VS 2010 - Discover Gaps In Application

Oct 6, 2013

I made CMS Website working since 3 years, Before one week my customer received email from visitor tell them your Website have security gaps and told them about Database name and all tables names in website.

Currently i working on find this gaps but unfortunately i can't find it....

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VS 2005 Gaps Between Images?

Jun 24, 2011

I have two images in a div but for some reason there is a two pixel gap between them and also two pixel gap at the bottom.

I have put Margin:0 and Padding:0 in the CSS for the two images but it does not change. How can I get it to work with no gap?

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Web Forms :: Remove Space Gaps When Exporting Export HTML To PDF

Aug 10, 2012

I am creating PDF from html in following way. pdf is getting created but there is lot of gap between text which are "td's" in my html.. See following code

In hdpdf.Value i am getting my all html text

Dim pgSize As New iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(700, 700)       
Dim doc As New iTextSharp.text.Document(pgSize, 0, 0, 0, 0)       
' Dim document As Document = New iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4, 10.0F, 10.0F, 100.0F, 0.0F)        ' Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 100f, 0f);       
' Dim Document As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument(pdf.DocumentFont.Letter_8_5x11)      

[CODE] ...

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VS 2010 How To Integrate Application To Sharepoint 2010

Sep 18, 2011

how to integrate my asp.net application to sharepoint 2010?

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2.0 Application Never Loads Using The VS 2010 Application Server

Feb 21, 2011

I have an application that runs perfectly fine locally using the VS 2010 application server, however, when I deploy to our web app machine startup just spins and spins and never loads. We have other apps on this same machine that load just fine (this is a debug deployment of same app in product). I have been spinning my wheels on this for days and I am at a loss as the problem could be. Here is what I did

1) Create a new directory (same level as other apps)
2) Copied over our existing test ([URL]) and it works fine
3) Build and publish new debug app ([URL]) and it just spins trying to load first form.

I know the diretory is "working" as the 'test' application I put there works fine.

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Visual Studio :: Coded UI Test In VS 2010 ( Web Application) - How To Create Web Application Test For All

Mar 24, 2010

I am doing Automated coded ui testing in asp.net 2010 for web application. I am testing site and i need to know how can i create the test which will work with all browsers. Right now i created test in IE 8 but its not working in Firefox. So is there any way i can create one test and will work in all browser.

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VS 2010 - COM Control In Application

Dec 19, 2014

I am having COM control. I am able to use this in Windows Application.

I tried to use it in my aspx application. I am able to create an instance of the control through code and see all the methods / properties / events associated with the control obj intasnce in code. But I am unable to see the UI of the control.

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VS 2010 - Run Application On Tomcat Server?

Sep 6, 2010

Is there any way an ASP.NET application can run on a Tomcat Server? The company I work for doesn't want me to install IIS, since, according to them, it is prone to hacking. Tomcat Server version that they're using is 4.1.31, and also, they're using J2SE 1.4.

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VS 2010 Application Hangs When Used With Different Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a development box running Win7 and VS2010. A User Acceptance Testing server running Windows Server 2008 / Sql Server 2008 and a Live server running Windows Server 2008 / Sql 2008.

When doing development I connect to a development database on the UAT server.

I have a problem that only occurs when I change the connection string to point to the database on the Live Server.

So, before I start describing the problem - the app works fine in development and when published to the UAT server - but there is a problem when I either publish it to the live server or, whilst on my dev box, point the connection string to the live database.

Here's an example.

I have a page with a gridview on it. In each row of the gridview there is a drop down list. All calls to the database are done through a Data Access class.

Say I have a function on an .aspx.cs page called GetDetails().

In this - to populate the Gridview I'll have something like ...



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Configuration :: Error With VS 2010 Web Application

Sep 30, 2010

we recently converted our web application from VS 2008 to 2010 and i am getting following error most of the time, both in my local machine (windows 7) and test server (windows 2003 server). Could not load file or assembly 'VJSharpCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) I already wasted a lot of time on this and it is stalling me to move ahead and do further development.

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MVC :: Is It Possible To Use A Frameset In A Visual Studio 2010 Application

Sep 9, 2010

A reply to the following post says not:


If it is possible, can anyone point me at an example?

View 6 Replies

Deploy Web Application To A Sharepoint 2010 Site Using WSP

Aug 2, 2010

Suppose I created a custom web application that consists of: several assembly DLLs: web app, business logic, data services multiple aspx pages and ascx custom controls that use them custom configuration section custom HTTP module. More or less the usual stuff. I would like to deploy it to a particular sharepoint site under a certain subfolder. So if I access my sharepoint site via [URL] (because I'm not using sites/some_site) I'd like my application to be available under [URL]

I could manually add a virtual folder (not application because I would need to access some Sharepoint site's data) to my sharepoint site in IIS and manually edit site's web.config file to register my HTTP module and add my custom configuration section as well either putting my DLLs into GAC or put them in the _app_bin (so I don't have problems with CAS), but I don't think that's a good thing to do, because this web application may get deployed in an environment where this shouldn't/couldn't be possible. So I figured I could build a WSP using Visual Studio 2010 and deploy it that way. But I don't have enough experience doing that.

I created a new sharepoint 2010 project. Is there a way I could add all non-executable application files (aspx, ascx) at once? I've seen the advanced tab of the WSP package where I can add my DLLs either to bin folder or GAC. I don't know whether I would also have to add any safe control and register certain classes?So I suppose I need some pretty detailed and explanatory guidance here.

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VS 2010 - Make Project In WebSite Or Web Application?

Sep 29, 2010

When I start a new ASP.NET project in Visual Studio 2010, I can either create a new ASP.NET Web Site or an ASP.NET Web Application. What's the difference between these two project types? Why would I choose one over the other?

note: this question is an exact duplicate of this one, but I'm asking specifically about Visual Studio 2010 (there are no answers targeted at VS 2010 in the original question). So are the answers of the other question still valid or are there any changes with VS2010 which results in different answers?

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Visual Studio :: Create Web Application In 2010

Sep 14, 2010

I have a directory with sources of a web application (developed with visual studio 2008) without solution's files. Now I want to create a new web application in visual studio 2010, whit the existing sources.

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VS 2010 Opening File In Application That Created It?

Feb 20, 2012

I am working on a web application project to be deployed on an intranet. I need to provide users with the ability to allocate documents to projects so that I can show them a page that lists the documents for a project. When they click on the document I need it to open in the application that created it. Generally, just Word and Excel documents.

So, I've done all the 'Add a Document' stuff and I have a Gridview on the screen that displays the document name (test.doc) and the path (C:UsersFredTest.doc).

I have tried passing the Document Name and Document Path to this function:

protected void ShowFile(string DocumentName, string DocumentPath)
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename="" + DocumentName + """);

and, for example, for my Word document it opens - but not before a 'Do you want to Open or Save this file dialog is presented' (unwanted, but not the end of the world) but, when the file opens you can't save it. (Even on my development box).

Is there a simple way of simply opening an Office document from within a .net web application project that just actually opens the document - so it can be edited and saved etc.

Edit: When the word file opens - if I click to save it it shows this as the path to the file:

C:UsersFredAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE57T5D07IATest[4].doc

So, it's not opening the original file at all - it's creating a copy of it. I want users to simply be able to click on a file and open it. If I use 'C:UsersFredTest.doc' as a desktop shortcut - click on it and the file opens - the actual file - you can edit and save it. Why is it so hard to get a Word document to open from within a .net Web Application?

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 - Web Service To Write To Windows Application Log

Nov 29, 2012

I am writing a web service for a customer. I tested it locally fine using a consumer, but he is having an issue calling it from his jquery, so he asked for logging.I figured I would use the Windows Event Log for this purpose. after I added the event log and was testing it locally via the consumer, I had an error saying The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security. So what I did to solve that was restart Visual Studio with administrator privelege so the event logs could be searched. And I am writing to my event log locally with no other issues.

My question is, when my customer intalls this new version of my web service, will it be able/unable to search the logs and if unable, how can it be given admin privelege so it is able, or again is that a bad idea?

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VS 2010 - How To Remove URL Page Footer Via Web Application

Jan 8, 2013

I am currently finalizing an ASP.NET web application that requires to have a page printed at the end of the process.

Currently, what I am trying to achieve via ASP.NET is to NOT display the URL at the bottom of the printed page.

From my understanding, this is controlled by the web browser. On IE 8, you can go to file, page setup and you can remove the URL from the page footer.

My problem is this web application will be used by hundreds and I would have to manually change the settings for every user on their desktop. Also, another problem is that I still want the URL to be showed on the page footer when they print their other stuff on the web. And last, even if I go on every single computer and change the settings, well the user can put the URL back on the page footer.

So is there a way for my web application to control that ? I assume that there is a registry setting, but again i'm not sure my web application will have access to everyone registry due to strict policy on the network.

Another route would be to generate the letter in a PDF document but I don't want to go that route at this very moment..

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VS 2010 - Design Survey Application And Database

Jul 18, 2011

I'm in the process of re-writing an existing survey application that is currently using nested repeater controls to display questions and answers. The application was not designed with future enhancements in mind and its a pain any time a new question has to be added to the application. The repeaters currently contain questions, answers, and controls(texbox, radiobuttonlist,etc.)

Is the repeater the correct control to use for this type of application? What is the best way to design this type of application and table structure? Are there any new controls or features in VS2010? How to design this application the correct way and make it more flexible?

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 Connecting To SQL Database From Windows Form Application?

Aug 5, 2010

I had another thread on this problem but I wanted to start this one so no one had to look at the code I posted in the other thread. I have a successful connection but want to display data from the SQL database on my website in my Windows form application. Here's the code I have so far. Used some of the ADONET Tutorial1 here. The table Ray Rover Activation has a number of different columns but to start out I just wanted to see if I could display data for the EmailAddress column.



If I comment out the Sub DoStuff I don't get any errors but neither is anything displayed other than the messagebox message. If I don't comment out DoStuff then I get an error, "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'". Maybe someone could enlighten me some on what I need to do get the data in the column EmailAddress to display.

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Installation :: How To Run A VS 2010 MVC2 Application In VS 2008 Environment

Apr 2, 2011

I need to create a Web Setup project for an MVC2 application I made at home, since I have VS 2010 there and I need to show people at the office, who have VS 2008 + sp1 + MVC2.

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Application Does Not Recognize Class File In App_Code VS 2010

Jan 23, 2011

Since App_Code doenst exist as an ASP.NET Folder, I manually added App_Code as a regular folder, then within that I placed technologydescriptor.cs. Although it now has the appearance of an ASP.NET Folder.But for some reason my code doesnt recognize this class if its w/in the App_Code folder. This is picked up if it is not within that folder- why?Error: "The type or namespace name could not be found, are you missing a using directive or assembly reference"


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C# - How To Correctly Debug Web Application On Local IIS 7.5 With VS 2010 Beta2

Feb 20, 2010

I'm sort of new to developing Asp.net webapplication projects while running them on a local IIS. Till now I used the 'Use Visual Studio Development Server' option.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.

Edit: less complex sample code

Following code sample:

List<string> _list = new List<string>();

Now I want to debug / step through some line of codes with _list. While using 'Use Visual Studio Development Server' I can see the contents of _list in the quick watch. If I select 'Use Local IIS Web server' and debug through the same piece of code, the quickwatch tries to display me the same values by showing me a spinning wheel for about 10 seconds with a resulting 'Function evalutation disabeld because a previous function evalution timed out. You must continue execution to reenable function evalution' message.

Afterwards I get a windows error dialog with 'Unhandeld win32 exception occured in w3wp.exe [844] The Just-In Time debugger was launched without necessary security permission..'

I do run Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 as Administrator. I start debugging by pressing F5. It seems that I can't really debug this way. Do I somehow have to attach the VS debuggerto the IIS process? If yes, how to do so?

What am I doing wrong, and how to solve it?

And by the way, is that erroneous behaviour new in VS 2010? I've never expierencied that in VS 2008.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Error When Running Asp 4 Application

Sep 19, 2010

I am getting this error, and cant figure out what the issue is.

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: 'JobManager.Contact' is not allowed here because it does not extend class 'System.Web.UI.Page'.

Source Error:
Line 1: <%@ Page Title="Contact" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
Line 2: CodeBehind="Contact.aspx.cs" Inherits="JobManager.Contact" %>
Line 3:

Source File: /Contact.aspx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1

The code behind syntax is:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace JobManager
public partial class Contact : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Creating VB Application With VS 2010 That Access Data Via The Internet?

Jun 7, 2010

I have been creating a web site over the past year that has been used as an appplication for the company I work for to allow remote and local users to update data. It has been working ok but I want to see if there is a better way to do what I need to.

issue is that the remote sites are all on satellite internet access and the latency and bandwith are hurting us. I have looked at some thrid party options such as Gizmox WebGui but I would like to explore other options.

Is it possible to create a VB application with VS 2010 that would allow users to update data from the remote sites? The only people using the application would be company employees and I can update the program during the evenings if I make any changes during the day. My thoughts are that the amount of internet traffic would be data engages and that would solve the bandwidth issue and therefore mitigate the latency issue somewhat since there would be less traffic.

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Sharepoint - Display An Excel 2010 Document In A Web Application?

Jul 12, 2010

I am wanting to display an excel 2010 document in an asp.net web application. This document uses the new slicer functionality which I want to be available to the user.I know that excel 2010 docs can be used within sharepoint by inserting a web part which uses exceservices.But can it be achieved without sharepoint? Or can it be achieved using the the excelservices API to get the document from shreapoint and then somehow get it to the browser in .net?

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