Visual Studio :: Host Server Says Uploaded Files Are Not Compiled?

Sep 17, 2010

I recently published my website locally and then uploaded the .aspx files to the root directory of the host server and then uploaded all of the compiled files into a new "bin" subdirectory. But, when I accessed my website through my domain name, I got an error message that said that my Default web page has not been compiled.

The service that I am using is an ASP.NET hosted server called JodoHost. But I noticed that, besides the new "bin" subdirectory that I put all of my compiled files into, there was also subdirectories named aspnet_client, cgi-bin, and images. I assume that my problem stems from not placing my compiled files into these. Is this correct? If so, what should I be placing into which directories?

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public ref class Class1 {
public: Class1(){
b1 = gcnew array<System::Int16>(50000);};


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