Validation For Unique Properties Method?

Apr 4, 2011

I was trying to write a method to be called from a CustomValidator to determine whether a string property was unique or not. I was trying to make it generic so that I can reuse the code for many different string properties. I'm using reflection. Does this seem like a way too complicated way of doing this? Does there happen to be a better way of doing this but still making it generic?

public virtual bool IsPropertyUnique(T entity, string newValue, string propertyName)
var values =
Context.GetTable<T>.Where(e => string.Equals(e.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(e, null), newValue)).ToList();
return values.Count == 0;

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public IList Visits
public int TotalAvailable

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C# - Custom Validation Through Web-method?

Sep 8, 2010

For validating login field (at register form) I use customValidator

<asp:CustomValidator id="uniqueLoginValidator" class="validator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="tbUserName" ErrorMessage="Login duplicate" ClientValidationFunction="LoginValidate"/>

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<script type="text/javascript">
function LoginValidate(oSrc, args) {
var login = $(".loginField").val();[code]....

For successfull validating I should setup args at ClientValidationFunction, but I get result validation only at callBack. So how can I setup args for validation work.

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Implement Jquery Plugin Add Method Validation

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem to use jquery Plugin/Validation.I want to add a method and follow the documentation but I think I still missing some thing.First I add the method but I think I have a problem to implement it.

<script src="js/jquery-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="js/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


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Jun 30, 2010

I am new to this MVC and have a basic question related to validation. I have a create view for customer and based on the customer entity partial class metadata, I am validating the user input and its working fine as expected when the user clicks the create button.I also have a search button in the same create view, which is used for auto generation of some of the field values. When the user clicks the search button the action method create (post) is called with the corresponding button value as argument.the issue here is when the user clicks the search button most of the user input fields will be blank and the validation fails because of that.

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Web Forms :: Validation Method - How To Print Returned Value

Aug 21, 2013

I have a validation method,

public string ValidateField() {
string strtemp = "";
strtemp += ValidateField("Visitor_Name", visitor_name.Text, 10, 50, "string", true);
strtemp += ValidateField("Phone_Number", phone_number.Text, 5, 20, "string", true);
strtemp += ValidateField("Contact_Number", contact_number.Text, 4, 25, "string", true);
strtemp += ValidateField("Visited_Date", DropDownList1.SelectedValue, 1, 30, "int", true);
//strtemp += ValidateField("V_Id", v_id.SelectedValue, 2, 35, "int", false);

[Code] ....

And inside the button click event the validation working like

if (ValidateField() == "") {
output = usbll.insertBAL(userval);
Response.Write("Record inserted successfully");

It is working correctly...But It is not showing error message.So how to show the error message that is returned from the above condition ValidateField()...If the condition not satisfied i want to show a error message like length should be greater than or equal to minimum length and so on ..

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function checkValue2(item) {

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Mar 15, 2011

I have a CustomValidator client script method that checks the value of a <input type="date" id="start"/> control. I'm accessing the date value using jQuery $('#start').val(), which works fine in Firefox and Opera. When I test in Chrome/Safari, the js console says that $('#start') is null. There is no problem using $('#start') outside the CustomValidator client method in Chrome/Safari. There is also no problem accessing the #start date object via document.getElementById('start') inside the validation method.

why jQuery selectors are failing inside this validation method for Chrome/Safari?

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Feb 25, 2010

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Nov 3, 2010

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I am unable to get to the Settings grid and no Settings file is created. I tried the help and it has the normal trip of select Properties, Open (right click), Settings Tab, etc. etc.

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Dec 25, 2010

I am using one datalist control for uploading multiple images.I hv used one Asp:FileUplaod Control and one button in one itemtemplate.I am using reqired field validator and regular expression validator for file upload cntrl I am assigning validation group for both of them on ItemDataBound event of my datalist so that each upload cntrl hv same validaton group as required field and regular expression validator.Now what i want to do is - i want to show my error message in validation summary which is right at the top of the page.I want one know how to write javascript that will assign validation group of my control in datalist on which i click ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Integer Data Validation In DataSet Select Method?

Jan 13, 2011

I am having dataset and I want to validate particular column for Integer(Numeric) value.


ErrorRows = dt.Select("LEN(Year) <> 4 ")

Above I have to validate Year column for Numeric value otherwise it should give me erroneous records which have data other than numeric.

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Best Way To Read Values From Properties File (similar To Rading A Properties File From JSP Or Java)?

Mar 3, 2010

I am relatively new to ASP.NET. I am just wondering if there is way to read values from properties file (similar to rading a properties file from JSP or java).

For example if a property file has something similar to this:


I would like to read all the values for username_list (comma seperated) and also the value of is_valid.

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