Web Forms :: Can Not See Links In Emails In HTML Format

Mar 27, 2011

I need to send to user link with confirmation code


Message successfully comes to user, but link is unclickable. When I tried to see html in Firebug I saw exactly that code I wrote.

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Aug 18, 2010

I have used the MailHelper for quite some time now and love it. In the past I have only used it to send plain text emails, but I need to send some now that have columns and have everything line up properly. I wrote the code and it looks great to me viewing the messages in Outlook, but I have some people that receive these emails that have macs and theirs aren't getting translated, they are getting the raw HTML output. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Could it be a problem with their mail client? If so why does the rest of the email display fine? Below is the code I use to build the message body:


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Helper Class For Creating HTML Emails In .NET?

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C# - Get All Links On Html Page?

Feb 11, 2010

Im working on a little hobby project. I already have written the code to get a url, download the header and return the mime type / content type.However, the step before this is the one im stuck on - i need to retrieve the contents of all the urls on the page based inside a tag, and in quotes i.e.

<link rel='shortcut icon' href="/static/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

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My company purchased ActivePDF WebGrabber a couple of years ago to convert a classic ASP created HTML page into a PDF form. The only drawback with the tool that we continually run into is that the outputted HTML links are not hot. Are there any tools that do include hot-links within the HTML to PDF output?

According to the ActivePDF FAQ for Does WebGrabber convert hyperlinks into usable links in the output PDF?, the answer is no. There is a phrase confusing me at the end of the answer:

"To implement links in the final PDF, the application would search for links prior to the Postscript generation, and append them once the PDF has been generated using Toolkit."

Does that mean this is how to achieve it, or is this their theoretical but not tested solution? If this is the solution, has anyone done this that might be able to post some sample (pseudo-)code?

Edit: I should mention that we're open to a different tool, and we need it to be accessible via classic ASP and ASP.NET. I would prefer a solution in which the links are automatically hot-linked during PDF generation.

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Finding Links In Html Source?

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to get the hotfile's downloadable file links in html source in

Ex Html Source:

<A class="l" onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','','6','','0CDgQFjAF')"href="http://tinypaste.com/f4472e">
.</B></A></H3><DIV class="s"><EM>http://hotfile.com/dl</EM>/31214236/e3ad3a
3/dora_ve_unicorn.avi.html <EM>http</EM><B>...</B><BR><SPAN class="f">

i just want to get "http://hotfile.com/dl</EM>/31214236/e3ad3a3/dora_ve_
unicorn.avi.html"link and that kind links from the whole Html source.

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Here's an image of what I referring to.

I thought for sure it must be a bug but considering that I heard that MS was rewriting the editor (designer too?) I am starting to question whether I know how to use it!

Note the "TD" tooltip on the bottom right. Shouldn't this "TD" appear on the bar on the far right where the mouse would be?

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Documents/links On Preventing HTML Form Fiddling?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm using ASP.Net but my question is a little more general than that. I'm interested in reading about strategies to prevent users from fooling with their HTML form values and links in an attempt to update records that don't belong to them.

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Jun 23, 2010

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Make HTML Links Show Hover Style?

Aug 24, 2010

I have some HTML markup in my ASP.NET master page representing a basic navigation menu. THree words that link to three pages. My CSS and HTML are included below for your reference.

When I load the page, the links appear with the correct color (red). If I hover over a link, the link changes to the correct color (blue). So far, we're good. Clicking a link changes the link color to the correct color (yellow). The two remaining links are still red / blue as expected. Clicking a second link changes that link to yellow also. Now I have two yellow links. Neither yellow link displays the hover color (blue) like I'd prefer. Clicking the third link causes it to be yellow, too and none of the links display the hover style.

Although a link has been clicked, I'd like the color to be stored and have the hover color displayed. How do I accomplish this? This is an ASP.NET web application project but I'm only using straight HTML at this point.


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Html.ActionLink In Partial View - All The Links Of Articles Lead To The Same Url

Mar 11, 2010

I am using the following code in my master page:

<% Html.RenderAction("RecentArticles","Article"); %>

where the RecentArticles Action (in ArticleController) is :

public ActionResult RecentArticles()
var viewData = articleRepository.GetRecentArticles(3);
return PartialView(viewData);

and the code in my RecentArticles.ascx partial view: <li class="title"><span><%= Html.ActionLink(article.Title, "ViewArticle", new { controller = "Article", id = article.ArticleID, path = article.Path })%></span></li>

The problem is that all the links of the articles (which is built in the partial view) lead to the same url- "~/Article/ViewArticle" . I want each title link to lead to the specific article with the parameters like I'm setting in the partial view.

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Aug 24, 2010

I would like to create a database where users can search for multiple fields. For example: if the record is personal details info like name, address, phone number and email id i would like to generate link for this automatically with the fields using stored procedure.. Is that possible.? If so can anybody provide me with the line of code or guideline on how to do that?

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Apr 28, 2010

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Can I use a switch mechanism to avoid making mistakes manually?

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Java - How To Avoid Resending Emails Or Missing Emails

Nov 17, 2010


I have the code above, if after half of the emails were sent out, there is a error in smtp, then how can I avoid resending emails or missing emails in this cases ?

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Aug 31, 2010

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Security :: Windows Live Delegate Authentication And Emails / Access Emails (New, Read, Unread Etc) from Live Account?

Mar 21, 2011

I am able to get a token with Windows Live Delegate Authentication samples provided by Microsoft.

Now I want to access emails (New, Read, Unread etc) from live account. How can I achieve it with the help of Windows Live Delegate Authentication? Are there any examples for the same?

The Samples given by Microsoft are not related to emails.

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How To Send Email In HTML Format

Mar 10, 2011

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How To Save Rdlc Report In HTML Format

Dec 22, 2010

I am using RDLC report.I want to conver the rdlc report in HTML format.

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C# - Linq To SQL - Format DateTime In Html.TextBoxFor

Jul 14, 2010

I'm have .dbml Linq to SQL class named DExamination.dbml

public partial class Examination : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
private int _Id;
private string _Title;
private System.Nullable<System.DateTime> _StartDate;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_StartDate", DbType="DateTime")]
public System.Nullable<System.DateTime> StartDate
return this._StartDate;
if ((this._StartDate != value))
this._StartDate = value;
Display in Edit
<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Examination.StartDate)%>

How to format StartDate like "dd/MM/yyyy" I've tried add DisplayFormat above

[global::System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")]
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Storage="_StartDate", DbType="DateTime")]
public System.Nullable<System.DateTime> StartDate
return this._StartDate;
if ((this._StartDate != value))
this._StartDate = value;

but not working Anyone have solution?

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C# - How To Use A ShortDate String Format With Html.TextBoxFor

Sep 21, 2010

Using Entity Framework with MVC2, I have a series of date textboxes, that I want to display data from the model in a short date format, but I have to use Html.TextBoxFor in order for the update code to work (Having tried using HTML.Textbox the data never gets saved to the model).

<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Item.Date, String.Format("{0:d}", Model.Item.Date))%>

I've tried manipulating the string format expression, and have added metadata to a partial class mapped to the Entity Framework model class, however still I get the following populating my textboxes at form render:

'01/01/2011 00:00:00' rather than '01/01/2011'

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Security :: Creating A DWT HTML Format Website?

Sep 5, 2010

In the past I used Front Page 2002 to create web sites, I am now working with Expression Web 3 for the first time. I'm creating a DWT HTML format web site. My client wants the site to be for 'members' only. Can I incorpoirate ASP.NET into my site so I can insert login forms needed? My ISP supports ASP.NET.

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Reading Contents Of Word Document In Html Format

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using a FCKEditor. I added some word document files in the server. I need to read the content of the work document in HTML format and assign it to the FCKEditor.

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