Web Forms :: Convert String To A Real Control?

Jun 16, 2010

checking if there is anyone ever coverted a string to a real control?example.. if the user types "TextBox", then the serverside will transalate it to a real TextBox control without the need of using if or switch statements.

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Similar Messages:

Convert From String To Int16 In The Real World?

Feb 8, 2011

How do I properly conver my string value I am getting from xml?


Just Convert.ToInt16(CustomerId); did not work.

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How To Convert A Html String To Server Control

Oct 1, 2010

I have a string in code behind like this

string html = "<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />";

So how to insert it into aspx page and when the page is rendering, it convert my string as i write it own in the webpag

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Custom Control - How To Take Data From A <template> And Convert It To A String

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to have an asp.net custom control with a field like:

<p>Blue wizard shot the food</p>

What I want to end up with is:

<h1>Error</h1><p>Blue wizard shot the food</p> in a string in my codebehind.

At the moment, the process I use to get this data out of the template is:

First this gets instantiated into a placeholder by my code:


which is an asp.net placeholder control - it has to be instantiated into something which can support controls.

What I then want to do is add this to my page using JQuery and a variable, like this:

string script = "var Errortemplate = " + errorPHolder.ToString() + ";";
scriptmanager.register(script); // pseudocode

so the result would be, on my page:

var Errortemplate = '<h1>Error</h1><p>Blue wizard shot the food</p>';

Then I can use JQuery to do someDiv.html(Errortemplate);

Finally resulting in whatever they put in <ErrorTemplate> appearing on the page

Because I'm using JQuery it might be possible to do this a different way, such as adding the placeholder to the page into a hidden div and using JQuery to copy the values out.

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Web Forms :: Real - Time Control Effect Via Code Behind

Feb 19, 2011

I have two checkboxes on web form chkYes and chkNo. When I click either I want the other one to be un-ticked. I have implemented the following in code behind;


Problem is ticking one tick has no effect on the other. What is the reason and how can I make it work?

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Null Reference Using .toString / Convert The Object ConnString (a Connection String) Into A String?

Feb 13, 2010

on VWD 2005 this code works fine, but on 2008 it says I haven't created an instance of the object. I want to convert the object connString (a connection string) into a string.

'This acceses the virtual directory web.config file for connection strings
'We have to convert the object to a connection string
Dim rootWebConfig As System.Configuration.Configuration
rootWebConfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/VirtualDirec")
Dim connString
As System.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings
connString = rootWebConfig.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("ConnectString1")
Dim strConnString
String = connString.ToString().......

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VS Macro / Add-in To Convert String Concatenations To String.format Style

Jul 28, 2010

I have project in development where string operations like "Hi " + variable + ", welcome to Project" are used at many places (given example is very minor one).

One of the requirement is to convert it to string.format style.

It is very long and tedious job, where I would not like to break earlier working code due to any human error might happen while converting it.

I would like to if any Macro or VS command which I can create to handle it. Just like we mark block of code and do Extract function in Re-factor options.

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WebMatrix :: Can Convert String To Decimal/ 'string' Does Not Contain A Definition For 'AsDecimal'

Aug 6, 2010

I'm trying to convert a string to decimal but I get this exception:

Exception Details:

Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'AsDecimal'

Here is the code:

decimal PriceHT = 0;

var PriceRequest= "SELECT * FROM Price_" + HttpContext.Current.Session["PriceTableId"] ;
foreach (var Price in Database.OpenFile("Base.sdf").Query(PriceRequest)){
PriceHT = PrixceHT + (Price.PT).AsDecimal(); //Price.PT returns a string

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Localization :: Convert English String To Hindi String?

Aug 28, 2010

Code to convert english to hindi string

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Web Forms :: Convert Datetime String From PDT To IST (local Time) Datetime String?

Apr 28, 2010

i am displaying some news from rss feeds in the page. But i am stuck up in the date time conversion. I got th published datetime as pdt formated string. How can i convert to my local time. Coversion from the pdt string tot DateTime is error..


This second line is error and i need the result in the specified format or same format as in the published date but in local time ie IST (India Standard Time)

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C# - Can Convert To The String But Can't Convert Back

Jul 30, 2010

I have a string I need to convert back to a date. I can call .ToString("yyyyMMdd") and get the string i want. My question is how can I convert that back into a date? I'm trying something like the following with no luck.

DateTime d;
var formatInfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo {ShortDatePattern = "yyyyMMdd"};
if (DateTime.TryParse(details.DetectionTime.Date, formatInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
lit.Text = d.ToShortTimeString(); //would like 07/30/2010 as the text

I've never used DateTimeFormatInfo before if that isn't obvious. Can someone point me in the right direction. I know I could probably use substring and create a new DateTime(y, m, d) etc... I'm just wondering since c# interpreted .ToString() correctly, if it can't derive a date from the very same string it output.

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C# - Convert String To List<string> In One Line?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a string:

var names = "Brian,Joe,Chris";

Is there a way to convert this to a List<string> delimited by , in one line?

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Designers / Expression Or SharePoint Designer And Real Source Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying desperately to move from VSS to a real source control system. Options include TFS and SVN.My designers need to keep their ability to modify source files and instantly preview their changes in a browser without having to commit their changes. Using FPSE with VSS, this works flawlessly, since saving a file causes the copy in the working folder on the dev server to be updated, so they can just save and refresh their browser which is pointed at the dev server.The site in question consists of 350k+ lines of classic ASP code and some new ASP.NET MVC. They only need to be able to modify views within the MVC code, not C#. Though Expression includes a version of Cassini for local debugging, Cassini does not support classic ASP. Surely someone has solved this problem before. It can't be necessary to install IIS on each designer's machine (this is absolutely untenable). I need a way to have a common working folder on a dev webserver updated whenever someone saves a file locally, just like using FPSE.

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Web Forms :: How To Convert String Variable To Url

Oct 1, 2010

I need to convert a string to http url.The way i have to do this is--I have to retriew a value from database and convert it into a sharable http url in Asp.net C#.

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Web Forms :: How To Convert A String To Label

Jun 3, 2010

I am building a project that has 10 labels on the page. There are 2 rows, so my labels are named:


I can build the string to give me the label (as a string) but I need to apply properties to it.

How do I convert a string to Label.

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Web Forms :: How To Convert String To Integer

Mar 15, 2010

i need to convert from string to integer, i tried in all ways but no luck.... here is my code


here in checkdDoorID integer value is available, but i can't convert to string. i tried ctype,parse but nothing worked out. i need the value in integer so that i can stored in DB as primary key.

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Web Forms :: Convert String Into Textbox?

Jan 29, 2010

I have the One string that contains id of the TextBox for Example..

string test="txtDegree" + i;

I want Convert the sting value into TextBox to show the Data. For ex. at runtime time i want to do show data in txtDegree1, txtDegree2 & so on.

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Web Forms :: Convert The String To 3 Decimal Place?

Feb 14, 2011

how to convert the string to 3 decimal place?i want 0.033 for below:



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Web Forms :: How To Convert A String Into A Time Variable

Apr 14, 2010

I have a column in a table within my SQL database that is specified as a time variable. Not DateTime or Date, but just Time. So, I need to know how to convert a text string into the format that would be accepted for entry in the Time column of a table in SQL. I know how to convert dates, but not time.

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Web Forms :: Difference Between .ToString And Convert.To String?

Dec 10, 2010

I want to Know What is the difference between .ToString and Convert.To string?

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Web Forms :: Convert Drop Down String Values To Int

Feb 1, 2010

i have two tables which are related (school and departments). school_table (school_id, school_name) and department (dept_id, dept_name, school_id). page 1 creates the school - i take school name via textbox and school_id is auto generated in database. so informatics = 1, science = 2, etc page2 creates department - i take department name via textbox, dept_id is auto generated, and now i need a way to take school_id from this page to create the relationships (so we know which department belongs to which school). however, i don't really want the user to enter school Id that gets auto generated in the schools_table, instead i want to create a drop down list and populate it with the school_name values taken from page one. but these drop down values should represent an int value behind the scene since it needs to go to school_id (department_table) but how can i convert the drop down values from string to int so that if i enter informatics from drop down the value will be 1 in the school_id column?

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Web Forms :: Convert Textbox Input (string) To Int

Mar 22, 2010

I've got a regular expression validating that a Textbox.text is a number but i would like to treat the input as a number what is the conversion method to change the textbox.text string into int?

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Web Forms :: Failed To Convert Parameter Value String To Decimal?

Mar 9, 2010

When running our web application the following message appears:

Failed to convert parameter value string to decimal. We believe that the problem might be with the sequence which generates the user_id. The user_id should be the output after successful insert of record. The stored procedure works well from within the DB and Visual Studio. Our DB version: 11gR1 on Windows.The web form has a button event with this c#-code:



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Web Forms :: Convert String Field To Yyyymmdd Date

Mar 31, 2010

I have a textbox on my web page with a value of" 4/3/2010 I want to convert this to a date field with a value of 20100403 (yyyymmdd). Notice in the textbox that the month and day are one digit. But I want my date field to have the leading zero for month or day if it's a single digit. How can I do this?

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Web Forms :: How To Load Controls From Class / Cannot Convert From 'string' To 'int

Jun 29, 2010

I am sitting with a situation where i have a Method that that i want to put into a Class because i am calling it from various forms.

The method in this case loads a dropdown list. Currently i am stuck where i have to load the list into the DropDown Control on the form. I dont seem to get the control on the form. So far my code looks something like this This does not seem to work. I keep getting this error...

Error 3 Argument '1': cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'

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