WCF / ASMX :: Set Webserver As Application Variable?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to set my WebService to a Application variable, but I can't use after all...

Application["sorts"] = new Sorts.Sorts();

Ok, so when I type Application["sorts"] and put a periond in front, instead get the list of the WebService methods I just get the Equals, GetHashCode,

GetType and Tostring.Probably it's belongs to the Application thing itself.

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(1) -


(2) -


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Me To Sort Out This Prob. ASAP

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Aug 17, 2010

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Dec 10, 2010

I'm using a 3rd party web service in my ASP.NET application. Calls to the 3rd party web service have to be synchronized, but ASP.NET is obviously multi-threaded and multiple page requests could be made that result in simultaneous calls to the 3rd party web service. Calls to the web service are encapsulated in a custom object. My thought is to store the object in an application variable and use the C# lock keyword to force synchronized use of it.

I'm nervous, because I'm new to multi threaded concepts and I've read that you shouldn't lock a public object (which my application variable effectively is). I've also read that if the locked block of code fails (which it could if the web service fails), then it could destabilize the app domain and bring down the application.I should mention that the 3rd party web service is rarely used in my website and it's going to be rare that 2 requests to it are made at the same time.Here's a rough code sample of how I'd make calls to the web service:

ThirdPartWebService objWebService = Application["ThirdPartWebService"] As ThirdPartWebService;
lock (objWebService)

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Feb 4, 2010

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Dec 28, 2010

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I can't do a redirect because the websites are built so they question the URL and perform accordingly.

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how i can detect session_end or browser close and then change the application variable?

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Static Variable Inside A Class In Web Application

Jul 28, 2011

I understand the problem of the static variable inside a class in the web application, now I try to create a simple class to deal with SQL Server for example, so I created Static Method inside this class, this static method used in insert, update and delete from database, I wonder if this is safe, and there is no problems will appear ?

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MVC :: Save Chat Room Data In Application Variable Or DB, Where Is Better?

Nov 4, 2010

My application is MVC Web App Chat Room , it supports following features:1.Create/Join/Close room 2.Send message in room (just live message, offline message might be supported in future)I have done logic for application, but I'm considering where to save chat room data (message,room information, and users in room) ? I see there are 2 options:1. Application variable2. Using file or database-What if I saved in Application variable:In case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, mean I have to persistence in Application variable (actually in RAM memory) information of 2000 rooms, more than 10000 message (text), these numbers might be increased by second if there are more users online in real time. and what's next ? I don't know what will happen to server, crash ? or my web app will be terminated ? whatever I don't want both results !

-What if I saved in file or DB (i.e: SQL Server DB) Because of web application, clients have to send request every 1 second to fetch data (messages and user list in room). So in case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, means they will make 10000 requests every 1 second to DB. I don't know what will happen to DB, there are a lot of connections and in EVERY 1 second, can DB still be alive to serve request ?I don't know where saving is good now because both seem are bad solution

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Save Chat Room Data In Application Variable Or DB?

Nov 4, 2010

My application is Web App Chat Room , it supports following features:

1.Create/Join/Close room

2.Send message in room (just live message, offline message might be supported in future)

I have done logic for application, but I'm considering where to save chat room data (message,room information, and users in room) ? I see there are 2 options:

1. Application variable

2. Using file or database

-What if I saved in Application variable: In case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, mean I have to persistence in Application variable (actually in RAM memory) information of 2000 rooms, more than 10000 message (text), these numbers might be increased by second if there are more users online in real time. and what's next ? I don't know what will happen to server, crash ? or my web app will be terminated ? whatever I don't want both results!

-What if I saved in file or DB (i.e: SQL Server DB) Because of web application, clients have to send request every 1 second to fetch data (messages and user list in room). So in case of there are 2000 rooms and 10000 users online, means they will make 10000 requests every 1 second to DB. I don't know what will happen to DB, there are a lot of connections and in EVERY 1 second, can DB still be alive to serve request ?

I don't know where saving is good now because both seem are bad solution :(. What is your opinion ?

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WCF / ASMX :: Hosting Wcf Application And How To Use It

Aug 12, 2010

I've just developed WCF Application including a few wcf services in it.When I run the services thru: view in browser, I get a webpage with url: ttp://localhost:4205/myWcfService.svc.I used these name for making add servce refference in y website.
It is working well on my localhost.Now, when I want to upload it, how should I upload the WCF Application, and how to connect it ?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Use Webservice In Application

Nov 3, 2010

try to guide how to call web service in my asp.net Application. I had Web reference of that web service.I added the Service to my application.i created name space and I try to use methods inside the web service it showing unable to connect server machine. I want to Use jangomail services from asp.net application. my application need to send mass mailing using jangomail service.when i try to access that web service( http://api.jangomail.com/api.asmx) it giving Some Error like Connection failed to

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Web Forms :: Detect All Logged In Users In Web Application By Session Variable

Jan 28, 2011

I'm wondering if it's possible to perhaps set something up in the global.asx file or something that will build a list of all currently active user sessions that I can then use to display to a logged in user, who else is currently logged in.

Currently I store my userId's in a session variable Session["IsLoggedIn"], so basically i want to build an global array of some sort that will store all these active userId's.

Let me know if this is possible, or who i would go about accomplishing this sort of thing. BTW, I'm not using asp.net's built in membership thing for login accounts.

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