Determine Name Of Compiled Dll Files From .cs Files In Project?
Jan 7, 2011
I am doing a code review of a web project and want to make sure I have all the compiled dll's. I was provided only three .dll files for static analysis but wonder if I am missing any because when I looked at the actual code base and project it contained 20 various .cs files.All that I have opened shared a single namespace, but what was odd was the namespace was not the name of any of the .dll files. How does .net compile the application in the dlls that are found in the /bin folder? how does it get the names of the dlls? How do namespaces fit into this?
when we publish an website, there are 2 file types created under 'bin' folder, .dll & .compiled files. When we deploy to production do we need to copy the .compiled files or just copying .dll will do?
I know it's precompiled at this point but what's the .compiled file for ?
After pre-compiled a ASP.NET web site, I got many files with the names like
Do you know the rule for the random chars (in bold) above? Can we fix the random chars? The reason to fix it is that if we modify AccountBalance.aspx file later and re-compile the web site, can we just replace App_Web_accountbalance.aspx.dfa151d5.dll.
I want to publish my web application as a single .dll file without all the source code and .aspx markup pages.
I am using VS 2010 with the "Web Deployment Project" add-in. In the compilation settings, I unchecked "make this site updatable" because I want the .aspx files to be compiled as well.
Publishing my web application using the publish feature in VS 2010 works fine, and a single .dll file is created in the "bin" directory.
But all the .aspx markup files are still copied to the web server! I've read that those files are merely marker files which can be deleted, but not in my case. They still contain the whole markup and when I delete them, my application won't run anymore.
It's like I had checked the "make this site updatable" option, but I haven't!
I recently published my website locally and then uploaded the .aspx files to the root directory of the host server and then uploaded all of the compiled files into a new "bin" subdirectory. But, when I accessed my website through my domain name, I got an error message that said that my Default web page has not been compiled.
The service that I am using is an ASP.NET hosted server called JodoHost. But I noticed that, besides the new "bin" subdirectory that I put all of my compiled files into, there was also subdirectories named aspnet_client, cgi-bin, and images. I assume that my problem stems from not placing my compiled files into these. Is this correct? If so, what should I be placing into which directories?
Given a set of uploaded files in Request.Files, how do figure out which form field yielded which file?
I have a generic form emailer that various forms post to. This file generates an email of the name/value pairs contained in the form post. I'm trying to add support for uploaded files such that the table of name/value pairs will show the name of the file upload element and the name that the file was saved as.
However, I can't figure out how to link that information together. HttpPostedFile doesn't contain any information about the HTTP request (like which field name was used), and Request.Form doesn't contain any entries for uploaded files.
So while I can easily upload the files, I don't have an easy way to generate an email saying "this uploaded file was for this field, and this uploaded file was for that field".
this is likely a naive question, but I want to do this right the first time.
I have a MVC solution which has the following:
Data project - C# Services project - C# MVC Web Project - ASP.NET MVC Test Project
Currently, I am using the MVC2 source as a means to debug my own code. I do not plan on checking that in, but I realize once I go back to the MVC2 DLL, my solution will change.
I'm pretty sure I just shouldn't check in stuff that changes with each build: the bin folder on the Web project, for example.
Is there a list of what not to commit to source control?
I am Publishing a MVC project which contains a folder with a few CSV files.These files are included on the project.However, when I publish it these files are not copied
I have an audio gallery in which i want to give play option to user. I find embed code of html but it just play a file in background i want to give user a control to play or stop as it is available in mediaplayer or any other player. How can i do this?
edit I do not want to redirect pages, specific files etc. I would like to change the path where images, videos and other media are stored from the root source directory to the directory of my choosing. In this case c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/public (c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/ is my working directory) and i except when my html does img src="/pic.png" it will find the image in c:/dev/prjfiles/prjname/publi/pic.png. I need a working solution, i tried looking at how to set virtual directories and etc. I cant figure it out.
I'm using msbuild to automatically build and package a website ready for deployment. When I compile and then Publish my project through Visual Studio 2008 everything works fine However when I use msbuild I'm getting errors because AspNetCompiler is trying to compile aspx and ascx files that are not included in my .csproj, but still exist in version control. I know I can just remove them from version control, but can anyone tell me why these files are being compiled?
Unfortunately, recently the developer that used to work on my site decided to disappear, I have all the files to my site (including the DLLs in the bin folder) but none of the codebehind files. This is making it impossible for me to debug in VS.NET.
Is there a way to recreate codebehind files for a web project from the DLLs in the bin?
I can already view the code in the dlls using a refactoring tool but the tool doesnt let me generate the asp.cs files.
I am Publishing a MVC project which contains a folder with a few CSV files.These files are included on the project.However, when I publish it these files are not copied. They are ignored.
I followed the instructions from the release notes, except for one thing. I did not include the following in my web.config. Thas the the "bindingRedirect oldversion to newVersion". I got an error message to the effect that I could not have 2 configuration sections in the web.config. I was told that as long as I had the system.web.mvc in my BIN and, I was refereincing this same version dll that I should be fine? I am wondering if I should just create a new MVC2 project and copy my MVC1 relevent files into this MVC2 project, not sure.
I have two projects (Project A and Project B), these projects are hosted in different locations and on different servers. Project B want to access the files of Project A. which technique is required to fulfill my requirements.
My current Web Site does not have any designer.cs files. (Yes it is not a Web Application)The site is complete but now I added 2 Clases to my site and all good but when I want to make use of my GridView it tells me this:This is because I wrapped my code with the same namespace as in my classes like so....
namespace samrasWebPortalSQL { public partial class GridView : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Functions.RemoveCaching(this); [code]...
I try to create a web setup project. Following this example ttp:// everything was perfect. Now I need to find how going trought the wizard exclude some files from Content files Output.
i am trying to work up with captcha in my sign up page.Having a google search,i found a .dll which i implemented in my project and it worked fine.Now i want to know that is it a good idea to download the dll files and use it in the project instead of writing the whole code from the scratch?What are the disadvantages of using a dll instead of writing up the entire code form the scratch?
I'm frequently adding a lot of content files (mostly images and js) to my ASP.NET project. I'm using VS publish system, and on publish, new files are not published until I include them in the project. I would like to auto include all files in specified directory. Is there a way to specify wich directories should be auto-included in csproj file or anywhere else?
I've looked all over the web for the best way to organize an ASP.NET MVC2 project. I've only seen examples of people using the default template for MVC2 projects. But is this the best way to organize your project if it is going to contain a large number of files?
We're in the process of building an application that is heavily built around jQuery for UI and ajax using JSON. So, as you can imagine, we will have many custom .js support scripts.
In our solution, we have placed all our support libraries (3rd party and custom) into respective projects. The MVC2 project that is also in the solution is using the default MVC2 template.
In the MVC2 project, the "starting" structure is still pretty much unchanged. Under the Controllers directory, we have each controller AccountController.cs and HomeController.cs (for example). Under the Views directory, we have three subdirectories named Account, Home, and Shared. In the Scripts, directory we have also divided that up with three directories, Account, Home, and Shared. And finally we have the Models directory, that is also divided into Account, Home, and Shared subdirectories.
As you can see we haven't deviated from the basic template that much. But, as we start adding stuff to this, we're realizing how cumbersome this might become when we get upwards to 20 or 30 views and 100 support .js files.
I have existing web application project in which i need to add new subdirectory. In this subdirectory i need to add WCF service.Question is: Can i use different AppDomain then services from root directory? Also, can i add new global.asax just for this subdirectory?
We have shared CSharp classes put into a shared folders for re-use. Now I want to add those classes into my project by creating a new folder:
1) Right click the solution, Add -> New Folder Give it a new, eg. SharedClasses
2) Right click the new folder "SharedClasses" Add- > Existing Item...
Browse to the "Shared Folder", include those shared classes. But those files are added physically into the folder "SharedClasses" rather than a reference. How do I just add a link to those shared files? Since these files might be modified from time to time, I don't want to delete and add those file frequently.
I know you can copy a Website intact to the server and have it run normally (security and compilation time aside). What about the projects that are in the solution? [whose dll's are copied to the bin when built]. Is there a way to copy the projects' code files to the server as well?
My goal is to be able to debug [by modifying code in the project if needed] directly on the server without having to install an IDE [or keep building on dev machine and copying over dlls]. I can debug/modify the website files, but not the projects.