Visual Studio :: Reverse Engineering The Code And Create Class Diagram?

May 25, 2010

reverse engineer the code and create class diagram in visual Studio 2008 frim visio 2003.dont want to use any external tool.

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- FeaturedStock()
- GetStock(StockID)
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Having used Visual Studio Team Edition 2005, unit testing each method within VS itself. I strongly believe that it is feasible to add-on tools. Example ankhsvn tool to use SVN from Visual studio [URL]

In my investigating i have come across number of tools(shown below) to use with Visual Studio 2008 professional

Development tool:- Visual Studio 2008 professional using Subversion as source control tool. Continuous Integration:- Hudson or Cruise control Build tool:- NAnt Testing:- NUnit, Selinium As Visual Studio 2008 can be used for unit testing I think NUnit is out of consideration.

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