Web Forms :: Cookies Getting Expired Before Expiration Time

Mar 27, 2014

I am using below code to store cookie

if (Request.Cookies["Cookie"] == null) {
HttpCookie CookieFavourite = new HttpCookie("Cookie1");
CookieFavourite.Value = id;
} else {
Response.Cookies["CookieFavourite"].Value = Response.Cookies["CookieFavourite"].Value + "," + SomeValue;
I specify expiry date equal to 1 year. This cookie value is modified by user almost every day.

But this cookie expire after 12 hrs(approx) although i specity the expiry limit to 1 year.

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Cookies - Get FormsAuthenticationTicket Object When Authentication Expired?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm trying to check the Expired property of the user's current FormsAuthenticationTicket to see if the authentication period has expired. But when the period has expired, I'm never able to get enough information to even create the ticket to check. I've tried this:

FormsIdentity id = (FormsIdentity)User.Identity;
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;

But User is null when the authentication period has expired. So that won't work. I've tried this:

HttpCookie authCookie = context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);

But the Forms Cookie is gone when the authentication period has expired, meaning authCookie will be null. So that doesn't work.

Is there any way to actually get the FormsAuthenticationTicket object when the authentication period has expired? There must be, because there's an "Expired" property in the object.

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As we know that closing a browser will delete cookie if the cookie does not set an expired date. However, I want to set an expired date to all of my cookies and also delete them when browser closed.

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Web Forms :: Items Getting Removed From Cache Earlier Than Specified Expiration Time

Dec 26, 2012

I wrote this code for inserting Items in shopping cart and I expect one day Shopping Cart Items be available.

if (Cache[username] == null)
ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart();


and I face another problem that I think it's related to above problem. I have a cateogry of product when I click on a category I send categoryid via querystring to another page and fetch iformation about that from database and bind them in repeater this is first line of code

<asp:Repeater ID="rpt_lookpd" runat="server" EnableViewState="false">

I found product doesn't show in second page but before there wasn't this problem.

When I removed EnableViewState="false" It worked again.


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MVC :: Show Session Expiration Time To User?

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How can I will do this implementation, I am using VS 2010 + MVC 2.0 + JQuery.

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Forms Data Controls :: Time Out Expired While Pulling Data?

Jan 7, 2010

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MVC :: Cookies Don't Work Second Time In IE 8?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a page on which there is a parent organisation followed by a list of child organisations. To view the data of these child organisations, there is a GO button for each child organisation. I set the ID of the child organisation in a cookie on the click of the GO button. When I come back to the home page, I delete the cookie.

My problem is that in IE 8 the first time the GO button works fine. But when I come back to the home page and click on the GO button of the same child organisation, the ID is not set in the cookie.

This problem does not occur in Firefox at all.

This is the code in JavaScript where I set the cookie and then call my page.

function GetOrganisation(id, path) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("SetOrganisationID", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id }, function (data) {
if (data.Success) {
$.get('<%=Url.Action("GetOrganisationDetails", "AdminSettings") %>', { 'Organisationid': id });


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Getting "Time Out Expired,The Timeout Period Elapsed Prior To Obtaining A Connecttion From Pool"?

Dec 15, 2010

am getting "Time Out Expired,The Timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connecttion from pool".Please suggest suddenly i am getting this error in 10% of the pages.

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Javascript - How To Get And Set Cookies / Getting Different Values For The Cookies In Different Pages?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm handling cookies using JavaScript to store some values in my asp.net web application.I use document.cookie to save some values (converted into a lengthy string). But i want that value to be accessible across all the pages in my application.When i try to get that value from a different page, i get the values pertaining to the document in the current URL.

In short i save the value in the cookie in http://myapp/doc1.aspx and want to retrieve it in http://myapp/doc2.aspx

So is document.cookie is pertaining to a single document scope? How can i save/read cookies across the site?

Update.This is how i get and set cookies

function getCookie(c_name)
try{ [code]...

But i'm getting different values for the cookies in different pages.

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Relationship Between HttpContext.Request.Cookies And HttpContext.Response.Cookies

Nov 23, 2010

I have been experimenting with code that will clear all of the cookies in an HttpContext.Response.Initially, I used this:

DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });

this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.

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Web Forms :: Temporary Internet Files Showing An Incorrect Cookie Expiration Date?

Dec 28, 2010

i'm creating a cookie with an expiration of 12 hours from now. when i run my solution locally and go into C:Users..AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files and look at the expires property of my cookie the date and time are correct. However, when I deploy this to our web server and go to the website i notice the cookie that got created for it has an expiration date of 2 years from now, minus a day. So the cookie should be set to expire on 12/29/2010 8:00 PM for example instead shows 12/28/2012 8:00 PM. Here's the code i'm using to create the cookie, pretty basic. And yes, the date on the web server is correct. I really want the cookie to expire in 12 hours, not 2 years.


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Web Forms :: Webpage Has Expired?

Jan 11, 2010

have developed one dnn 4.9 application, while filling any input form, if i press on back page the following warning is displayed,Webpage has expired

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Web Forms :: WebPage Is Expired?

Jun 21, 2010

I get this error (webpage expired) in internet explorer and not in firefox.How to to solve this error??

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Web Forms :: Webpage Gets Expired After Using Response.Redirect()

May 20, 2010

i have a page that have gridview control which is dynamically generated and have select button

when i press any select button it takes ID from grid row and i use Response.Redirect() to navigate to some other page.

now the problem is when i press Back button on browser it gives me an error saying that Webpage has expired

Most likely cause:

The local copy of this webpage is out of date, and the website requires that you download it again.

here is my code where i use response.redirect:

int LeadId = Convert.ToInt16(GridViewCommon.DataKeys[Int32.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].Value.ToString());
Response.Redirect("~/Common/NewLead.aspx?LeadId=" + LeadId + "&Op=Update");

so when i try to come back to this page again pressing back button on browser i got error stated above....

I also tried Server.Redirect() but that also doesnt works... :-(

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Web Forms :: Webpage Has Expired Only In IE Not Chrome Or FireFox?

Jan 14, 2011

I have an interesting issue. I made some changes to an existing code base. The changes were fairly minor in the aspect of the pages, I added an UpdatePanel and some input areas to upload a file and update a database to the site master. The reason I add it to the site master was it is being called to display via jQuery. I made some additional code changes on some existing code behind to add a web method to handle the data from another jQuery driven piece to set a value for a particular billing code.

None of this is out of the ordinary and in fact it only adds additional similar functionality that I have added over the last 9 months. The issue now is since I made the changes using the browser back button in IE generates the following:

Webpage has expired

This only occurs with IE. Chrome and FireFox works fine. Thinking it maybe the new input boxes I removed those and attempted to run the application again I get the same result. I know that IE requires a refresh if there is data that is submitted on the form that you are trying to go back to, however so does Chrome and Firefox as far as I know.

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How To Set Expiration To Image

Mar 3, 2010

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How To Set Email Expiration

Jul 1, 2010

I'm programatically sending an email and I want to set it to expire after a certain amount of time. I tried using the following but it doesn't seem to work:

message.Headers.Add("Expires", Now.AddMinutes(2))

I can see the value in the header but the email doesn't actually expire.

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MVC 2.0 TempData Expiration?

Jul 3, 2010

What happens in Asp.Net MVC 2.0, when next request does not come ever to retrieve value from TempData. Is it stored permanently or expires?

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Jun 8, 2010

i designed a shopping cart application and i implemet some script to prevent back button. If i hit back button i am getting the error as webpage expired. If i refresh again the same page is getting displayed. What i need is i would like to be the user in the same page if he hit the back button. In some cases if i hit back button the previous page is getting displayed and again redirectiing to the current page.

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Web Forms :: How To End Email To All The Customers In Which Plan Is Going To Be Expired In One Week

Dec 1, 2010

In My application , i have different plans1)Free2)Personal(Monthly, Yearly)Now my problem is 1)Want to send email to all the customers in which plan is going to be expired in one week , on the day of expiration andafter expiration to re2)After expiration i have to set the record status to deactive

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