Visual Studio :: Should Javascript Intellisense Work Inside Inline Event Handlers In Html Files

Jul 1, 2010

In VS2010, in html files, JS IntelliSense works in script tags, but not in inline event handlers (onclick="...") Is that expected behavior?

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Visual Studio :: VS2010 Master Pages And JQuery Intellisense / Intellisense Only Seems To Work For JQuery

Jan 6, 2010

I think my main problem is actually more to do with master pages that anything else.. Below is a description:

If you use master pages in your website and you have pages in different sub directories then the simplest way to add JQuery references is using <script src='<%# ResolveUrl ("jq.js")%> /> in the master page header??

This means that the .js files are correctly referenced in all pages that use the master. My main problem is that intellisense only seems to work for JQuery when the JQ Script is actually referenced in the header and not by using ResolveUrl('') <script src="/scripts/jq.js" />

I dont want to have to live without intellisense, Surely there is a way to get around this. What am I doing wrong.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Apply Intellisense In .skin Files In 4

Nov 25, 2010

Is there a good way to apply intellisense in .skin files in ASP.NET 4? like a microsoft visual studio tool for example? I installed an intellisense schema for .skin files to my visual studio 2008 long time ago but it had some bugs so i had to remove it. any improvements in visual studio 2010?

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Visual Studio :: Why Doesn't Intellisense Work In Source View For The Mark Up

Apr 21, 2010

I'm curious why the intellisense feature isn't available in the source view for the mark up. It would be nice if while you are typing something similar to the following could happen. While setting a property such as the DataSourceID that it would bring up the possible data sources that already defined on the page.

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Visual Studio :: The Intellisense Doesn't Work At The App_Code Folder Level

Feb 22, 2010

My problem is that the intellisense is not enabled within the App_Code folder, so to twick this problem I initially create a separate folder where I develop my classes then I move them to the App_Code but, but I'm convinced that this is not the right practice so how to configure visual studio 2008 to enable intellisense at the App_Code folder

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Visual Studio :: The Intellisense Does Not Work For Any ADODB Objects With 2008 In Windows 7?

Jul 12, 2010

When I edit in a asp file, the intellisense does not work for any ADODB objects with vs2008(sp1) in Windows 7.For example:Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
.. And next line I keyin "conn". Then keyin ".", but it does not popup the intellisense menu for ADODB.connection.But, the native objects for asp, such as Request, Response, Session, Server.. etc., them popup the intellisense menu correctly.Or some other objects, such as "CDO.Message", them work fine !

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Visual Studio :: JavaScript Intellisense For Visual Studio 2008?

May 14, 2010

I need to a powerful JavaScript Intellisense for Visual Sudio 2008.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Can't Find The Source Files For BIN Referenced Assemblies

Mar 23, 2010

When I use Project Reference to add dependent assemblies to my C# library project, I can use the "Go To Definition" popup menu item to go to the source file of the class defined in the dependent assembly. That is one of the most useful features of VS for me. However, when I add dependent assemblies as BIN References (via the Browse tab of the Add Reference dialog), I only get the class definition generated from metadata of the dependenat assembly, not the source file.

I realize that intellisense can't find the source directory of the dependent assembly, but where can I enter the directories so intellisense would know? There is a "VC++ Directories" page in the Options->Projects and Solutions dialog, but that is only for C/C++ projects. There should be one for C# as well. The bigger mystery is when I put my project in the debugger, I can step into methods defined in the dependent assembly and see its source file. Why could the debugger find the source file but not intellisense?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Stops Working In Aspx Files When Identity Impersonate Is Set

Nov 11, 2010

I have an MVC 2.0 environment in a S#arp layout, everything works great, and I have Intellisense working in my aspx file (for things like HTML helpers and Model properties) As soon as I add the line:


To my web.config, I lose Intellisense on my aspx files! Does anyone have any idea of why this is happening? Or have any experience with this?

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Visual Studio :: No Javascript / JQuery Intellisense In VWD 2010?

Sep 28, 2010

I used to have intellisense for Javascript, including JQuery, in Visual Web Developer 2008. However in 2010 it has disappeared. I have tried resetting my settings,

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Visual Studio :: Javascript Intellisense In VS2010 For Script From Another Site?

Mar 22, 2011

In my company we have setup an architecture where all applications share the js scripts to avoid duplicate files and update hundred of files everytime we do an update to the javascripts functions.

The issue that I am having is when I create a reference to those scripts from website A to a function in website B, the intellisense doesn't work. Copy the javascript to website B is not an option. What I am asking if there is a way to make the intellisense work when i am working with projects in this architecture.

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Visual Studio - What Is Best Option In Visual Studio 2010 To Sync Project Files Between Home & Work Computers

Feb 14, 2011

Im working on a website project with Visual Studio 2010 from 2 different computers (home & work).
In Dreamweaver Im used to FTP to upload/download files to/from a webserver to syncronice my files on the current computer Im working on.What is best option in Visual Studio 2010 to sync project files between home & work computers? I have seen there is a built in FTP, but seems only it can upload files, limited functionality?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense For XML Files - Web.config File And The Editor Doesn't Highlight The Closing Or Opening Tag

Feb 3, 2010

I know I've seen this in one of the video tutorials but I have no idea which one and I have reinstalled VS since then. I think it was Chris Pels that showed how to set up VS so that you had IntelliSense for XML files. The reason I ask is because I'm going through the Security tutorials series and working on the web.config file and the editor doesn't highlight the closing or opening tag when you click on one or the other like it does for HTML or C#.

Not sure if I'm explaining this clearly or not. When working with HTML or C# I can click on the opening tag for an element, say a div tag and VS will bold the type of the closing div tag. This makes it easy to be sure that I'm not messing up my tags. Well this doesn't happen with an XML document. I saw in one of the videos where the author configured the settings in VS so that IntelliSense would work in an XML document. I just don't remember the path to those settings or what changes were made.

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Retain Intellisense For Javascript Global Variable In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a JavaScript wrapper that I initialize on body load and set to a global variable.

Just after creating the object, I have full intellisense, but when referring to it later, from another function, the intellisense is lost. I presume this is because of dynamic typing:

var myWrapper;
function onload() {
myWrapper = new Wrapper(args);
myWrapper. //intellisense here.
function whatever() {
myWrapper. //intellisense lost.

I get round this by pretending to create the object again before my code, and then deleting the line:

function whatever() {
myWrapper = new Wrapper(); //pretend to create object again.
myWrapper. //intellisense returns!

Has the inference been improved in vs 2010, or is there any way to tell Javascript about the type of object I'm currently working on?

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Open Aspx Files Directly By Clicking On Them Like Html Files Without From Within Visual Studio Or Visual Web Dev?

Feb 24, 2011

is it possible to open aspx files directly by clicking on them like html files without from within visual studio or visual web dev?

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Visual Studio :: Why Javascript Functions Created With Declared Return Types Are Not Giving Intellisense Hints

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to figure out why javascript functions I create with declared return types are not giving me intellisense hints. See code below, specifically updateNextItemTime in Sample.TodoList.


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Using JS Event Handlers Inside A Wizard Inside An Updatepanel?

Feb 28, 2010

I've got a textbox being used to enter a password inside a wizard control. I'm trying to get a password strength meter working with it.

Unfortunately, the password box isn't visible until step 4 and this means that I can't register the event handler onload() and putting some JS next to the PW box to register the event handler doesn't seem to fire. I'm guessing this is due to the contents of the wizard being loaded through an AJAX postback.


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Visual Studio :: Unable To Debug The Javascript Files

Jun 1, 2010

I am using VS 2008 for development of a web application and IE 7.

The website as usually has some java script and some server side code files (different layers).

For some reason when I start the application in the debug mode (by hitting F5), the break points in the JS are not hit. I get the usual error as no symbols are loaded. But the break points in the CS files in the layers are hit.

If I use (CTLR + F5) and then attach the IE process to debug, then I am able to hit the break points in the JS file. But in this scenario I cant debug the CS files (I presume this is the expected bahaviour).

EDIT: In the IE (properties dialog), 'disable debugging' are unchecked.

why in the F5 mode I am not able to hit the debug points. The same used to work in the different machine not sure what is wrong in this one.

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Visual Studio :: External Javascript Files Not Being Found?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm using visual studio 2010 professional. I have my javascript files in a subdirectory called javascripts where I am holding all those files respectively. I am constantly having to remove (from the head section) the external javascript link. Then rename the javascript file in the javascript's folder, then re-add the external file back to the head section again. The reason of having to do this is somethimes when I am editing the js file, and then go to test it, the aspx page doesnt seem to see the code anymore. I've tried different browsers, closing the window and reopening, deleting temp int files, but all to no success. Has anyone else had this happen, is there a better workaround??if i open the js file in the browser, the functions are showing properly.

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How To Get Visual Studio 'Publish' Functionality To Include Files From Post Build Event

Jun 29, 2010

I am currently attempting to use Visual Studio 2010 'Publish' and MSDeploy functionality to handle my web deployment needs but have run into a roadblock with regards to customizing the package depending on my build configuration.

I develop in a 32bit environment but need to create a release package for a 64bit environment, so in the 'Release' configuration I have a post build event that copies the 64bit version of a third-party dll into the bin directory overwriting the 32bit version. When I use the 'Publish' functionality, even though the correct 64bit dll is being copied to the bin directory, it doesn't get included in the package.

Is there a way to get the 'Publish' to include files that have been copied into the bin directory during a post build event?

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Visual Studio :: Search Entire Project But Skip JavaScript Files?

Mar 25, 2011

This is one thing that's long driven me nuts. Sometimes I want to search the entire project for some string, and about a billion matches occur in JavaScript files, making the search unusable. Is there a way to specify file types to include in the search?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense In 8 Development?

Nov 2, 2010

code behind - in a separate file. I've just upgraded from VS2005 to VS2008. #In an aspx file I have (for example)


However, in the code behind aspx.vb, when I type:Label1 then press '.'I don't get intellisense automatically pop up the members and methods. I've done the reset of the intellisense in Options > Text Editor but that didn't fix it.

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How To Make VisualStudio Intellisense Work In Html Properties Of Strongly Typed View

Feb 20, 2010

I think the title says it all, but to be clear:

If I put something like:

<%=Model.Project.Id %>

in the body of a strongly typed view, I get full intellisense for my model.

However, if I put:

<a href="/Projects/Edit/<%=Model.Project.Id %>">

With the script being written within an html property (in this case the href="" property), the intellisense doesn't work.I imagine this is a limitation of VisualStudio, but it seems this is a very common task and should be able to work. Is there a fix for this? Does my version of VisualStudio have a problem?

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Visual Studio :: How To Enable Intellisense For Editing Css

Feb 17, 2010

Using VS 2010 Beta II, I am pretty sure that intellisense was working a while back when I was editing CSS files or Skins. It doesn't work now. How do I turni it back on?

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MVC :: Can't View Intellisense On Razor And Visual Studio

Aug 22, 2010

I am using VS 2010 with MVC3 and Razor view engine but on the views when I write @... I never have intellisense. Do I need to do something?

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