VS 2008 Setting Default Value When Binding In Formview?
Mar 12, 2010
Below is a line I have in my ItemTemplate of a FormView. The value in the table is null rather than true/false. Is there any way I can set the default for this to be false if it is null? Or can I do this in my stored procedure in the Select statement to return false if null?
My login.aspx is in a Login folder of my website. I want this to be the default document of my website in IIS. is this possible? or should I create a home.aspx page that redirects to login.aspx?
i have given 28 states as a datasource to the dropdownlist..whenever the user enters with id the dropdownlist must populate with his statename not from the first state (A to Z) as it is stored in database.?is thr any option to give query as default value to the dropdown?
I have a FormView that I user for updating a record. There is a link button that when fires should perforom the updating via BLL and DAL. I am not using built-in ODS and I will not condsider using it. I have all my grids and formviews populated manuualy by calling methods that fetch the data from the database. For instance my details view is populated like this:
protected void DlMembers_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName.ToString() == "Select") { DlMembers.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; fvMemberDetail.Visible = true; fvMemberDetail.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.Edit); MemberBLL getMemberInfo = new MemberBLL(); int Ident = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); fvMemberDetail.DataSource = getMemberInfo.GetMemberByIdent(Ident); fvMemberDetail.DataBind(); } if (e.CommandName.ToString() == "DeleteSelected") { DlMembers.Visible = true; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; fvMemberDetail.Visible = false; fvMemberDetail.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); } What I want to do if to capature my linkbutton on click event and do this (except that the runtime never reaches this method): protected void MemberInfoUpdating(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox id = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtIdent"); if (id.Text != string.Empty || id.Text != "") { TextBox txtFN = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtFN"); TextBox txtLN = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtLN"); DropDownList ddlAddress = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlAddress"); TextBox txtEmail = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtEmail"); TextBox txtHPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtHPhone"); TextBox txtWPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtWPhone"); TextBox txtMPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtMPhone"); DropDownList ddlPos = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlPos"); DropDownList ddlIsAdmin = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlIsAdmin"); bool blIsAdmin = false; if (ddlIsAdmin.SelectedValue == "True") blIsAdmin = true; TextBox txtComments = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtComments"); MemberBLL updateMemberInfo = new MemberBLL(); bool UpdateOK = updateMemberInfo.UpdateMemberByIdent( txtFN.Text, txtLN.Text, ddlAddress.SelectedValue, txtEmail.Text, txtHPhone.Text, txtWPhone.Text, txtMPhone.Text, blIsAdmin, txtComments.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlPos.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(id.Text)); } else { //Display error - no user id cannot update record } }
I don't much care for the template rigmarole of the ASP.NET FormView web forms control. It seems the only way to access template defined controls is to 'capture' module level references to the wanted controls in the ItemCreated data binding event, for use in other tasks and event handlers. Ideally I would just like to be able to call set this.DataSource and call this.DataBind on a page, but only the latter is possible through inheritence, and doesn't achieve any of my normal data binding needs. What else is there besides the hairy, scary FormView control?
I have a Formview that is bound to an SQL database, and in its item template I have added an image button.
That image button on selection needs to postback a primary key Value (VoucherID) to be used in a second control on the same page. In VWD I can get it to post back but I can't get it to post back with the VoucherID parameter.
I can easily get it to send a querystring parameter, but I don't want to do it this way.
I have a FormView which will bind values from the database using a ID parameter from queryString. In my database, I have a field named CategoryList which can store multiple CategoryID (From Category table) in CSV format (eg: "1,3,4,5"). I'm using SQLDataSource as my datasource.
So, I want to show the selected category in CheckBoxList. Meaning that, the checkbox will be checked (on page load) if its ID is in the CategoryList. Also, I want to allow the user to check/uncheck the CheckBoxList and updates to the database in CSV format. How can i do that?
I'm building a site (it's amazing how much you can do and still not know what you're doing).I have my visitor login from a login.aspx page and, when authenticated are redirected to a Portal page. On that Portal page at pageload I set a Session variable "UserName" using the User.Identity.Name like this:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If User.Identity.Name <> "" And User.Identity.IsAuthenticated = True Then If Page.IsPostBack = False Then Session("UserName") = User.Identity.Name End If [code]...
I use the FormView control quite a bit, but I wish I had more control over the default templates.
When I drag a FormView from the toolbox onto my page and point it to a DataSource control it prepopulates the ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplates, but it doesn't do it very well.
For example, the InsertItemTemplate looks like this by default:
I know I can use a DetailsView to get a table rendered out, but I end up modifying the form so much that I prefer to use the FormView. It's just that I would like Visual Studio to start me out a bit closer to where I want to end up.
I would imagine that there is a T4 template somewhere in the guts of VS that I might be able to modify to get this done.
I have a FormView that is in Insert mode and at page load I assign the current date to a field in the FormView. This works. But after I click Insert, the default date gets cleared out of the FormView and does not come back.I have stepped through the code in debug mode and even though there is a post back and the page load code runs again, the default field is not populated. For one thing, during this postback, the FormView still contains it's field values.
While stepping through in debug mode, the last thing to happen is the InsertTemplate section of the included code, below. After the last text box is referenced within the InsertTemplate, the FormView values go blank and the GridView that it feeds gets a new row. But processing does not come back to the code behine file and the default date field stays blank.I have been trying to find an event that happens after the FormView empites itself of it's values so that I can set the date field the same way I am setting it on page load, but so far nothing works.
I have a dropdown list which I bind through a datasource. How can I inject a default value to it? My db doesn't have a default value and changes are not permitted!
Is there a way of setting the default unchecked value of a checkbox? Am not using a databound control. This is passing data from a form and would like it to pass false as opposed to null when unchecked.
i have a country dropdownlist (asp.net server side control) where in i wish to set United States as first country from list of alphabetical countries in drop down. How should i do that?
Plus on selection of country the respective state gets fired up. So if USA is selected in country by default, the states need to be selected by default (Of USA of course!!!)
I am creating new website on visual studio 2008 , i am facing following viewing problem.
1. on Default.aspx code,when i am going to drug and drop a table follwing code sample is auto generate, spaces is replaced by dots but these dots does not effect or display run time i think visual studio default setting is changed. but i had tried to set default setting but no effect so how can i solve it
The title pretty much explains it. I want to bind a single item to a detail type control. I can bind to a repeater perfectly fine and obviously only one item will be displayed. It seems like there would be a better suited control for this. I know about FormView and DetailsView but they both generate a table which I don't really want. Something similar to the Repeater since it doesn't generate any content other than what you put in the template.
I have a sql-bound formview with three DDL's bound to individual SQL datasources. In edit mode, I want to set the selected value to the formview's value, and this works:
But it only works when there's a match between what's in the formview's DS and the DDL's DS.
Unfortunately, there may be instances where the the formview's DS may return a null value or a value different from the DDL's datasource...and when that happens I receive a compilation error like:
'ddl2' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value
What do I need to do to trap that condition before attempting to set the selected value? Do I need to set the selected value of the DDL in formview's dataBinding or dataBound event, by looping through the DDL and checking for a match first?
I have a Formview binded in the code file to a generic list. Now, upon editing of a record, I wish to access the Keys and NewValues out of the FormViewUpdateEventArgs parameter of the ItemUpdating event handler method. From what I've tried and searched over the internet as of now, I've come to know that updated values are only available if the Formview is set a data source control on the markup page else they'd be null. Is this true?
Secondly, at this moment I am casting the sender object to formview and individually filling each object property by using FindControl method to find and retrieve values present in the controls. Is this the best way to do this task? As an example, this is what I am doing atm:
im learning webforms and asp.net in general and what i have so far is a formview that displays data being pulled from a sqldatasource, but i also want a checkboxlist that can be used to input information and display information. this checkboxlist is insode the formview. the problem im having is that my formview is calling a datasource with an specific stored procedure with one table and my checkboxlist needs to called another stored procedure that has a different table. formviews does not allow you to have tow different datasources so how can i make this possible? ill paste the front end code and the backend code so you guys can see what im trying to do.
I'm populating a dropdownlist in a formview with a different datasource from the formview's. I need to set the selected value according to the value in the formview's datasource but I'm having a hard time doing that.
Here's the code: <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"> <EditItemTemplate> [code]....