Web Forms :: Anchor / Not Able To Find Visible Property In Codebehind Since It Is A HTML Control?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a Sidemenu item in my ASP.NET application like below. There are two types of users in my application (Associates, Managers).When ever Associate Login then I have to disable Manager link. I am not able find visible property in codebehind since it is a HTML control. So need your support how to handle this

<li><a href="Associate.aspx?val=Tests&index=0" id="lnkAssociates">Associate</a></li>
<li><a href="Manager.aspx id="lnkManager">Manager</a></li>

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Find Html Anchor Control In Telerik:radgrid ?

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Web Forms :: If Label Property Is Set To Visible = "False", Then Can It Be Find In View Source Of Browser ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control In Detailsview Edit Template From Codebehind?

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I also tried adding a reference to the Detailsview id such as DetailsView1.FileField.PostedFile.SaveAs("directory")

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Unable To Find The Control From Codebehind

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I am able to find the controls of all of these Lables and TextBoxes accept the edateTB. This is strange to me because it is in the same view as the sdateTB. So why would edateTB return NULL when I try to use FindControl on it and sdateTB return the correct control?

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.net Regex To Find Anchor Tags And Replace Their Url?

May 13, 2010

i'm trying to find all the anchor tags and appending the href value with a variable.
for example

<a href="/page.aspx">link</a> will become <a href="/page.aspx?id=2">
<A hRef='http://www.google.com'><img src='pic.jpg'></a> will become <A hRef='http://www.google.com?id=2'><img src='pic.jpg'></a>

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Web Forms :: How To Find Out What HTML Does Each Server Control Renders

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I try to run each control and then check what html did it render.

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Web Forms :: Use The Radio Button To Control The Visible And In Visible In Textfield?

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Web Forms :: Hyperlink Control With AlternateText Property Fails Html Validation

Mar 10, 2010

Line 44, Column 69: there is no attribute "AlternateText" You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).

This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.

How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you received this error when using the <embed> element to incorporate flash media in a Web page, see the FAQ item on valid flash. I can't figure this out.

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How To Find Which Anchor Has Been Clicked For Download In Destination Page With Out Using Query String

Dec 24, 2010

I am having a web form initially which have href as follows

<a href="downloadInfo.aspx">ACH File Management System Trail(msi)</a>
<a href="downloadInfo.aspx">ACH File Management System Trail(zip)</a>

These are my two anchor tags when i click on this i will redirect both to a same page where user has to fill details and a mail will be send to the user for the given mail id. When the user clicks on mail i would like to have the download for which he opted to download. If msi means i would like to prompt msi file to be downloaded and if zip it should be downloaded I need this to be worked with out using query-string

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How to bind property visible?

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Find Control From Html To C#?

May 18, 2010

I have problem that how to get html control id in c# code behind page.?

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How To Let Html Link (anchor) Do A Postback To Be Like LinkButton

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to ask how can i make an html anchor (a element) or even any object to do a postback or to execute an server side method?I want to create a custom button (a wrapped with some divs to do some custom them) and i want to implement OnClick to be look like the ASP.NET LinkButton?Like<a href="#" onclick="RunServerSideMethod()">Just a simple link button</a>

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HyperLink's NavigateUrl Changes After Rendering In To HTML Anchor

Nov 17, 2010

I have a Master.aspx and a Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx, all in the same directory.


<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="Page1.aspx" runat="server" Text="Page 1" />
<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="Page2.aspx" runat="server" Text="Page 2" />

both the Page1 and Page2 gets rendered from above master page.

all three are in a vertual directory which is mapped as a subdomain here are the details:

Virtual Drectory: dirvir
Domain: dirvir.example.com

now when I open any of the page say:


the Hyperlinks are rendered containing



On click of them it takes me to


where as I wanted it to be


I can achive the same by using <a> but i need them on the code behind too so thats not desired.

Note: using <a> with runat server also behaves in the same way HyperLink does.

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Set HREF Of HTML Anchor Tag From Server Side?

Aug 17, 2012

how i can bind <a href="?"> from database?

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Find HTML Control Using FindControl?

Apr 1, 2010

I add a select control to a ASPX page like below:

hgc = new HtmlGenericControl();
hgc.InnerHtml = @"<select runat='server' id='my_selectlist'>
<option value='volvo'>Volvo</option>
<option value='saab'>Saab</option>
<option value='mercedes'>Mercedes</option>
<option value='audi'>Audi</option>

Then in a Button click event, I use the code below, try to get the value selected

HtmlSelect s = (HtmlSelect)hgc.FindControl("my_selectlist");
label.Text = s.Value;

I get a error:"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."Does anyone try it before?

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Forms Data Controls :: Need Gridviews Visible Property False?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a form with a ton of gridview controls on it. All of which are driven by a dropdown list control. When I select a value from the dropdown list control it populates the 5 gridview controls with data from the database.If there are no rows associated with the record from the dropdown list then I am going to set the visible property of all of the gridview cotrols to false.

I know how to set the property I just need to know where I would set it and what I would check.I can put my code in the selectedindexchanged event for the dropdownlist control but how do I check to see if there are no rows associated with that value? Maybe some sort of If gridview1_rowdatabound = 0 then...

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Using HtmlAnchor Or Hyperlink For Anchor Tag That Navigates In-page Named Anchor?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to render a simple hyperlink that links to a named anchor within the page, for example:

<a href="#namedAnchor">scroll to down</a>
<a name="namedAnchor">down</a>

The problem is that when I use an ASP.NET control like asp:HyperLink or HtmlAnchor, the href="#namedAnchor" is rendered as href="controls/#namedAnchor" (where controls is the subdirectory where the user control containing the anchor is). Here is the code for the control, using two types of anchor controls, which both have the same problem:


I am using the HtmlAnchor or HyperLink class because I want to make changes to other attributes in the code behind. I do not want to introduce a custom web control for this requirement, as the requirement I'm pursuing is not that important enough to justify abandoning the traditional ASP.NET link controls. It seems like I should be able to use the ASP.NET link controls to generate the desired link.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set The Width Property The LayoutTemplate In A Listview Through Codebehind

Sep 4, 2010

How to set the width property the LayoutTemplate in a listview through codebehind



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Data Controls :: How To Set HREF Value Of HTML Anchor Tag Inside DataList

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Datalist which is given below:

<asp:DataList ID="dList" runat="server" RepeatColumns="4" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatLayout="Table" DataKeyField="PId"
Width="850px" align="center" >


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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Fields Visible Property To False In DetailsView?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a problem that in DetailsView Edit Mode, if I go to edit fields, and set a fields visible property to false, when I update the record through the built in update options it sends a null value. If I change the field back to visible, it passes the data just fine.

Consequently, I tried just setting the field to Read Only = True, and got the same result even though the current values do show up in the edit mode, just read only.Is there anyway to hide the field but still allow it to pass the data it currently has "BACK" into the record.

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HTML - Why Does Rewrite Relative Paths For Runat=server Anchor Controls

Mar 24, 2010

I have my UserControls in a ~/Controls folder in my solution:


If specify the following:

<a id="theId" runat="server" href="./?pg=1">link text</a>

ASP.Net seems to want to rewrite the path to point to the absolute location. For example, If the control is on [URL] the link href will be rewritten to read

<a id="munged_theId" href="../../Controls/?pg=1>link text</a>

Why does Asp.Net rewrite these control paths, and is there an elegant way to fix it?

I just want the anchor control to spit out exactly what I tell it to!!! Is that so hard?


I've basically done what Kelsey suggested. I knew I could do it this way, but I don't like adding markup in my code when I want something relatively simple. At least it solves the problem:

Aspx page:

<asp:PlaceHolder ID="ph" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>


var anchor = new HtmlGenericControl("a") { InnerText = "Previous" + " " + PageSize) };
anchor.Attributes["href"] = "?pg=" + (CurrentPage - 1);
anchor.Attributes["class"] = "prev button";

As you can see by the amount of code needed for what is essentially supposed to be be a simple and light-weight anchor, it's not the most optimal solution. I know I could use a Literal but I figured this was cleaner as I'm adding more than one anchor.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Gridview Contain Itemtemplate Textbox Id In Codebehind?

Dec 15, 2010

a Gridview contain itemtemplate(using code behind) and

Textbox with random id

how to access the the textbox id in code behind

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Visual Studio :: Changes To Properties In The Property Window Not Updating In HTML Control?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm using VWD 2010 Express and have found that when I change a property like AutoPostBack from within the property window the corresponding tag (<asp:TextBox...>) was not updated with the property change to the tag.

Is there a setting that I can change in the VWD properties that will enable changes through the property window for a control to automatically update the HTML tag for that control?

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