VS 2010 - Set Element Value Using JQuery But Did Not Change When Post To Code Behind

Jan 31, 2012

I got a asp: label (hidden by css) to which I store something.

I could not use a hiddenfield since you cannot set a css class on it. I need a css class so I can select it in jQuery. I cannot select by Id since asp.net webforms change your id. I cannot use xxxxx.ClientId, since my jQuery script isn't on that form (oh oh, i miss my mvc)

Anyhow, I pop up a dialog, let the user type sth in. When the dialog closes, I set that label to whatever the use typed in the dialog. That work (I'm testing for now using some alerts) but when I add a button, and in it's click event check the value of taht label, it is still what it originally have been though.

Here is the content of my usercontrol (at run time add as many as needed of them to my view):

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="DisputeEntry.ascx.cs" Inherits="TimeSheetDispute.DisputeEntry" %>
<p class="field switch">
<asp:label runat="server" class="disputeReason" ID="disputeReason"></asp:label>

[Code] ....

And in my page, the code that deal with it:

// Brings up a jQuery UI Dialog containing a textarea to which the user can enter a dispute
// Upon close, place that reason in the hidden input we keep for each date.
function GetDisputeReason(parent) {
var disputeReasonElement = $('.disputeReason', parent);
var existingDispute = disputeReasonElement.val();
var win = $('<div><p>Enter your reason for dispute:</p></div>');
var userInput = $('<textarea style="width:100%">' + existingDispute + '

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I used to have this one...

at the head part


So what changes should i make to the jquery.openid.js to make it work?

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$('.ContentTD').slideUp('slow', function() {
//animation complete

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<li><a href="#">Programming</a>
<ul style="display: none;">
<li>ASP.NET MVC</li>


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