Web Forms :: How To Set Content Pages Label Controls Text Property From Usercontrol

Aug 16, 2010

I have a user control registered on content page in content page i hve a label control

How i set content pages label control text property from usercontrol in u.control page load.

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Web Forms :: Label Control Inside A Content Placeholder Using Master Pages

Aug 2, 2010

I am having a slight problem with adding text (output from a stored procedure) to a label control that is nested inside a contentplaceholder (ContentPlaceHolderProductsLeftCol). The page is also using master pages.

Below are excerts of the code - I think I would have to use teh findcontrol property however I am quite lost.

Label name is lastname and is located in ContentPlaceHolderProductsLeftCol


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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Change A Label's Text Property And Colour Properties Depending If An Event Occurs On The Page Behind File?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to change a Label's text property and colour properties depending if an event occurs on the page behind file.

Does anyone have a similar issue?

if (((Label)FindControl("Label1")).Text != null) - //getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Label Labelmerchantid = (Label)FindControl("Label1");
Labelmerchantid.Visible = true;
Labelmerchantid.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

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Web Forms :: Is There A Way To Insert Carriage Returns And Tabs In The Text Property Of A Label

Jan 16, 2011

I have tried a number of ways to format the text of a label with codebhind, I don't get errors, but it just ignores the code.

For example, if I put label.text = "Some text " & chr(13) & "some more text"

it will just ignore the chr(13). I have tride vbcrlf, /n, etc.

I would rather not have to change the control to a text box but will if I have to.

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Web Forms :: Text / Label Moves Intermittently When Navigating Pages?

May 2, 2010

I am using master and content pages on my website and recently after rewriting some code and altering the table layout I am getting an issue when navigating through the pages. The problem being encountered is the random movement of text at the top of a table (two different words Scottish Premier & English Premier) , I changed them to labelsand still experience the same problems (intermittently). I cannot see any reason for the elements moving and it detracts from the visual layout on the screen. The problem occurs in both IE 8 and Firefox. The respective text/labels are on the masterpage

Is there anything I can do to track down the reason why it is happening? Why will a page render correctly sometimes and not others?I have copied the masterpage and one of the content pages to a different web address for anyone that wants to view the problem. (None of the buttons will function correctly however navigating to an invalid page then using browser "back" will on occasion display the problem with the Scottish Premier & English Premier label (They remain as labels for the time being)Here is the link to the cut-down version of the website:[URL]Below are two images, one is the correct layout, the other shows the labels that moved.

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Label Control With Text Property

Dec 8, 2010

I placed label control and text = press. Now i want to set the underline only for p character like press to access this label...

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Web Forms :: Label Text Doesn't Show The Content Properly - HTML Tags

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to save HTML content in a database. I have it stored properly but when I try to call it and display it on a page using a literal or label control, it does not show the content properly. It will show the text but not any HTML content (i.e. checkboxes, images, hyperlinks, etc)

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Custom Server Controls :: Binding UserControl Property To Page Property?

Sep 15, 2010

So what I'm trying to accomplish is this


The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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Get A Label's Text Property In Javascript Using The ClientID?

May 18, 2010

Is it possible to get a Label's text property in javascript using the clientID? I know with a text box you can do:

var test = document.getElementById("<%=txtUnread.ClientID%>").value;

But Label's get converted to span's which don't have a value.

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How To Fill A Label.Text - Property Via JQuery

Mar 22, 2010

I use ASP.NET and have a label control on my page, which I fill with
the jQuery-Command

$('#<%= myLabel.ClientID %>').html(content);

.val() does not seem to work with this.

Somehow, I have Problems getting the content in code-behind. In the code, the myLabel.Text-Property is still empty.

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Web Forms :: Batch Creation Of Content Pages (re: Master / Content Pages)

Apr 19, 2010

I have over 300 content pages to create. Each has some standard styling. I would like to generate these pages, and was just wondering if there is a utility in web developer 2008 express to do so (otherwise I will just build one - but it would be great not having to do so!)

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AJAX :: Modal Popup - Unable To Set Label Text Property

Sep 27, 2010

I have ajax accordion with 6 panes with an user control inside each of it. In the first pane I have a form view user control and have a modalpopup to display error message. The same method is used in all other panes.

On page load I was able to set the label text property and it properly shows in modal popup.

However whenever I do some validation and update label text property, the modal popup shows up but the label text property is not updated. It works in all other panes.

The only difference is the user control in the pane is inside of a update panel. If I remove the update panel every thing works fine. But I need the update panel to avoid full post back.

How do I set the label text property inside of a modal popup.

Sections of code below:


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Localization :: LINQ2SQL / Text Label Is Bound To The SwedishText Property In The Mark Up?

Mar 12, 2010

Im using LINQ2SQL and i have an object called Article. Its has 2 properties FinishText and SwedishText. The idea is to let the user choose language. Swedish is default.

I bind the objects to a listView and there is a label that takes the swedish language. When the user presses the Finish flag button i want the objects to reload and the finish text to show instead of the swedish. The problem is that the text label is bound to the SwedishText property in the mark up like this:

<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SwedishText")%>

I can think of some ways to solve this, and i have one that doesnt work that well. My question is, what would be a good way to solve this? Im not so experienced so i know that there are lots of you out there that know how to do this much better.

Another problem i dont like my solution to is when i have an object that has a association with my Article object, like ArticleCategory. The ArticleCategoryId of my Article is, lets say 31, which is corresponds to the category "Movies". I dont want to display the category id but rather the name of the category itself (Movies).

So this is what i do:
<%#GetCategoryNameFromId(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Article_Id"))%>

I call a method that recreates the artice object and from there creates the ArticleCategory and gets the name from it. Its a horrible solution cause it involves lots of trips to the Database. Especially since i do similar things with other properties.

Just wanted to hear what is a proper and good way to deal with these common but for me new tasks.

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Web Forms :: Creating A Nested Property In UserControl Or Multiple Child Properties In Parent Property?

Aug 2, 2010

Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.

Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.


As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.

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C# - Can Display A Text Boxs Content When The Cursor Touches The Associated Label

Mar 29, 2010

I have a label and a text box associated with it. I have added some text in the text box which is invisible at first; I want to display the content after the cursor moves on the label.

How can I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Dynamic Label - VB.NET - Change The Text Of The Label If Certain Criteria Is Reached?

Mar 15, 2010

I have Template fields configured for Gridview. The gridview is using an objectdatabsource to bind itself. I have the gridview configured to use Templatefields which then contain tables to display the information. This works fine.

My question is, is it possible to change the text of the label if certain criteria is reached. If "NumberOfDwellings" is 1 then change the label to read, "1 Dwelling". Where-as if NumberOfDwellings has more than one then it's "3 Dwellings".

<asp:Label ID="lbl_NumberOfDwellings" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NumberOfDwellings") & " Dwelling(s)" %> '></asp:Label>

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Web Forms :: FindControl And Text Property / Use To Cast The Control And Set The Text Property

Jun 24, 2010

my web application i use FindControl to retrieve a Control By Name (it returns an System.Web.UI object). The control can be of various type and I don't want to treat them differently: I'd like to set the Text property to a defined string. I hope there's a class that I may use to cast the control and set the Text property.

View 8 Replies

Converting Content Pages To Nested Master Content Pages In .net

Jul 28, 2010

I have a main master page, say MasterPageMain, and a couple of folders with couple of pages in each folder which act as a child page to that master page - MasterPageMain.

Now, I have about 10 pages in one of the folder which follows a certain pattern and they could really use a nested pages since any change on some parts needs me to change all the pages which is a pain really.

I already added a Nested master page, say NestedMasterPage - which is a child of MasterPageMain

I tried to change one of the page's <%@ Page directive to NestedMasterPage, immediately, there were a lot of errors. plus I dint know where the NestedMasterPage's children content would go.

What do I need to know in order to do this succesfully?

ps: I dint do this initially because I only had 2 pages, and I dint need this at that time, as the project grew, now i see that I should have changed it much earlier..

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Visual Studio :: Label Name Or Label Text In The Properties Window, It Look Like Its Updating The Text Before You Actually Are Finish?

Jul 14, 2010

Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,

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JQuery :: How To Get GridView's Nested Label's Text Property Using JQuery

Feb 16, 2011

I have GridView control which markup is follow:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Categories">[code]....

Now i'm trying to get lbl1 Text value in getValue() function, but can't accomplish it, i'm new to jQuery and I have to use it, any considerations how can I make this work?

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Web Forms :: Loading HTML Content Data Dynamically Into Placeholders In Content Pages

Jan 30, 2010

I will be getting data through wcf service coming form commerce server (instead of DB). Data which is coming will be in the form big html content with all html tags or may be a single line sentence. I should display this dynamic data into the placeholder in the content page (master content page). I have been trying but not able to load when the data is in the form of HTML page. html content or may be single lline of senetence.

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C# - Master Page Which Wraps The Content Pages Content In The Form, Can't Nest The Forms?

Oct 5, 2010

The WorldPay payment gateway suggests using this HTML to take the customer to the payment page:

<form action="https://select-test.wp3.rbsworldpay.com/wcc/purchase" name="BuyForm" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="instId" value="211616">
<input type="hidden" name="cartId" value="abc123">
<input type="hidden" name="currency" value="GBP">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="desc" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="testMode" value="100">
<input type="submit" value="To Payment!">

How to I put this form on my page? The problem is I have a master page which wraps the content pages content in the ASP.net form, I can't nest the forms.

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Web Forms :: Use Link Master Pages In Content Pages?

May 11, 2010

My requirement was to share master files among diff projects i read this doc [URL] so i use this technique to share msster pages among my diff projects in a soln but i dnt know how to reference such shared master page as if i use such

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="../masterPages/masterInvGen.Master"

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Web Forms :: Reference Controls Between Content Pages?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm starting to play around with MasterPages in VB.NET 2005, and have run into a problem. The idea is to present a Content page with a DropDownList that has some values in it, have the user select one, then navigate to the next Content page. The resulting Content page will then display some information based on whatever value the user chose on the initial Content page.

I had done something similar to this a year or two ago (but using C# 2005, without MasterPages, and the control was a ListBox not a DropDownList) and the way I did it then was to set up an object in the Next page, then assign that the result of (ListBox)Page.PreviousPage.FindControls("ControlName"); from there I could dink around with the 'local' copy of the object and its values. So now I'm trying to do this in VB while implementing a MasterPage, but I get an Object Not Set To An Instance Of An Object error.

The code looks something like this (assume the previous page has a control ID DDLRecordSelect)


I thought maybe it was something funky with the ViewState so I tried it with a TextBox that had a hard-coded value, and got the same result. Am I approaching this the wrong way entirely, or is there hope? I would prefer to NOT use QueryString to pass variables between pages, because IIRC I had to use this local copy of the object business before because the ListBox results were too lengthy.

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Web Forms :: Finding The Controls In Content Pages?

Feb 21, 2011

i have page which is derived from nested master page. Below is the hierarchy


The aspx page is derived from master2column and which in turn is derived from master.master.

Now i need to find a control in bronze.aspx page from master.master.cs page. This is where i am getting lost.

My master.master has the contentplaceholder1. Below is my master2column


And the maincontent is in bronze.aspx page. Now i need to find a label called lblTo.

I tried this one


and few other options too. But still i am getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

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