Visual Studio :: Intellisense Stops Working In Aspx Files When Identity Impersonate Is Set

Nov 11, 2010

I have an MVC 2.0 environment in a S#arp layout, everything works great, and I have Intellisense working in my aspx file (for things like HTML helpers and Model properties) As soon as I add the line:


To my web.config, I lose Intellisense on my aspx files! Does anyone have any idea of why this is happening? Or have any experience with this?

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Visual Studio :: Dynamic Compilation Of Aspx - Files Stopped Working

Sep 29, 2010

I recently ran into some strange problems. Changes to files that are not code-behind (and not gets compiled to a DLL) should not require you to recompile the whole website, and this has never been I problem for me. These should actually get compiled dynamically when you first access the resource, e.g. the first time when browsing an updated aspx-page in the browser.

But yesterday, during development of a website, I noticed that even the smallest changes in html, javascript or anything in the .aspx-files doesn't get reflected when I save and reload the page in my browser. Rebuilding doesn't help either, actually I'll have to do a "Rebuild All" (in Visual Studio 2008) in order to see the changes. This applies to all aspx-files in my project.

I tried with minor changes on files in another web application project on the same server, and there it works as it should. Something must has happened to this particular application, but I cannot figure out what. Do you have any ideas on how to solve this?

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Visual Studio - Dynamic Compilation Of Aspx-files Stopped Working?

Sep 29, 2010

I recently ran into some strange problems. Changes to files that are not code-behind (and not gets compiled to a DLL) should not require you to recompile the whole website, and this has never been I problem for me.These should actually get compiled dynamically when you first access the resource, e.g. the first time when browsing an updated aspx-page in the browser.

But yesterday, during development of a website, I noticed that even the smallest changes in html, javascript or anything in the .aspx-files doesn't get reflected when I save and reload the page in my browser.Rebuilding doesn't help either, actually I'll have to do a "Rebuild All" (in Visual Studio 2008) in order to see the changes. This applies to all aspx-files in my project.I tried with minor changes on files in another web application project on the same server, and there it works as it should. Something must has happened to this particular application, but I cannot figure out what.Do you have any ideas on how to solve this?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Apply Intellisense In .skin Files In 4

Nov 25, 2010

Is there a good way to apply intellisense in .skin files in ASP.NET 4? like a microsoft visual studio tool for example? I installed an intellisense schema for .skin files to my visual studio 2008 long time ago but it had some bugs so i had to remove it. any improvements in visual studio 2010?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Not Working In 2010?

Apr 14, 2010

As I wanted to try out the new VS, I started and began working on a C# web project that I had previously started in VS2008. So far, so good. But then I noticed that Intellisense is not working at all. I have done some searching, but all I could find were some problems with the release candidate version crashing.Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing this and how to resolve it?

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Visual Studio :: Profile Intellisense Not Working?

Mar 18, 2010

I thought I would try this forum first, but it may be an ASP.NET general question.

I have setup profile in a web.config like the following:


However when I try and reference the profile in a code behind using the "Profile.blah-balh" the intellisense does not pick up the elements I have defined in the web.config.

Intellisense is generally working and does sport the Profile() starting point when typed.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Can't Find The Source Files For BIN Referenced Assemblies

Mar 23, 2010

When I use Project Reference to add dependent assemblies to my C# library project, I can use the "Go To Definition" popup menu item to go to the source file of the class defined in the dependent assembly. That is one of the most useful features of VS for me. However, when I add dependent assemblies as BIN References (via the Browse tab of the Add Reference dialog), I only get the class definition generated from metadata of the dependenat assembly, not the source file.

I realize that intellisense can't find the source directory of the dependent assembly, but where can I enter the directories so intellisense would know? There is a "VC++ Directories" page in the Options->Projects and Solutions dialog, but that is only for C/C++ projects. There should be one for C# as well. The bigger mystery is when I put my project in the debugger, I can step into methods defined in the dependent assembly and see its source file. Why could the debugger find the source file but not intellisense?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Not Working For Nested Master Page?

Dec 3, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1

I have two master pages: TopLevelMaster and NestedMaster

When my page points to NestedMaster as it's master page, intellisense quits working in the .aspx page.

If I change my page to use TopLevelMaster as it's master page, intellisense works.

No matter what I use as the master I always get a green squiggly underline under the Content control that brings up a tooltip that says "Could not find ContentPlaceHolder1" in the current master page or pages"

TopLevelMaster exists in a different project than NestedMaster and the page.

When I say "intellisense quits working" here is what happens:

If I type something between the Content tags I get no intellisense for asp controls:

<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" etc.., etc..>

Only html controls appear upon typing an open angle bracket here


If I instert a div element I can type an opening angle bracket and I see a list of all asp controls. If I choose one and start typing there is no intellisense after that:

<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" etc.., etc..>
ASP controls appear but no intellisense other than asp:ControlName

Opening one or both master pages in the IDE has no effect.

I deleted Visual Sudio temp files.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense In VS2008 Use Code-behind, And Though Declare ASP Elements In The Aspx File?

Nov 2, 2010

I have an intellisense problem in VS2008.I use code-behind, and though I can declare ASP elements in the aspx file, it's as if the code can't see them.The pages run OK,but when I type anAspLabel and then '.' for example, intellisense does not pop up the methods and members for this asp label.

I've tried the reset option in Options > Text Editor.Intellisense works fine if the class instance is declared in the code behind file,but it won't recognise web controls declared on the aspx page.

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense Not Working For Assembly Registered In Global Web.config?

Nov 3, 2010

I made a custom server control library that all of our websites will be using. I have registered the dll in the global web.config of our production and development servers, and everything runs fine in the browser. The only problem I have is Visual Studio/Intellisense not recognizing my control. I get the error message "Unknown server tag...", which in turn throws other validation warnings. Does anyone know how to tell Visual Studio to include dll's registered in this location? Our sites are .net 4.0 and below is an excerpt from the web.config located in %SystemDrive%WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Config on the servers.

<add assembly="[assembly info]" tagPrefix="irnrControls" namespace="IRNR.Controls"/>

It's not that big of a deal right now as I only have one control in the dll, but I would like to fix this before I add more controls.

Edit: I can't debug the site and it fails when I try to build it. The Output window displays "Unknown server tag".

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense For XML Files - Web.config File And The Editor Doesn't Highlight The Closing Or Opening Tag

Feb 3, 2010

I know I've seen this in one of the video tutorials but I have no idea which one and I have reinstalled VS since then. I think it was Chris Pels that showed how to set up VS so that you had IntelliSense for XML files. The reason I ask is because I'm going through the Security tutorials series and working on the web.config file and the editor doesn't highlight the closing or opening tag when you click on one or the other like it does for HTML or C#.

Not sure if I'm explaining this clearly or not. When working with HTML or C# I can click on the opening tag for an element, say a div tag and VS will bold the type of the closing div tag. This makes it easy to be sure that I'm not messing up my tags. Well this doesn't happen with an XML document. I saw in one of the videos where the author configured the settings in VS so that IntelliSense would work in an XML document. I just don't remember the path to those settings or what changes were made.

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Visual Studio :: Should Javascript Intellisense Work Inside Inline Event Handlers In Html Files

Jul 1, 2010

In VS2010, in html files, JS IntelliSense works in script tags, but not in inline event handlers (onclick="...") Is that expected behavior?

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Open Aspx Files Directly By Clicking On Them Like Html Files Without From Within Visual Studio Or Visual Web Dev?

Feb 24, 2011

is it possible to open aspx files directly by clicking on them like html files without from within visual studio or visual web dev?

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Make Visual Studio Treat .htm Files Like .aspx Files?

Apr 15, 2010

I've inherited a bunch of code that has server script inside of .htm files.

On IIS, a handler mapping pumps.Htm pages though the engine.

Unfortunately, visual studio doesn't notice that they should be treated as code.

Is there any way to make VS treat .Htm files as code/aspx files?

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Visual Studio :: VS2010 Master Pages And JQuery Intellisense / Intellisense Only Seems To Work For JQuery

Jan 6, 2010

I think my main problem is actually more to do with master pages that anything else.. Below is a description:

If you use master pages in your website and you have pages in different sub directories then the simplest way to add JQuery references is using <script src='<%# ResolveUrl ("jq.js")%> /> in the master page header??

This means that the .js files are correctly referenced in all pages that use the master. My main problem is that intellisense only seems to work for JQuery when the JQ Script is actually referenced in the header and not by using ResolveUrl('') <script src="/scripts/jq.js" />

I dont want to have to live without intellisense, Surely there is a way to get around this. What am I doing wrong.

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Visual Studio :: Not Able To Open Aspx.vb Files In VWD

Mar 28, 2010

I have a problem within a project in Visual Web Developer. The program will not allow me to open the aspx.vb file associated with an aspx file when I choose the "View Code" option. The aspx.vb file exists; however the program is prevented from loading it and seeing it in Solutions Explorer.

The problem may be related to how the entire project is loaded -- loading it as a project vs. as a website. When I load it as a project, I have compilation errors that do not exist otherwise, but can see the aspx.vb files. When it is loaded as a website, I can't open the aspx.vb files as described above.

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C# - Add Region In Visual Studio In Aspx Files?

Mar 9, 2011

I use with code behind and c#.

So I have two file for every .aspx page in VS 2010.

In .aspx.cs page I am able to add regions in my code using:

#region Name Region

My questions:

How to do it in file .aspx? #region seems working only in .cs file. organize better my code both for .aspx and .cs file? Do you know the keyboard shortcuts to expand or collapse all my region in my code?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Open Aspx Files In IDE When Away For Company Network?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a NEW company issued Dell laptop just installed VS 2008 Pro. When I am at work logged into the network all is well. When I go home and try to work is when I have issues (on or off of VPN does not mater; I get the same issue.). I open VS 2008 and try to open any aspx file in the IDE it freezse and will stay that way. I can open the ebCongif file if I try it first. Just cannot open aspx files....I have to open the task manager to kill the process. If any one has had this issue ...Also because we only have dot net framework 2.0 on our servers I am working with 2.0 in VS 2008.

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Visual Studio :: JavaScript Intellisense For Visual Studio 2008?

May 14, 2010

I need to a powerful JavaScript Intellisense for Visual Sudio 2008.

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.net - Editing Aspx/ascx Files Randomly Disabled In Visual Studio 2010?

Aug 10, 2010

I'll be debugging a site in Visual Studio 2010 and editing an *.aspx or *.ascx file, and without warning, it will lock up so that I can't edit it. There's no message or anything, I just can't type or make any changes. The only way to start editing again is to stop debugging, close the editing window, and then find whatever file I was working on and reopen it. It's a huge pain in the you-know-what. My colleagues are experiencing the same thing, so it's apparently not something with my particular setup. What's the explanation, and how can we make it stop?

Note 1: I've reported this to Microsoft here. If you've experienced this as well, please go there and vote up the bug report.

Note 2: This is not VSS-related, at least in my case. We use VisualSVN, which doesn't use file-system-level locking to mark files as checked out.

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Visual Studio Auto Formatting Not Working On The Aspx Page?

Oct 14, 2010

I am running Visual Studio 2008. I cannot get the auto format to work on the source code of my aspx page. I have tried it from the edit menu and the ctrl K, D. Nothing works. If I manually fix everything, the next time I open the file the formatting is gone. Here is a sample of what it looks like:


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How To Get Chrome To Stop Caching When Working On An Aspx File In Visual Studio

Jan 4, 2011

I'm currently editing some html/css within a aspx file inside of Visual Studio 2010. I'm using Chrome as my browser. When I make changes inside of Visual Studio and save/ctrl + F5 to run it frequently fails to load the new updated .css file due to pulling old cached versions of the CSS.

I've used visual studio as my primary HTML editor before but when I work with pure html/css files I just save and refresh the file in chrome and it will refresh the updated css 100% of the time. I've only started to experience this problem when working with aspx files and running things via ctrl + f5. Anyone have any ideas of how I can fix this?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense In 8 Development?

Nov 2, 2010

code behind - in a separate file. I've just upgraded from VS2005 to VS2008. #In an aspx file I have (for example)


However, in the code behind aspx.vb, when I type:Label1 then press '.'I don't get intellisense automatically pop up the members and methods. I've done the reset of the intellisense in Options > Text Editor but that didn't fix it.

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Visual Studio :: How To Enable Intellisense For Editing Css

Feb 17, 2010

Using VS 2010 Beta II, I am pretty sure that intellisense was working a while back when I was editing CSS files or Skins. It doesn't work now. How do I turni it back on?

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MVC :: Can't View Intellisense On Razor And Visual Studio

Aug 22, 2010

I am using VS 2010 with MVC3 and Razor view engine but on the views when I write @... I never have intellisense. Do I need to do something?

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