Web Forms :: Adding New Methods To System.Web.TraceContext?

Mar 29, 2010

At my work we use Trace.Write() and Trace.Warn() quite extensively. The problem is, sometimes the output can be difficult to read with all of the other default trace info written, so we want to be able to extend that a bit and add new colors, bold versions, etc. I had tried the following, but as I've never tried adding to an existing class, I failed miserably.


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Similar Messages:

ADO.NET :: System.Data.TypedTableBase Methods Not Accessible Outside That Project

Oct 20, 2010

Presently we have converted a project from vs 2005 to vs 2010,

we have using typed dataset as our business object in separate project

after converting that dataset to vs 2010 dataset, datatable is been changed to System.Data.TypedTableBase<dataRow>,

because of that all project getting error saying method/properties not found default method/properties provided by datatable like select,rows, columns.. etc. are not able to access outside that project, but can be accessed with in that project.

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C# - Overriding SQLMembershipProvider / Adding Few Extra Methods To Deal With The Roles By Using LINQ?

May 27, 2010

Is there built in methods into .net framework to do the following:

Get role GUID from user name/user GUID
Get role name from role GUID

So far I have been sending queries to the asp_roles and asp_users tables to obtain that information and I'm wondering if there is a nicer way of doing this?

I have the following methods that I store in the ASPUtilities class:

getRoleGUID(guid userGuid) { LINQ joins }

getRoleGuid(string userName) { LINQ joins }

getRoleName(guid roleGuid) { LINQ joins }


I have just looked into extending SQLMembershipProvider examples.

Few examples completely override the SQLMembershipProvider, but I think what I'm interested is just adding few extra methods to deal with the roles by using LINQ. Is this feasible?

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Web Forms :: How To Change This Methods In To Use Dictionary Or Extension Methods

Jul 23, 2010

public class CacheHelper { /// <summary> /// Removes object with the specified key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key.</param> [code]....

I have this methods for caching..I need to change this methods to use in aDictionary<string,object>

How do I need to change this code Because I am new to asp.net I am still learning..

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SQL Server :: "Adding Parameterized Methods To The Data Access Layer"?

Sep 6, 2010

em all new in C# and .NET.I am following this tutorial: [URL]And i am at step 3: Adding Parameterized Methods to the Data Access Layer - i have No problems in getting out all information from my database.But when i try to get a specific item by CategoryID i get a Error.This is what i type in my Query in the table adapter:

SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued
FROM Products
WHERE CategoryID = @CategoryID

Here is the error i get when i click finish:The wizard detected the following problems when configuring TableAdapter Query "FillByCategoryID":

Generated SELECT statement.
Error in WHERE clause near '@'.
Unable to parse query text.

View 7 Replies

Access :: Adding System Date In Database?

Jan 29, 2011

actually i have 2 Similar questions:

1) i have a databse file on microsoft access. and i want to add system date in my databse using c#, what is the method to do this?

2) i m new in asp.net , i m making a demo application and storing a record of a person. there is a column of Date of birth. i used "datetime" data type for this column, because it have check on dates like i can't enter 29-02-2011, since its an invalid date. but problem with that it contain time with it, which should not be mentioned in date of birth column. plz guide me which data type shoul i use?

or if i simply use text data type and then add "regular expression" in textbox, then what regular expression should be used to have a check on invalid dates. remember i m not asking about the format of date, i m asking about invalid and valid dates.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Checkbox Functionality To a System / Pulling Data From Gridview

Aug 31, 2010

I am currently adding checkbox functionality to a system. I would like to check a group of users and add them into a db table. I currently have the administrator values flowing into the db table fine but it will not insert the empID into the table from the gridview. Here is my code:[Code]....

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C# - Automatic Properties Not Compiling Despite Adding Reference To System.Core.dll?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a c# v3.5 framework site that I am doing some maintenance on. I wish to use Automatic Properties but whenever I try to add one, the compiler fails [as below]. I have added the System.Core.dll (and it is in the web.config ok) but still no joy.

Error 6 'XXX.Archive.TypeOfArchive.get' must declare a body because it is not marked abstract or extern

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Using Extension Methods In Static Methods On Extended Classes?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an extension method as follows:

public static class PageExtensions
public static int GetUserId(this Page targetPage)
var user = Membership.GetUser(targetPage.User.Identity.Name);
return (int)user.ProviderUserKey;

Now in a page I need to use this method in a static WebMethod, so I have added another 'extension method' to PageExtensions:

public static int GetUserId()
return (int)Membership.GetUser(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey;

and I call it as follows in my WebMethod: PageExtensions.GetUserId()

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DataSource Controls :: System.Net.Mail - Adding Multiple Recipients From A Table?

Oct 19, 2010

I have been google some but I canīt find any solution that have been worked for me. I do use System.Net.mail on my site to send emails to individual employes. Now I would like to be able to email all emplyees. The emplyees email address is stored in a MS SQL table. Is it possible to make a BCC email to all employees in that table?

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Security :: Not Extending MembershipProvider Class And Putting All This Methods In Some Unique Class And Call Its Methods Then?

Sep 16, 2010

I am beginner in web applications development. I started one little project and host it on source forge "https://homoco.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/homoco". And I started implementing authentication in this application to learn how it works. From my experience people never use out of the box things so I want to implement this stuff alone (like in real world projects). So some questions:

1) Is there any reason to use membership out of the box? To use database table schema, stored procedures etc. that tool generate for developer. I think that this lower control over code and I decided to implement it my self. I don't know if I am right.

2) Is my approach in this demo project good or bad (if someone have time I like to do just a little code review)? I created database based on business rules. Not using database schema that membership provider require. Extend "MembershipProvider" class to satisfy my needs. Implement queries to database myself.

3) Now, this question is a little wired but I have to ask it. If we make custom Membership Provider and do sql queries alone, implement all MembershipProvider class methods ourselves, and in application use Membership.blabla() why is this approach different from not extending MembershipProvider class and putting all this methods in some unique class and call its methods then? I hope that someone understand what I ask here.

I am sorry for three questions, but I really trying to find the best way to implement this feature in my demo project like it is a real world application.

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Adding Attachment To E-mail Using System.Net.Mail?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm trying to add an attachment to an e-mail which I'm sending out, but the attaching part doesn't appear to be working properly since I do not receive the attachment. Anyone know why this is occuring? No exceptions are being thrown. I am sending the


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MVC :: Can Call The Methods Inside The Controller And Inside The Models "Action Methods"

Mar 21, 2011

i have a repository class inside my model folder; this repositiry contains many methods , which are called from Action methods in the controllers; so my question is :- if i have a method insidle my model.reporsitory which calls a stored procedure, then can i call it an "action method"? or "action method" expression only apply to controller methods?

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Web Forms :: System.ArgumentException - Can't Convert To System.Int32

Dec 16, 2010

i work with visual studio 2005 and asp net 2.0. i have a method method as this :


this problem is follow if i run the web method and don't enter a string and a int a receive this message : System.ArgumentException: Cannot convert to System.Int32. ok when i arrive in the method i can check if lists is empty but how i can do if int is NULL because i don't want to returns a error if people run my web method and don't enter the parameters.

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Web Forms :: C# Getting Listbox Selected Item Without Using System.Windows.Forms As Need To Use System.Web

Feb 4, 2011

im tryign to move a listbox item from one listbox to another heres my c# for moving from populated listbox to unpopulated


when i run the addtable function on one of my buttons it doesnt work, so i tried just outputing to a label the value of the slected item, didnt work

i opened google chrome console to find the below which led me to belive i need to add System.Windows.Forms; to get it working?

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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"GroupBy" And "OrderBy" Methods From LINQ As Extension Methods?

Mar 11, 2010

We say that "GroupBy" and "OrderBy" methods from LINQ as Extension Methods.Then how about "variable.ToString()" and "string.Split()" menthods. Are these Extension methods.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' To Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'

Jan 5, 2010

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'.


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.DBNull' To Type 'System.String'.

Oct 1, 2010

Basically, what I did is that: I have a table in SQL database and some of data fields allow null. I built Objectdatasource through dataset. When I built update page using dataset. It generate the following error before showing the update page correctly. It seems I have issue to retrieve the null value from the database through using objectdatasource through dataset. Any suggestions?An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code

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Forms Data Controls :: >>Object Of Type 'System.Boolean' Cannot Be Converted To Type 'System.Byte[]'?

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to upload a picture into database using FormView insertItemTemplate. FormView is bounded by objectdatasource.To upload, I placed FileUpload control inside insertItemTemplate.In table the dataType is image.Error:Object of type 'System.Boolean' cannot be converted to type 'System.Byte[]'.

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Web Forms :: Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.DateTime' To Type 'System.String'

Nov 10, 2010


Above is my code. The error I'm get is, Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'System.String'.

The column "To" and column "Subject" are strings and column "Receive" is DateTime. I can't made any changes in the database, so I need to write some code to handle casting a string to datetime or if statement as a work around.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Unable To Cast Object Of Type System String To Type System Byte

Feb 20, 2013

Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Byte[]'....

on line #2

private void download(DataTable dt) { Byte[] bytes = (Byte[])dt.Rows[0]["FileData"];

Response.Buffer = true; Response.Charset = "";

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Fluent Nhibernate System.ApplicationException : For Property 'Id' Expected '1' Of Type 'System.Int32' But Got '2' Of Type 'System.Int32'

Jul 6, 2010

I am writing unit tests for fluent Nhibernate, when I run the test in isloation it passes, but when I run multiple tests. or run the test more than once it starts failing with the message below System.ApplicationException : For property 'Id' expected '1' of type 'System.Int32' but got '2' of type 'System.Int32'

public void Can_Correctly_Map_Entity()
new PersistenceSpecification<UserProfile>(Session)
.CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)
.CheckProperty(c => c.UserName, "user")
.CheckProperty(c => c.Address1, "Address1")
.CheckProperty(c => c.Address2, "Address2")

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Alternatives For Forms Authentication Methods?

Jun 7, 2010

We are developing a web app that will have a pretty complex user and permission system. The general idea is that we have 3 levels of security:

a simple user - that can only access basic data that is in a data repository
a manager - that can open up data repositories
a superuser - that can open up repository factories.

Each repository contains various data types(text, images, etc etc). We are looking for authentication methods that will allow us:
1. Scalability.
2. Customization.
3. To create permissions that will effect the GUI + deny access to certain pages.
4. To create predefined roles - that will allow for easy setup of new users.
5. To create custom roles for specific users - allowing them permission sets that are different from the predefined roles.

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException' Occurred In System?

Jul 6, 2010

I have been trying to get the data display on the datagrid after selecting a customer.

With the same connection it populates the selection right. But just do not seem to extract the following SQL.

The litABC is to check the flow of control.

There is no syntax error but in the debug menu,

I got A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException' occurred in System.

Where did I do wrong?


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MVC :: Method Not Found: 'System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.RouteLink(Syst...

Jan 27, 2010

I have a project that it had been developed under MVC1 and after aa few months ago I upgraded it in MVC2.

Everything was well, uppon the day I needed to format my computer.

And what can goes wrong with a format? I don't know

I have installed the MVC2, I build the project, no error displayed, but from the time I've uploaded the project in the production server

I am getting this error.

Method not found: 'System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.RouteLink(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper, System.String, System.Object)'.

I can't understand what caused the problem.

Certainly I assumed that is have to do with MVC1 and I referenced it, but with no luck

Theese are the methods that the problem is came from


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