VS 2010 - Adding Linkbuttons To A Page Dynamically On Page Load

Jun 1, 2012

Ok, so I'm adding linkbuttons to a page dynamically on page_load.I had it to where the link buttons were redirecting to a page with a query string attached. I was attempting to use the AjaxToolKit's AjaxFileUploader and ran into issues with existing query strings.

So what I'm trying to do now is handle the click event of the linkbutton server side, set 2 session variables and then redirect the page to the same page, but with out appending a querystring so the ajaxfileuploader will work correctly.Here is my linkbutton code:

vb Code:
Dim Lin As New LinkButton                   
Lin.Text = dr("DeptDesc").ToString                   
Lin.CssClass = "deptlink"                   
Lin.ToolTip = CDate(dr("MeetingDate").ToString).ToFileTime.ToString                   


I know I have Lin.PostBackURL and Lin.setAttribute(...). It didn't work with just setAttribute and I saw a post online about someone setting the PostBackURL and it working...

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VS 2010 - Load Page Outside IFrame

Jun 28, 2011

I have the following setup:


Default.aspx contains an iFrame, called "frame1"
Upon the loading of Default.aspx, Page1.aspx gets loaded into the iFrame.

Page1 contains a button, (lets just say Button1).

If I click Button1 (so from the page loaded in the iFrame), I want Page2.aspx to be loaded in the place of Default.aspx.

So I would need to get the same effect as Response.Redirect("Page2.aspx")

But if I do this Page2 will be loaded inside the iFrame, I need it to load outside the iFrame (so Default.aspx gets replaced by Page2.aspx)...

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Dynamic - Dynamically Adding Controls In Page?

Feb 20, 2010

I am adding controls dynamically in my webpage.

I add them in onload method.

everything is working fine..

But I m a bit confused about how it works..

I have read in so many articles that all controls get their values from viewstate before load event. Then how my dynamically added controls get their values when i am adding them in OnLoad event ie after LoadPostData event.

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C# - Dynamically Adding A Styled Label To Web Page?

Dec 9, 2010

I have the following code which adds a label and a gridview to an asp.net page:

GridView grd = CreateGridView(kvp.Key.Text);
Label l = new Label();
l.Text = "some text";
l.CssClass = "this has no effect";

Two questions really:As the page will have a multiple and unknow quantity of Label + Grid pairs I'm looping through the above code, is this the best way to add the controls to the page?I cannot style the label? How do you do it? Looking at the HTML which is created, the label turns out to be a SPAN.

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Adding Labels In Panel Dynamically (and Not To A Page)

Aug 13, 2010

What I am trying to do here is I want to add the dynamically created labels in the Panel on the Webpage and not directly on the Webpage. My panel has scroll bars and thus when I scroll horizontally or vertically only the background moves whereas the labels are static to the page.

And some labels are even visible on the panel borders on scrollbars (some on the page outside the panel) which are suppose to be placed inside the Panel. So when I scroll either of the ways even the labels should move along with the background image.

So how can I make these labels stick to the Panel and not the Page? How do I do it?

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VS 2010 / Changing Label Text From Page Load Does Not Work

Nov 22, 2013

I have a label on my page, and in Page_Load I have

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Label1.Text = "dog"
End Sub

This works when I run it locally, but not when I upload it to my host. The label does not change. what is going on?

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VS 2010 Adding Script To Page Clears Design-time View?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a very strange problem with my website... I created a rather large page, consisting of a few tables with some labels and textboxes where the user can enter a mechanical car setup (it's for a racing game).

I was working with simple textboxes previously, but I recently switched over to a NumericBox control which should allow only numeric input using some client-side javascript. The NumericBox control is simply a UserControl with a single TextBox on it, and some client side events are added to this textbox which call methods from a single javascript file ("Scripts/numericValidator.js")

When I put a couple of these boxes on a page it works just fine, I can only enter numbers. For it to work though I need to add the script to the page and I do that using this line, either in the head content or in the body content controls:

asp Code:

<script src="../../Scripts/numericValidator.js" type="text/javascript" />

(the path is chosen with the 'Pick URL' dialog so it should be alright, and it does indeed need to go up two directories first as the page is in the '~/Pages/RequireLogon" directory) However, after replacing most of the textboxes on my large page with NumericBoxes, and adding this script line to my aspx code, the design view is 'broken'. I cannot see any of my controls anymore, and I cannot even put any new controls on there. It seems like the Content control is missing, even though it's still there just fine without errors in the aspx code.

When I remove the script line, the problem is fixed again, the controls re-appear. So it's definitely the script line causing the problem, but I cannot see how it could...I tried it with a new blank page and the problem appears there too. If I use this simple page with just a button:



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Writing Within A Div On Page Load In Vb.net - Dynamically Added Hence

Mar 5, 2011

I would like to write the following within a div (myGallerySet) from behind code (vb.net) on pageLoad:

<div id="gallery1" class="galleryElement"> <h2>Brugges 2006</h2> <div class="imageElement"> <h3>Item 1 Title</h3> <p>Item 1 Description</p> <a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a> <img src="images/brugges2006/1.jpg" class="full" /> <img src="images/brugges2006/1-mini.jpg" class="thumbnail" /> </div> <div class="imageElement"> <h3>Item 2 Title</h3> <p>Item 2 Description</p>
<a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a> <img src="images/brugges2006/2.jpg" class="full" /> <img src="images/brugges2006/2-mini.jpg" class="thumbnail" /> </div> </div> <div id="gallery2" class="galleryElement"> <h2>Stock Photos</h2> <div class="imageElement">
<h3>Item 1 Title</h3> <p>Item 1 Description</p> <a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a> <img src="images/stock/77196_6784.jpg" class="full" alt="Item 1 Title"> <img src="images/stock/77196_6784_002.jpg" class="thumbnail" alt="thumbnail of Item 1 Title">
</div> <div class="imageElement"> <h3>Item 2 Title</h3> <p>Item 2 Description</p> <a href="#" title="open image" class="open"></a> <img src="images/stock/165392_5486.jpg" class="full" alt="Item 2 Title"> <img src="images/stock/165392_5486_002.jpg" class="thumbnail"
alt="thumbnail of Item 2 Title"> </div> </div>

Basically I have images details which are stored in a database and would need to dynamically added hence, why i need to write within a div container. Any ideas how I could achieve this?

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Pagination - Adding Controls Dynamically To The Page From Web Method?

Feb 11, 2010

I am using jquery ajax method to get data from a web method and present data using DOM(similar to that of google search results).B'coz the data returned from the web method is huge I want to paginate the results.For that I need to create buttons corresponding to the page numbers based on the no. of records the web method retrieves from the database.So I have taken a div on the page.In the web method ,as soon as I can find the number of records obtained from the database,I want to create the buttons and add to this div and display 10 records per page.As far as I know, it is not possible to access anything that is placed on the asp.net page from Web method.In that case how do I paginate the results?

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AJAX :: Dynamically Adding Controls To A Page With An Updatepanel?

Nov 14, 2010

I am dynamically adding controls to a page with an updatepanel. The controls do trigger a post back but their events do not fire.

For example:

LinkButton link =
link.Height = 45;
link.Width = 250;
link.Font.Underline =
link.Font.Bold =
link.ValidationGroup = "NoValidation";
link.Click += new

I have set a break point on the Load_Page and in the EventDoesNotFire method. The Load_Page fires, but it never enters the EverDoesNotFire method.

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C# - Dynamically Adding A Custom User Control To A Page?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a usercontrol (ascx) that I want to dynamically add to a page.

Neither the control nor the page has a namespace (thanks crappy vendor).

When I use the following, it tells me it cant find the "type or namespace"

StayTunedControl = (UserControler_StayTuned)LoadControl("~/UserControler/StayTuned.ascx");
StayTunedControl.StayTunedID = Convert.ToInt32(IncludesStayTunedMeta.Value);

After some tweaking to the namespaces, etc, I am now at a point where the 3rd line above generates the following error:

'System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not contain a definition for 'StayTunedID'

I was hoping that casting StayTunedControl as type (UserControler_StayTuned) would fix this.

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Web Forms :: Adding User Controls To A Page Dynamically

Feb 6, 2010

I need to set some attributes on user controls that I'm dynamically adding to a page placeholder. Is this possible?


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C# - Dynamically Adding Text Fields On C# 2008 Page?

Feb 24, 2010

My C# web app requires the user to enter automobile information. The user can add information for one auto, or more (max 20).

My page has these text fields: Car Number, Car Make, Car Year, Mileage, VIN I have a button that allows the user to "Add More Cars" is to allow the user to add more than one car.

When the user clicks "Add More Cars", how can I dynamically display the text boxes, and keep track of how many cars the user has added (in order to load them to an array and write to database)

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VS 2008 - Adding 'class' Attribute To HTML Control At Page Load

Mar 11, 2010

I have a set of links that exist in the master page. I have a css class i would like to assign to a particular one of them depending on if that is the page you are at during page load. ex: Home will have the current_page_item class if you are at the index page

This is what I have:


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
DirectCast(Me.Master.FindControl("ctl00_homeLi"), HtmlGenericControl).Attributes.Add("class", "'current_page_item'")
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Adding Response.write dateTime.toLongTimeString In The Page Load?

Dec 31, 2010

I tried adding response.write dateTime.toLongTimeString in the page load and prerender but that is causing problems

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Web Forms :: Launch Or Load A Page After Log In From Vb Codebehind Using Visual Web Developer 2010

Sep 4, 2010

what I reakon should be a simple question for one of you code gurus out there.

ok here is my code VB snippet that I pasted from my web app, and if this is the wrong forum .


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Web Forms :: Adding User Controls Dynamically To Aspx Page

May 24, 2010

Adding user controls dynamically to aspx page


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VS 2010 - Dynamically Change Page Shortcut / Bookmark Icon

Jul 29, 2011

I have a webpage that I'd like to display a different shortcut icon depending on whatever the status is of the app. I have the page pin'd in Firefox so I can always see the icon. How to accomplish this?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Table - Empty On First Page Load

Mar 10, 2011

I have a table thats created dynamically, the table gets its contents from a custom class I've created that gets statistical data from a database. As the table is generated dynamically, I've put the contents class (the table data) into a session object and I populate the table initially inside a !IsPostback then on the page init I get the data from the session (its empty on the firts page load). I am now getting this error: Multiple controls with the same ID 'controlnamehere' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. How can I avoid this?

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How To Load Aspx Page Dynamically Inside A JQuery UI Dialog

Apr 1, 2011

need to open an aspx page (called editItem.aspx in code below) loaded dynamically inside a jQuery UI dialog from a parent aspx page. the child page
has a button server control and should go back to parent page after postback. with the following code I get the error"The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted"

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="popOver.aspx.vb" Inherits="test5.popOver" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">

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AJAX :: Dynamically Set Targetcontrolid Of Any Extender Which Remains After Page Load?

Aug 7, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with VB. In design view of grid, i have one textbox in its template field. I also have one Ajax Calender Extender and FilteredTextBox Extender. I have set target controlId of both calender and filteredtextbox extender equal to that textbox. Now dynamically i dispose one of the extender from that textbox. everything works ok. But once my page reloads it takes the original design image, means both extenders are being set to that textbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Queryextender Expression Dynamically To The Page?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to dynamically add a queryextender expression to the page. something like, when the user clicks a button, we need to add a OrderbyExpression. The following is the code used. It works when added in Page_Load but doesn't when added on a button click event. Upon button click the page just reloads and ignores the filter condition.

OrderByExpression obex = new OrderByExpression();
obex.DataField = "ProductName";
obex.Direction = SortDirection.Descending;
ThenBy tb = new ThenBy();
tb.DataField = "UnitsInStock";
tb.Direction = SortDirection.Ascending;

where queryextender1 is the ID of the queryextender

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Error When Adding A ScriptManager To Page / Ajax Client-side Framework Failed To Load

Oct 23, 2010

I am using VS2010, .Net 4. I am trying to add a ScriptManager to my page, so I can reference an AJAX Enabled WCF Service. When I add the ScriptManager control to my page and view it - I get the error shown below. I have no clue how to resolve it. I get the error by simply putting the control on my page (not reference the WCF Service).

Error seen when "viewing source":

(script src="/ScriptResource.axd?d=cN6E-bUIIAhb0PYSsbqev2ndhi3W3ltVtHjrJ-T5yBfO3jQBEHWjU39PLAybm-JIxwU4s59EhJFweLHmABl1zA2yo8fKhHYHGS7RTy1fhECuWqXbMMy5aCuSlqHbfp3advQcwp11SqaDwkvU1YN6Bw2&t=ffffffffbd2983fc" type="text/javascript")(/script)

(script type="text/javascript")
if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error('ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.');

Actually, my problem is that I am not able to access the service. I am referencing it inside the ScriptManager and have the javascript code in place, but Firefox is reporting that it cannot find it. Says it is not defined. I do not know how to test this or determine where it is failing.

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AJAX :: Linkbuttons In Repeater Cause Page Refresh?

Jan 16, 2011

In this repeater linkbuttons are generetaed with an onclick event.This onclick event sets a multiview to the corresponding view.The multiview is in an update panel as well.When a linkbutton in the repeater is clicked the corresponding view is shown, but a complete refresh of the page is done.How can this be prevented, because when I have just linkbuttons on the page (so not in a repeater) that set the multiview to the corresponding view, only the multiview is refreshed instead of the complete page


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Web Forms :: Hide Linkbuttons In Master Page?

Mar 3, 2010

I am working on an app where i am having some linkbuttons in master page. I want to display them depending upon the authorization given to them once they logs in. I have initially made all of them visible false and then i am checking the authorisation in the aspx.cs class of master page. I make the link button visible depending upon the right granted to the user. But it is making all the link buttons visible. Instead it should only make two of them visible and rest should be hidden. Following is my code from MasterPage.aspx.cs:


This is how i use them in aspx file:


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