VS 2010 / Can Skip 0 Values From Showing On Chart
Jan 22, 2013
i use Chart control version 4.0 in my web site. I would like to know if i can skip the 0 values from showing on chart.
If i have the values 5,7,0,2,9 i don't want my chart to go down when meets the 0 value, but to skip it.
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<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1"
runat="server" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ClubSiteDB %>"
This is what I have so far but I can't find any info online about how to skip a record
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Mar 12, 2010
I'm having problem with MS Chart chart type column. If there are only 9 bar in the chart like the following picture, then the axis-x label show up properly.
However, there are more than 9 bars bar the chart, the axis-x label wont show up properly, some of them just dissappear.
Here's my mark-up for the chart:
I don't know it works with only 9 bars? Is there any way to make the chart work properly? Also, if possible, how to make each bar have different color.
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third party control to satisfy this requirment.
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So my question to you. Do anybody know a chart-library for ASP.NET C# to show more than 50 000 measurements in one diagramm in a realistic time for a webuser.
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Mar 28, 2011
I am having trouble displaying a stacked bar chart with a Y-Value of 1.
See the mark-up below: The first Y-Value of the first series (the RED series) is 1. The first YValue of second series (the BLUE series) is also 1. The chart only shows the blue series. If I swap them around in the mark-up it only shows the red.
The last value (when X is 6) is 2 for both series. The charts will show both colors for the value of two. I would like this behavior when the value is 1.
<asp:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="SeriesRed"
ChartType="StackedColumn" Color="Red">
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Dec 6, 2010
Explaination in detail I have a tree view control on left of my page and AjaxToolkit:TabContainer on the right,consisting of 9 tabs in it (I have developed individual controls and added to the tab panels). On selecting a value from the tree view control the I am refreshing the values inside all the tab panels. There is a method reload written on all the controls which are called on tree view click which sets the value of the selected tree item in properties in all the controls and also refreshs them. Its a big performance issue for sure which i need to improve on but that would come later.
My problem
1. In the Main tab (ascx control) consists of asp:chart control which I am populating and it also consists of 2 buttons in which ModalPopupExtender would open up another 2 controls on button click within this control. Now on the tree view click I am calling
the reload of Main Tab which internally called the reload function of these 2 controls also
On Tree view click
If I populate the asp.chartcontrol without reloading the ModalPopupExtender1.reload ModalPopupExtender2.reload it works great but when I call both ModalPopupExtender1.reload
ModalPopupExtender2.reload it shows up and goes away.
Any thing i am missing on ? How to make chart control stay on the page and not vanish. I tried making it visible again. The main page contains a chart control which comes and goes away and does not stay only if i comment out the reloading of these usercontrols it stays visible with values on the main page else goes away.
2.Performance problem- I am not sure how to lazy load the content inside the tab panels so that controls should have the selected item for tree view click and can populate thereon.
3. This is how I call my user controls to reload on the treeview click from within the main page.
PEGeneralInfoPortfolioProfiler1.PortfolioCode = strPortfolioCode;
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Nov 1, 2010
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What is the easiest way to specify whole numbers for this axis?
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May 10, 2010
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a Gridview that works and in one of the TemplateFeld EditItemField I have a checkboxlist that I dynamically create based on the row ID. My first and third row work as expected, when I click on the 'Edit' link the Job Posting column shows up with checkboxlist. The second row does not do this.
I think it's something with gvRecruiters_RowDataBound but I can't see it.
HTML Code:
<asp:GridView ID="gvRecruiters" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
[Code] ....
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Oct 15, 2012
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<asp:Series IsValueShownAsLabel="True" Legend="Legend1" Name="(%)"
XValueMember="Test" YValueMembers="PERCENT">
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Feb 6, 2011
i used a jQuery plugin who try to call three or four method because some of them not implemented in some browser. code is working fine for me and it's work in all browser.when i try to debug the application in visual studio and internet explorer then i found the same errror everytime Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method i see the same error every time. are it is not really so weird that they give me error every time even i put refresh and see error first then see the page in IE. i am trying to disable the script debugging for other and IE in IE but after that they never forget to give me error.well i am not want to go in the depth of this but someone tell if i can stop showing this window in my visual studio 2010.
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Jul 29, 2010
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May 10, 2012
I am using asp.net charts in my application, i have given the axis values from code behind. I added the on page load but the problem when i go directly to that page the graph will not appear but if i reload the same page it will appeare. this happens when i publish the application and try on IIS, but there is no problem before publish (while run in VS).
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