Web Forms :: Add Dynamic Content To PDF Along With Gridview While Exporting?

Jan 24, 2011

I have written the code for exporting the gridview to PDF but what i need is to add some content to the PDF file before gridview data A sample data is as follows


Can any one tell how to do this

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView TemplateField Vanishes On Second Postback With Some Dynamic Content?

Dec 23, 2010

(Example code below)

I have a GridView. It has a 'static' TemplateField (in the .aspx page). I add and remove BoundFields to it depending on user preferences on postback. Affter the second postback, the template field appears empty.

Here is a stripped down mockup of what I'm doing. You can click the "Regular Postback" button as much as you want, and nothing bad happens. But if you click the "Recreate" button once-- it's all ok. Click it again, and the "one" column goes on Christmas break.

So is there something else I should be doing, or is this going to be a "halcyon1234 to code interface" error.


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Print Dynamic GridView Content?

Mar 16, 2010

Ok. I've made this awe-crap-code Exporting table to XLS (but still no idea how to make it editable (not read only ))

The task for now is printing data from GridView. I can send it to HTML format (like on XLS) but with no lines and download file for print is weird.

How can I make some "Print-View" for my GridView (with lines... ) and Print it then ?

Is it possible on web site ? without download.

by the way here is how I do export ..)

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;


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C# - Content Page Dynamic Content Comes Out At The Top Of The HTML Output

Feb 25, 2011

I'm very new to ASP.net. I have a c# content page, in which I want to inset this code half way down within the HTML:

HttpResponse r = Response;

But when I view the page, this content comes out first, before even the tag.

how to get this code inline instead?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview Inside A Dynamic Gridview?

Oct 9, 2010

If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting I haven't found it yet. That being said, I have create a gridview like the one here,[URL]And with some minor tweaking it working great for all my fields, checkboxes, etc. The issue is my last column is another gridview, and I'd like it to function the same. that is, a dynamic gridview inside of a dynamic gridview. I get that I have to create it initially with null values or it won't show up. I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is instead of go will null data in the parent gridviews column, do I place my blank child gridview. Do I create and bind the child gridview first, or second. Generally just not sure. Also, as far as storing the data from the child gridview goes, will each one need it's own datatable?



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Web Forms :: Dynamic Add Content To MasterPage?

Oct 29, 2010

I've got a number of MasterPages with ContentPlaceHolders. I do not know how much Placeholders are on the MasterPage. Now i want to load Content to the PlaceHolder, id the ContentPlaceHolder exists. When i use the this.Master.FindControl the MasterPage renders and the added Content would not be rendered. See: [URL] Soo I tried two posibilities of adding the content:


Second way:


The first way seems to be the faster way. But which is the "better" way? Would any of this make any problems?

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Web Forms :: How To Achieve Dynamic Content

Jan 4, 2010

I am learning ASP .NET and I want to understand the workflow when working with dynamic data. For a basic page structure: header, menu, content panel, I would like to use the content panel to display data ( a profile like page ) I have in a database base on the user selection in a menu control. What I want to find out is how do I implement that content panel part so that it gets built dynamically. What is the best practice for this creating custom controls for every dynamic section of the page? Do I need to create my own ContentPanel user control? Or is there a way to take that <div> andinject content in it at runtime?

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Web Forms :: Exporting A Gridview To Excel?

Jan 4, 2011

On two of my web forms I have the ability to export a gridview to an excel file. On my local machine. it works. So when I click an image button it gives me the option of opening or saving a gridview as Excel.

However, when I run on the web server. It does not give me the option to open or save, it just opens the gridview as an excel document when the button is clicked.

Even stranger: I have this running on two separate forms. On one form when it opens the gridview as an Excel file it includes a tool bar, so that If a user wishes they could do a 'file', 'save'; However the other one does not have a tool bar?

Ideally I would like them to get the prompt like on the local machine, to open or save.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Create Dynamic Page Content

Sep 29, 2010

I have a problem which i can not figure it out on my own, because i do not know where to look. Here's a brief description of my problem;

I have a treeview on my aspx page, when user clicks on one node, i read an html code ( such as <html> <body> sample page</html> ) from database and i just want to show this html content on the same page, say that on the right side of the treeview.

I have used freetextbox control for letting the user to input some html enabled articles.

A treeview on the right side -> (Users selects one node) -> HTML content created on the right side.

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Web Forms :: CSV File Is Blank When Exporting GridView To CSV?

Apr 25, 2012

I used your  code over here [URL]

for creating a csv but the csv that gets created is blank. My gridview gets populated so I don't think any problem with that not getting data from Access database. I also tried the code sample you have on this website and checked my code against yours.

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Web Forms :: Creating Layouts With Templates And Dynamic Content?

Jan 7, 2011

i am working on a project in which i have to create newsletters. We wish to give user functionality of editing the complete layout ( drag and drop if possible) I am able to achieve drag and drop with web parts but can't customise them much like adding richtext box and saving multiple copies of same page with different layouts. I then wish to enable user to send the html only part of page which contains dynamic layout.

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Web Forms :: Wrong Encoding While Exporting Gridview To Excel?

Jul 30, 2010

In my application i have gridview that I export it to excel. When exporting I have the option to select if show the data with images or with no images. The application run well, but when i try export Hebrew data I got gibberish letters. The second thing is that if I select the option "with no images"

Sometimes the Hebrew seems good, and sometime not. Of course I add the Response.ContentEncoding. I thing maybe I should encoding one of this rows


But don't know how. Here is my application printscreen. and this is my code


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Content In Tooltip On Mouseover Of A Row

Jun 17, 2010

i need to show the tooltip which contain the dynamic content like graphs,piechart from the mouseover of a row in gridview.

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C# - Exporting Data To Excel, With Jagged Columns Due To Dynamic Data?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a bit of an interesting problem where I need to create an Excel data dump from some data in the database, but rather than it being something simple I have some complex data to merge, below is an example of the data that I have to deal with.


RecordId|Record Name |Date |Cost
1 |Test Entry | 1/1/2010 |2.0
2 |Test Entry2 | 1/1/2010 |20.25


RecordId |QuestionName | Answer
1 |Your Name? | Bob
1 |Your Title? | The Builder
2 |Favorite Movie | The Matrix
2 |Favorite Car | Mustang

What I need in the end is the following

RecordId|Record Name |Date |Cost | | | |
1 |Test Entry | 1/1/2010 |2.0 |Your Name? | Bob | Your Title? | The Builder
2 |Test Entry2 | 1/1/2010 |20.25 |Favorite Move | The Matrix | Favorite Car | Mustang

Now I'm using SQL Server 2005 for the reporting and ASP.NET 3.5 (C#) for the application. I'm looking for the best way to do this. The number of items in "tblRandomInfo" is variable, and can have as many as 20-30 Q/A pairs per record. I cannot easily do a pivot, even a dynamic pivot due to the nature of the data.

Edit.A solution is valid either on the SQL Server or C# side. But note that information in tblRandomInfo can contain line breaks.

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting A Gridview Into Word Landscape?

Aug 31, 2010

I have managed to export a gridview into word but is there a way when i export the gridview into Word that Word opens in landscape?

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting A Nested Gridview To CSV Without The HTML?

Mar 30, 2011

I have created a nested gridview and want to be able to export the gridview to CSV file. When I export it it also exports all the HTML in the file which I do not want. It is fine if i export it to and XLS file though.

I just wondered if anyone has managed to export to CSV with nested gridviews without the HTML getting exported also.

Here is my code


and here is my gridview


I am setting the datasource for the nested repeater here:


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error When Exporting GridView To Excel?

Jul 15, 2010

I am exporting GridView to Excel but keep on getting a pop up "The file you are trying to open, 'somefile.xls' is in a different format than specidied by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?When I click "yes" the file opens fine. But why I am getting the pop up at the first place.Also as I have Office 2007 on my machine

GridView1.DataSource = dv;
Response.Buffer = true;

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Both Labels And A Gridview To Excel?

Jan 20, 2011

I have the following scenario shown below

Label: Name
ID Qty
1 10
2 5

Kindly note, the ID. QTy are currently in a gridview and the Label is a label on top of the gridview. I would like to export both the label and the gridview to excel...how can I do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting GridView To Excel - VIN Changing?

Jun 25, 2010

This is an ASP.NET 3.5 project being created with VS2008. One page contains a gridview with six columns. One of the columns displays standard, 17 character , Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN). The VIN numbers display normally when the page is rendered. However, when the gridview is exported to Excel, the VIN numbers change. For example, in the gridview, the VIN might be 12345678912345678But when the gridview exports into Excel, that same VIN becomes 1.23457E+16The value of that Excel cell changes to 12345678912345600, changing the last two digits from 78 to 00. It does this for every VIN in the gridview table.I did some Googling but couldn't find anything specifically on this issue. Has anyone seen it before? Is there a way to format the column in the gridview so that Excel will accept it as literal text? I tried programmatically adding a style called 'text' to that column but that had no effect on the outcome. All of the other columns are behaving normally.

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Web Forms :: How To Align Menu Content To Left Instead Of Being Centered In A Dynamic Asp Menuitem

Sep 3, 2010

Trying out the asp menu item. I have a static menu across the top, and then when you hover over a menu item, a dynamic menu opens and displays 5 menu items from top to bottom. Only problem is, that the text in each of the 5 menu items is centered, where as I want them to be flush left. I've looked for some align options, but don't see them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Gridview Image To Excel Sheet

Feb 2, 2010

This is the class file im using to export the datagrid to excel sheet.Problem is i cant able to transfer the image from gridview to excel sheet using this code. What are the modifications i can do for the below code to export the image.

public class ExcelReport { # region Export to excel /// /// Function for Export html report to Excel sheet /// /// File name /// Gridview /// public void ExportToExcel(string fileName, GridView gv) { try { HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition",
string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", fileName)); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { using (HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw)) { Table table = new Table(); if (gv.HeaderRow
!= null) { //gv.HeaderRow.CssClass = "GridviewStyle"; // gv.HeaderRow.Font.Bold = true; PrepareControlForExport(gv.HeaderRow); table.Rows.Add(gv.HeaderRow); } foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { //row.CssClass = "GridviewStyle"; // row.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
// row.Height = 20; PrepareControlForExport(row); table.Rows.Add(row); } if (gv.FooterRow != null) { PrepareControlForExport(gv.FooterRow); table.Rows.Add(gv.FooterRow); } table.RenderControl(htw); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(sw.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.Flush();
HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } private void PrepareControlForExport(Control control) { for (int i = 0; i < control.Controls.Count; i++) { Control current = control.Controls[i]; if (current is LinkButton) { control.Controls.Remove(current);
control.Controls.AddAt(i, new LiteralControl((current as LinkButton).Text)); } else if (current is ImageButton) { control.Controls.Remove(current); control.Controls.AddAt(i, new LiteralControl((current as ImageButton).AlternateText)); } else if (current is....................................

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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Formatting From Gridview Before Exporting To Excel?

Jun 22, 2010

I finally managed to export a gridview to an excel sheet.

Next, how can I remove the column width and alternatingrowstyle color (or all formatting if it is easier) "programatically" before exporting it to excel?

Demonstration of what I am trying to accomplish:


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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Work Through A Sample Of Exporting A Gridview To An Excel Spreadsheet?

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to work through a sample of exporting a gridview to an excel spreadsheet.I found the code below on the internet. I pasted it into a test.aspx page. I need to establish a connection to the NorthWind Database. Or if you have a better example of exporting a gridview to excel, share. Here is the location of the northwind.mdb on my pc: (and is this sample looking for an access database or a sql database...what is the filetype of a sqlserver database?) See code below

c:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SDKv2.0QuickStartaspnetsamplesdataapp_data orthwind.mdb


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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Leading Zeros Exporting Gridview To Excel?

Jan 6, 2011

I realized this has been asked multiple times before, but I still haven't been able to get it to work. I'm trying to export a Gridview to Excel without losing leading zeros. Here is my code. Add added the STYLE lines to try to fix the problem.

Dim attachment
String =
"attachment; filename=Awards.xls"
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"
Dim sw
New StringWriter()
Dim htw
New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
String =
"<style> .text { mso-number-format: ; } </style> "

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Forms Data Controls :: Retain Cell Background Colour When Exporting GridView To Excel?

Feb 2, 2011

i have an export to excel functionality on my page and when i export my this data to excel the backcolor of datarows after export is white.

The backcolor of rows after export to excel should be same as that of aspx page.

How can i get it done?

Here is my logic i tried in rowdatabound event-


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