Visual Studio :: Can Just Copy And Paste Files From Old Vwd 2005 Into New Solution In VS2008

Feb 16, 2010

I have a site that was created with VWD2005. I tried to open the solution with VS 2008. This prompted me to convert it which I did. Now when I look at the project in the Solution Explorer in VS 2008, I see all of the files but they are now with in a folder named "2" that's within a folder named "back up". I also see another folder with in the solution that's named _UpgradeReport_Files.

The files for my project that are with in the folder "2" that is with in the folder "back up" are actually in the back up folder for my project in the Visual Studio 2005 folder with in My Documents. I assume this is because I chose the "create back" up option when doing the conversion. I don't understand why these files and this project aren't in the project directory with in the VS2008 folder with in My Documents.

I want all of my files for this project to be in the projects folder with in the Visual Studio 2008 folder in My documents, the same as if I had created this project in Visual Studio 2008 originally. But the conversion doesn't seem to have done this. Instead I seem to be using a solution/project that references the original files with in the back up folder as mentioned above.

Can I just create a new project in VS 2008 and paste these files into it? Will this work? I'm not sure if it will because the original one was created in VWD 2005 which I think uses the .net framework 2.0. My Visual Studio 2008 uses version 3.5 Sp1 of the .NET framework.

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