Access :: Adding System Date In Database?

Jan 29, 2011

actually i have 2 Similar questions:

1) i have a databse file on microsoft access. and i want to add system date in my databse using c#, what is the method to do this?

2) i m new in , i m making a demo application and storing a record of a person. there is a column of Date of birth. i used "datetime" data type for this column, because it have check on dates like i can't enter 29-02-2011, since its an invalid date. but problem with that it contain time with it, which should not be mentioned in date of birth column. plz guide me which data type shoul i use?

or if i simply use text data type and then add "regular expression" in textbox, then what regular expression should be used to have a check on invalid dates. remember i m not asking about the format of date, i m asking about invalid and valid dates.

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<body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table class="style1"> <tr> <td class="style4"> </td>
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OrderDate", DateTime.Now)
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