Web Forms :: Looking For Sample JavaScript Code That Will Change The Links In Html

Dec 24, 2010

When someone requests a web form, I want to use Javascript to see what browser they use, and then point to the correct css files with Javascript. What is the simplest way to do that.

For example, in my header of the html form, I have a link that says:


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Web Forms :: OnClientClick - How To Generate Neat HTML / JavaScript Code

Jan 28, 2011

I have a page with a control like this:

<asp:Button ID="test" runat="server" Text="test" OnClientClick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink')" />
The OnClientClick-attribute is rendered as:

When I try to escape the single-quote like this "'" or with a double backslash preceeding the single quote, this does not work. I also tried it like this:

string str = "pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink'";
test.Attributes.Add("onclick", str.Replace("'", "\'"));

and of-course I tried all possible escaping-combinations in the above too.

It seems like asp.net just encodes the value, but how can I stop this? I want to be able to generate neat html/javascript-code...

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C# - Change Classes Based On Html Without Using Javascript?

Jan 8, 2010

I am not sure if is it possible or not but I have to change some classes of <li> tag which I am getting from ascx file.Now the condition which li to change or no is based on html that I am producing with the help of xsl(written in code behind).I know i can do this with the help of Javascript. But what if I don't wanna use javascript and want to do it wth the help of code behind itself.Is this possible let me explain this with the example also


I am getting A,B,C from the user control using Datagrid for it. now In this user control I have xslt and from this xslt I am getting html A,B.... and I want to change classes of li tag of A and B to sth else now.Can I do it withot using javacript. I want to write sth in my codebehind to acheive this.

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JavaScript - Jquery Change HTML Inside UpdatePanel?

Aug 17, 2010

I've got UpdatePanel with Div

<telerik:RadAjaxPanel runat="server" ID="RadAjaxPanel1">
<div class="pnlFind" style="display:none;">

wanna use js for showing this div


but after partial postback, I got div invisible again(right! restore DOM) How can I remember that div should be always visible after button click.

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AJAX :: How To Change Entries To Legacy HTML Code

Jun 17, 2010

I have a page which is using the AJAX Control Toolkit HTML Editor. I have it configured with only the Bold, Italics and Underline buttons. Once the user saves the information, it's stored in a database table. No problems.

I need to change the resulting code so the HTML code can be correctly interepted by a Crystal Reports report. CR doesn't understand the <span> options being created by the HTML editor. So for example, I need to change the

<span style="font-weight: bold">Bold</span> code created by the HTML Editor so it's entered into the database as <b>Bold</b> instead.

I can attempt this in the code behind, but I then also need to replace the </span> with a </b>. This causes an issue because if there are multiple options (e.g. bolded word within an underlined line), then the proper tags won't be closed as they should.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Good Sample Code

Feb 20, 2011

do u also any good code projects for developing inbox functionality.

just that users could communicate with each other It does not need to as high level using System.net.mail

Just when the user clicks on Inbox shuld fetch data from db. and send and save to draft, navigation, querystrings, grid view did my own but just want to see other examples.

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Security :: Dynamically Change Html Code When User Is Authenticated?

Aug 22, 2010

So I have a fairly simple web site which allows an Administrator to edit some data in a database which is displayed on some web pages.

The main navigation on the site is shown in the code snippet below. The Admin link goes to a Login.aspx which allows the Administrator to log in - once authenticated they get sent to the data edit page.

So my question is, how could I dynamically add a link to the data edit page in the <ul> list below once the user is authenticated ?

This would allow the authenticated user to see links to the secure pages in the main navigation bar.


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Web Forms :: Sample Css Code To Magnify Or Alter An Image Buttons Bakground When Hovering Over Them?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a list of buttons in a menu, and when I hover of them, I want something to change, such as a box being drawn around them, or background color chaning. How do I do that?

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C# - Store Javascript As HTML Code In A Website?

Dec 16, 2010

I use Web Forms and Asp.Net with MS SQL.

For my Web Site I need store these codes belove, maybe others in future:

Google Analytic Code
Some JavaScript codes
HTML Footer and Header for my template.

I need a solution which could be centralized, use CACHE, easy to update:

01 Use a DATABASE with a Table (configure table) which for every records (VARCHAR) would allow storing of these spinets of code as string.

02 Use simple Text Files in a specific folder, so I can include these files in my code. I could update codes using FTP and NotePad (Here I am concern about cache).

03 Use Web.Conf file.

04 Use Text File and a Class wich would manage storing in cache the content of these file.

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Web Forms :: Can Not See Links In Emails In HTML Format

Mar 27, 2011

I need to send to user link with confirmation code


Message successfully comes to user, but link is unclickable. When I tried to see html in Firebug I saw exactly that code I wrote.

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Web Forms :: Loading HTML File With Links?

May 15, 2010

I have a HTML file which I want to load, say in a Label control. This HTML file have a series of unordered list, which acts as a vertical menu links for the various sections of the file.Now, I have no idea whether these links, inside the HTML file, will work if I load it on Label control. Is there any other way of doing this ? I want those links to work when the file gets loaded.

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Web Forms :: Change Color Of Visited Links In Gridview

May 19, 2012

I want to change anchor link color in gridview once i click that link.

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How To Retrieve Html Source Code Using Telnet And JavaScript

Jan 7, 2011

I need to get the source of aspx page that is stored on my company's server, I don't have access to the server (Or any server - so server language not considered), I'm using HTA localy on my PC.I wrote this code: (JavaScript)var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run("telnet -fh:/telnetlog.txt xxx.xxx.xxx.com 80"); //The host address
setTimeout("WshShell.SendKeys('GET /subfolder/page.aspx HTTP/1.0~~')",1000);

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Web Forms :: Iterate Through Html Links On Page From Masterpage?

Jan 17, 2010

I have programatically added javascript to HyperLink controls on all pages in my site from the Masterpage as it is served up.

I have a new problem. I have a Masterpage wrapper around html pages without asp.net controls in them. Using the Masterpage, I need to parse through all html hrefs in each page and add javascript to each link if it includes "http" or ".pdf". Can the Masterpage parse the text of each page and programatically change it?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Css When Click On Some Of The Links In Datalist

Jun 18, 2010

I have Datalist:


How to change css when I click on some of the links in Datalist and active link to have some another css with background color blue?

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State Management :: Setting Session In A Sample.HTML Page?

Feb 22, 2011

I have developed a project including many pages. But the initial page is HTML , not an aspx page. I want to set the session("language") at this page first. (user can change the language later in the forms)

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Aug 24, 2010

how to implement geneology in asp.net with sample code

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Sample Code For Own OpenId Server?

Apr 6, 2010

There are sample codes on the net for OpenId Client but none for OpenId Server. Do you know some? I know about dotnetopenAuth but there seem to be no tut on how to use as OpenId Provider. I don't even know if it can do that. Maybe it can just be used to create openid consumer app.

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C# - Pro Net MVC Framework Sample Code Not Working

Oct 21, 2010

This is from a very good book by Steven SandersonI am trying to follow the chapter 4 and trying to setup IOC on my mvc code from the code sample of the book but its not working.I follow the code from page 97 to page 101 where I set up Inversion of Control and run the code but I get the following error. A dialog box opens trying to search the following file:

protected override IController GetControllerInstance(
System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext,
Type controllerType)

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Security :: Sample Code For .NET NT ID Authorization?

Jun 28, 2010

I am looking for some suggestions for an application I am writing. Here is a brief description of the application:The application is written in C# ASP.NET version 4.0 and is to be hosted on an IIS6 web server. The purpose of the application is to serve as a download page for sensitive documents. There will be several levels of access which will be granted according to user credentials stored in a SQL table. I don't want the application to check the user's NT ID and either allow or disallow access to the application depending on whether they are authorized or not, I want it to filter on data i.e. everyone can view the application, it will just limit the data they can view depending on their access.

point me in the direction of some source code that can check the NT ID of user's local machines and compare it to a table in SQL?

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Web Forms :: Creating Forwarder Links In Code Behind?

Jul 6, 2010

what I need to do is turn a text boxs text into a url and redirect to the new page. here is what I have so far but I can't get the double values I need to work right and it does not do a redirect but opens in new page how do i get it to redirect.

If isAdmin = True Then
If bmName = "" Then
bmName = "(not set)"
End If
lblBMName.Text = bmName + "<a onclick='javascript:window.open(""EditMetric.aspx?sid=" & myDataTable.Rows(0)(1) & +"&kpName="& myDataTable.Rows(0)(0) """", """", ""fullscreen=yes scrollbars=yes"");' & "style='text-decoration:underline;cursor:hand;+
lblBMName.Text = bmName + "<a onclick='javascript:window.open(""EditMetric.aspx?sid=" & myDataTable.Rows(0)(1) & +"&kpName="& myDataTable.Rows(0)(0) """", """", ""fullscreen=yes scrollbars=yes"");' " _
& "style='text-decoration:underline;cursor:hand;+ bmname'>"
End If

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C# Sample Code Of Integrating Orkut From An Website

Apr 5, 2010

Is there any c# sample code of integrating orkut from an ASP.NET web site (oauth authentication, retrieving friends, etc.)

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Security :: How To Add Pages In Form Authentication Sample Code

Mar 7, 2011

how to add pages in the Form Authentication Sample Code. I am required to add a registration form in this Custom Security Solution. It lets me add the .cs files but when I add .aspx file, it gives errors in building. let me know what architecture have they followed? Why they have .resx files?

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