of Dropdown In Gridview After Gridview Databound

Nov 30, 2010

I have a gridview with dropdown boxes. As soon as the complete gridview is databound, I want to loop through ALL the rows and set the values of the dropdown boxe in a row based on the value of another column in the same row. The gridview is databound, all data shows up. The condition "If ddl.Items(j).Value = searchstring Then" evaluates as true, but somehow the selected item in the dropdownbox is NOT changed and remains "<ignore>"


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Inside Another Gridview Both Sorting - Using 3.5 Visual Studio 2008 C# Code Behind

Apr 16, 2010

I have the gridview inside another gridview, i want to sort that both gridviews, I don't know how to achieve using asp.net 3.5 visual studio 2008 c# code behind. Following are my aspx page,

AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text="<img id='upimg' src='Styles/Images/appschg.gif'/>"
id="<%#Eval("code") %>"
OnSorting="Gdclmline1_Sorting" BorderColor="Green"
OnRowEditing="Gdclmline1_RowEditing" Font-Names="Verdana"
OnRowUpdating="Gdclmline1_RowUpdating" PageSize="1000"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text='<%#Bind("phone") %>'> </asp:Label>
Text='<%#Bind("address1") %>'> </asp:Label>
/> <PagerStyle
/> <HeaderStyle
/> </asp:GridView>

that aspx page contains gridview that contain one more gridview inside in it.Now i want to sort out both the grid i.e)claimgrid and Gdclmline1 i want code in c#.

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Dropdown SelectedindexChanged In Gridview?

May 4, 2010

i am a new to VS2008. I have a drop down list inside a gridview and Depending upon the selection a value from the database needs to be databound to another column.

I am using 'SelectedindexChanged' event but its not being triggered.

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.Net GridView With Dropdown List?

Sep 7, 2010

As my previous question didn't seem to have much popularity, I decided to change completely the way I approached the problem. Now my issue is that I still have TABLE1 with a foreign key FK, but what I want to do now is have the FK column in the GridView display Dropdown Lists. The Dropdown Lists should have their Text property bound to FK in TABLE1 but they should be populated by the different values of FK (stored in TABLE2).

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Multiple Column Dropdown In Or Gridview?

Sep 14, 2010

I need to display multiple columns in a dropdown or gridview in a dropdown and have user select a row and retrieve its value.Does some one have ASP.net code for it?I can't use Ajax

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C# - Dynamic Gridview Based On Dropdown

Nov 16, 2010

I've got a bit of an chicken and an egg. I need to bind a gridview to a set of database values. The gridview is dynamic and the columns, cells are created at run time. As such, I need to re-bind the grid on every postback in the pre-init, init events after very post back.

However, the data used to populate the grid uses a value from a dropdown box on the same page. As such, the value of dropdown is not accessible through viewstate until after the init event (i.e. the selected index is always the first item in the list until after on init). How can I get access to the value of the drop down in time to rebind the grid before the pageload event?

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C# - Sort Gridview Using Dropdown List

Mar 8, 2011

the specific example i am referring to is this site [URL] notice the sort by drop down list. basically i want to sort products according to price,name,popularity? do i have to requery the database and retreive the sorted data in gridview again, or should i already sort the items in the gridview that are already there? I tried to this but its the wrong approach, basically i was trying to repopulate data in the page load event, which was giving error.

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Use DropDown To Filter Gridview Values?

Feb 10, 2010

I have started learning ASP.NET. I am Trying to filter GRIDVIEW values on basis of dropdown selection.I am working trying to do this with AJAX.

When a user selects any value from the drop down..suppose an employe ID.the gridview is filled with data according to that empID.

how Can I do that.

View 9 Replies

How To Set Value Of Dropdown Lists In Gridview With Javascript

Oct 20, 2010

I have a dropdownlist and a gridview with a drop down list in every row. I have removed other cols in Grid for simplicity.

Whenever a new value in the dropdownlist is selected I would like to set all of the dropdownlists in the gridview to that same value via javascript. (Yea both the dropdownlist outside the gird and the ones inside the grid are populated by the same data source)

The dropdownlist:

<asp:DropDownList onchange="javascript:onJDSelection();" ID="DropDownList3" runat="server"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource4" DataTextField="circt_cstdn_nm"

The GridView:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" onrowdatabound="GridView2_RowDataBound">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Change to Job Designer" SortExpression="circt_Cstdn_nm">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("circt_Cstdn_nm") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_jd" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource4" DataTextField="CIRCT_CSTDN_NM"

My current attempt:

function onJDSelection() {
var jd = document.getElementById('ctl00_MAIN_DropDownList3').Text;
var grid = document.getElementById('ctl00_MAIN_GridView2');
for (var i = 1; i < grid.rows.length; i++) {
grid.rows[i].cells[0].getElementsByTagName("*")[1].selectedText = jd;


When clicking on the dropdown I get an alert that says "test" and an alert that says "[Object object]" However nothing happens with the dropdowns in the grid and the alert(i) never fires.

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C# Files Array Gridview Dropdown?

Aug 20, 2010

Visual Studio 2008 C# I am wanting to create a webpage for my company that will list all PDF documents associated with a client. I have all the PDF's in the same folder, and the excel spreadsheet is in this folder as well. I currently have a gridview that populates the data from the excel sheet, so, that is working fine. It puts it into a table for view on the page. Now, lets say the excel spreedsheet has 2 columns (Company and Owner):

Companies: 1) ACME, 2) Slaters, 3) MotoUSA
Owners: 1)John, 2) Mike, 3) John

So, John is the owner of company #1 and #3 & Mike is owner of #2

I have PDF to associate with all these companies. They have a naming scheme of:
ACME - document1.pdf
ACME - document2.pdf
Slaters - document1.pdf
MotoUSA - document1.pdf
MotoUSA - document2.pdf
MotoUSA - document3.pdf
MotoUSA - document4.pdf

So every PDF will start off with the exact same company name and same spelling. What I am looking for is to have the gridview show the table of just the company name and owner, but allow the user to click on the company name and it dropdown to show only the PDF associated with that company. I am sure I will need an array for this and some editing of my gridview.

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C# - Bind Data To A Dropdown In The Gridview?

Dec 7, 2010

I declared my template as follows

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlYear" runat="server" DataSource='<%#GetYears() %>' DataTextField="year" DataValueField="year"></asp:DropDownList>

I need to bind the data from the function i used GetYears()

I need the data for example name to be loaded in dropdown when i click on Edit of gridview is it the correct way or is there any best way to do this

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VS 2010 - Gridview With Dropdown List

Feb 1, 2012

I've a web page that contains a Customers DDL, and a ClassCode gridview with a Salesman DDL. So far i have manged to populate the Customers DDL as well as binding data to the ClassCode gridview/ Salesman DDL. My next step is depending on which customer is selected(code event below), query the DB to get all relevant ClassCodes/Salesmen and update the gridview and any instances where the classcode doesn't exist for the customer the Salesman DDL will have a default value. Here's my code so far:

protected void ddlCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

[Code] .....

How to get the ClassCode for that row by getting DataKeys of the GridView, using the RowIndex of the Row. See if you have a SalesMan for the ClassCode. If you do, use FindControl to find the DropDownList in the Row, and set its SelectedValue.

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Data Controls :: Gridview With DropDown

Aug 22, 2012

Working in vb.net 2.0

I have made a field to enter Category Name and a DropDown which has fixed values as [eg: All, SpecialProducts].... When enters category name in textbox and select value from dropdown, then it's saved in database, and below there is a gridview which shows category name as it get saved in database.

Now, if suppose by mistake user would selected All from dropdown and saved the category, then he wants to change the last saved categorie's dropdown option from All to SpecialProducts from Gridview itself, How could it be done using dropdown in gridview...?

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Visual Studio :: Will VS 2008 And VWD 2008 Both Use The Same VS 2008 Folder For Projects?

Feb 16, 2010

If VS 2008 and VWD 2008 are both installed on the same machine, will they both use the same Projects folder to keep my projects in?If so, can I open the projects and run them interchangeably with VS2008 and VWD 2008? This is the folder that is located at " User>Documents>Visual Studio 2008>Projects

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Web Forms :: Bind Dropdown Inside Gridview?

Oct 20, 2010

bind dropdown inside gridview?


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Data Controls :: How To Put Dropdown List In Gridview

Apr 27, 2016

I use gridview in page that use session to fill it below are code:

<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gvOrders" EmptyDataText="No orderPlaced !" ShowFooter="true" CssClass="gridorder"
AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="Id">


quantity is in databound in gridview and it will show quantity of users order...

now I want in quantity column in gridview I can put Dropdownlist that will fill with numbers that if users want increase their order they can do it from gridview...

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AJAX :: Save State Of Dropdown And Gridview In Updatepanel?

Feb 21, 2011

I would like to find a solution to my problem. In these senario I've got two pages.

First page:

5 dropdowns in updatepanel and a gridview in updatepanel

Second page:

Displays info of the selected row


So if a user makes a selections on all dropdownselection and selectes to view a row, wich in this case goes to page2 for more info.

But when the user returns to page1 all the selections and gridview has the "default" values so to speak, and not what the user has selected.

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