Web Forms :: Convert Drop Down String Values To Int

Feb 1, 2010

i have two tables which are related (school and departments). school_table (school_id, school_name) and department (dept_id, dept_name, school_id). page 1 creates the school - i take school name via textbox and school_id is auto generated in database. so informatics = 1, science = 2, etc page2 creates department - i take department name via textbox, dept_id is auto generated, and now i need a way to take school_id from this page to create the relationships (so we know which department belongs to which school). however, i don't really want the user to enter school Id that gets auto generated in the schools_table, instead i want to create a drop down list and populate it with the school_name values taken from page one. but these drop down values should represent an int value behind the scene since it needs to go to school_id (department_table) but how can i convert the drop down values from string to int so that if i enter informatics from drop down the value will be 1 in the school_id column?

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Scheme Name : Sample Scheme

sl_no dividend date dividend %

1 2/1/2009 26

2 2/5/2010 22

3 2/1/2010 23

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